Chapter 34: A Ride with my S15

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[Ryo's Pov]

Arriving at the foot of Mount Akina, I looked at my trainer who's sitting on the seat beside me. "Shall we go drive now?" I asked, seemingly worried about my skills on this new car.

"Yes, go do an uphill and a downhill on this mountain pass. Be careful on the incoming traffic." He stated and I nodded before looking at the road and pressing hard on the gas, shifting the gears as I start my practice on the uphill of Mount Akina. Turning right and turning left on the corners, I realized that despite the size of the car, it feels lighter than my AE86. I can easily control the car, or maybe it's just how I'm used to my AE86 and every car weighs and feels the same.

Enough about comments, it's time for me to get serious at this. Pressing hard and shifting the gear to 5 as I approach the first hairpin on section 1, I braked and quickly shifted the gear down, letting the rear wheels slide as I drift into the hairpin flawlessly.

[Joshima's Pov]

It's good to finally see my Lucario drift a car while I'm inside it with him. It reminds me of myself taking him out to the roads of Mountain passes. He's just a little Riolu back then, and look at him now being a Lucario, riding his own car. Now for his driving and drifting skills, I wonder how much of them has improved. Approaching the consecutive hairpins, I looked at Ryo and noticed how focused he is. Then I realized something as we enter the hairpin. His eyes began to glow with the color red as he braked and we drifted into the hairpin effortlessly, almost as if he knew exactly where to brake and when to drift. What's this sudden unnerving feeling?

[Aki's Pov]

Phew! Finally managed to clean the whole house. Oh yeah, I was thinking of going to visit my trainer today. I wonder what he's doing right now. I quickly grabbed the car keys and went inside my AE86 Levin before starting it up and driving away. It took me a few minutes to drive to my trainer's house before finally arriving and parking at the front. I stepped out of my car and knocked on the front door before being opened. "Ah, Aki, it's been a while. Come inside, I want to talk to you about something." He said as he welcomed me inside his house. I sat on the dining table and looked around the house.

His house remained the same, even the interiors. I then noticed a picture on the desk by the front door. It's a picture of my trainer and his friends, and there's four of them including him. My trainer returned with a slice of cake on a plate and placed it on the table in front of me. Wataru sat on the chair the opposite of mine and smiled at me. "Enjoy your food. How's driving so far?" He asked, seemingly curious to know how I've been doing so far with my driving and drifting skills.

"I have a lot to tell you. I teamed up with my friend Ryo and we took on five local street racing teams, and we won against them! I was assigned to be the uphill specialist, and I'm using this opportunity to hone my skills even further." I explained and I grabbed the slice of cake with my paws.

"Is that so? What is your friend Ryo driving again?"

"He originally drives an AE86, but it was damaged so he had to switch to an S15 for now. He's currently trying to adapt to the S15 by taking it to the Akina mountain pass." I stated before taking a bite on the slice of cake.

"An S15 huh, hey Aki?" He called my name and I looked at him as I munch on my slice of cake.

"When Ryo's done practicing on his S15, I want you to come to Sadamine with him. We're challenging you to a race on our home course to a race, and you are free to accept and come to Sadamine at anytime. We're waiting for you."

A-A race? Already?!

[Ryo's Pov]

Now starting the downhill part of my practice, I was practicing like usual with my trainer on the seat beside me when a CP9A began to chase me from behind. Could this be Rai? I'll show them what I got! I'll make my trainer proud! I pressed hard on the gas as I enter the section two of Mount Akina with the CP9A behind me. I braked hard and shifted the gear down before drifted into the hairpin. I glanced at my side mirror and noticed that the CP9A is closer now. Is he faster than me?

I pressed hard on the gas before braking again and drifting into the hairpin, but the CP9A managed to catch up on me on the exit and overtook me. I looked to my right as it slowly overtake me, and noticed that it was indeed Rai, my Zeraora friend driving a CP9A. His eyes are glowing, giving away that he's using his driver's eye against me to overtake me. This is an impromptu race, and I'm going to win this one for my trainer. I'll have to tail him from behind for now, and overtake him by the consecutive hairpins.

[Joshima's Pov]

This is already a race, and this should let me see how Ryo drives against an opponent. With the CP9A in front, Ryo decided to tail it from behind for now, driving on the roads on the same pace as the CP9A.

[Ryo's Pov]

I should use the gutters to be able to close the gap between us, and this should bring me closer to a spot where I can overtake him. I braked and shifted the gear down before sliding the left side wheels of my car into the gutter, turning into the corner without having to slow down tremendously. I pressed hard on the gas and shifted the gear up, slowly getting closer to the CP9A in front before letting go of the gas and sliding my wheels once again into the gutter to turn without slowing down.

[Joshima's Pov]

Impressive. He can do gutter runs now using a different car despite the car being a little heavier than his usual AE86. I can feel he's having a bit of difficulties though, and I must change a few things on the S15 before letting him go do another street race against someone else.

[Ryo's Pov]

Here goes! I activated my driver's eye as I press hard on the gas, approaching the hairpin fast. The CP9A in front braked hard and drifted into the hairpin. I braked a bit and pressed lightly on the gas, sliding my wheels into the gutter and turning into the hairpin without slowing down. I overtook the CP9A at the exit, pressing hard on the gas and leaving the CP9A behind me.

Arriving at the base of Mount Akina, I pulled by the parking lot with the CP9A and stepped out of the S15. Rai stepped out of his CP9A and quickly approached me before giving my a pat on my shoulder. "That was amazing, and you have a new car?" He asked in surprise and I giggled.

"It's a long story."

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