chapter forty ➸ beginnings in pajamas and a tiger suit

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The following morning, Camila was awoken by a knock at the door. Groggily, she rolled out of bed beside Lauren and padded over to answer whoever was knocking this early in the morning. Well, ten o'clock wasn't exactly early, but Camila considered it to be.

"Mila!" the familiar voice gasped when she opened the door.

"H-h-harry?" Camila's eyes dropped down to the young boy, who immediately moved forward to wrap her in a hug. "Wh-w-what are you doing here?"

She suddenly became aware of the other people with Harry, and studied them when she pulled away from the hug. An woman who looked about ten years older than her stood there, a toddler in her arms, and another young girl holding her hand. Realizing they must be Harry's siblings and mother, she gave them a shy smile.

"We just stopped by to thank you..." his mother smiled. Camila suddenly became aware that there were tears in her eyes.

"Thank m-me? For what?" Camila asked softly.

"You don't know?"

Camila shook her head.

"I hadn't gotten around to telling her yet," Lauren's voice appeared from behind her and Camila jumped when her girlfriend laid her arm across her shoulders.

"Oh," his mother laughed softly, wiping her eyes and smiling at Lauren. "Well, in that case, your girlfriend here... she, uh... she..." The woman suddenly teared up once more.

"I gave them the beach house," Lauren explained to Camila.

"You d-d-did?"

Lauren nodded. "And I may have helped a little with Harry's college fund."

"Oh, you've helped more than just a little," his mother spoke up, shaking her head. "I can't ever thank you enough... we can't... you've helped us so much..." She moved forward to hug both of them. Camila returned the gesture, but stood there in shock.

"I just... I didn't mean to wake you... but when we got the news I had to come over than thank you in person," Harry's mother gave them a compassionate smile. Camila could tell just how genuinely thankful she was.

"You're welcome," Lauren smiled softly. Harry hugged her tightly. Lauren whispered a 'thank you' into his ear before saying their goodbyes. Camila stood silently while Lauren closed the door behind them.


"Hm?" Camila was snapped out of her thoughts.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I was going to, things just got so busy and it slipped my m——"

"I love you, s-so much," Camila shook her head, interrupting Lauren and wrapping her arms around her neck in a tight hug. "You're s-s-so amazing."

Lauren's face blushed red and she held Camila tightly, rubbing circles in her back.

"W-why'd you do it?" Camila asked softly once the hug pulled away.

"I wanted to help them out somehow after hearing all the good things you told me about him. I wanted to make sure that kid got a good education. We need more people like him in the world," Lauren shrugged and laced their fingers together, gently swinging their hands back and forth. "Plus he was there to protect you when I couldn't be. I owe him eternally for that."

Camila felt her eyes well with tears and without another word, she cupped her girlfriend's face and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

"You're constantly gi-g-giving me more reasons to love you."


Camila lay awake in bed, studying the patterns on the ceiling. They left for Hawaii in less than 24 hours. The apartment was practically empty, except for their mattress on the floor and Rowan's sleeping bag, which she'd insisted on placing under the kitchen table so she could sleep in her 'fort.'

reasons to go, reasons to stay ➸ camrenWhere stories live. Discover now