Chapter 36: Tsuchisaka

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[??? Pov]

"So have you taken care of the AE86 of that Aki?"

"Like you told me to, yeah."

"Good, I want that Pokemon to suffer the consequences of getting my friend in prison."

[Ryo's Pov]

Here I am, sitting on the couch while looking down as I think about what I'll do today with both of my cars in repair. Yesterday was still a lot for me to take in. The Bosozoku Gang being involved is shocking. I never knew that a Gang would randomly come up and ruin my AE86 without even confirming that it was mine, and not Aki's.

"Ryo? Ryoo? Ryo!"

I was startled by Aki's voice, snapping me back to reality as I look up at him, confused. "Yeah? What is it?" I asked, confused as to why he called me.

"Where's your S15?" He asked me and I realized that I haven't told him about my S15 being upgraded. I was too worried for him that I forgot to tell him about my S15 being upgraded. "My trainer took it for now because he's sending it to be upgraded. He told me that it will take them a day to upgrade it before I get it back." I stated and he nodded before smiling at me.

"Want me to make you some pancakes? I know it's lunch time, but pancakes shouldn't be too ugly for lunch, and it's the only one I know to make. Want some?" He asked and I nodded in response. He immediately went to the kitchen to make some pancakes while I remain on this couch, thinking about life when suddenly, I realized that my trainer gave me a little present. I grabbed the small box sitting on the coffee table of the living room, and began opening it.

It was revealed that there's a flip phone inside the box. I grabbed it before inspecting it closely, studying on how to make it work when all of a sudden, it began to vibrate and make a noise. I remember how phones do this, because my trainer had one as well and his phone vibrates when someone is calling him. I flipped the phone open and I pressed a button, accepting the call before placing it close to my ear. "Hey Ryo, how do you like your new toy?" It took me a second to realize that the one behind the call is my trainer. His voice sounded different through the phone.

"Hey Mr. Joshima. I've only opened the phone just now, and I'm just getting the hang of it. What makes you call?" I asked, curious as to what he's up to.

"I wanna tell you that your S15 upgrades are done. You'll be able to use your S15 as soon as I drive it there. About your AE86, my acquaintance will be delivering it to the garage mechanic and have it fixed as soon as possible. Go spend some time with Aki for now. About Aki's case, don't tell him about the Bosozoku Gang targeting him. As much as possible, we don't want him to know about this. I have to go now, I have work to do. I'll see you tonight."

He hung up the call and I began to wonder. He will be seeing me tonight. Looks like he will be driving the S15 here tonight. "Ryo! Lunch is ready!"

"Alright!" Geez, Aki's voice is irritating sometimes. He always shouts or yell. I was about to walk to the kitchen when I heard a knock on the front door. I quickly answered the door, opening it to see Takumi standing there, waiting for me. "Takumi? What brings you here?" I asked, confused with his sudden arrival.

"Hey. My father told me that you were looking for me yesterday. Is there something you need?" My eyes widened as I remember the reason why I was looking for him yesterday. I wanted to have a battle with him with my S15!

"I-" I cleared my throat before continuing. "I want to battle you with my-" I was cut off when I felt a tug on my shoulder, making me turn around and realizing it's Aki. "Oh, it's Takumi. Want to have lunch with us?" He asked and Takumi shook his head.

"No thanks, I've already had lunch before I got here."

"What?! I prepared pancakes, and I made an extra one just in case someone knocks on the door. I insist."

"A-Ah," He sweat drops and proceeds to raise his hands. "No thanks, I told you I had-" He was cut off by Aki suddenly pulling him inside the house for lunch. I can't believe Aki is this energetic today.

[Joshima's Pov]

It's late in the night now, and here I am driving on the dark roads. I'm going to meet with someone tonight before I drive by the garage to fetch Ryo's S15. Hopefully this shouldn't be too long and not problematic, knowing that the people I'm meeting with are some thugs. I pulled by the side of the road, close to the park where we are supposed to meet. I took the journey to the park on foot, feeling the cold breeze of the wind brush on my skin. It gets colder by the time I reached the fountain of the park where the thugs are chilling by. Someone approached me, assuming it's the Bosozoku Gang's leader.

"The name's Amada, and I presume you're the person who called me yesterday?" He asked and I nodded. I brought out my wallet before handing him a wad of cash. He raised one of his eyebrows before tilting his head. "What shall we do for you?"

"I want to know who ordered you to wreck the AE86 yesterday." I stated and he chuckled before shaking his head. "The money you're offering isn't enough to make me talk. Perhaps something a little bigger than the amount of cash the guy with a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo gave me."

A person with a Mitsubishi Evo, huh. I brought out a wad of cash with bigger bills, and Amada smirked and nodded before grabbing the cash off my hand. "His name is Ichijo, a driver of a Mitsubishi Lan Evo VI, CP9A. I asked him the reason behind it, and he simply said that it's vengeance to shut his friend's mouth." He explained and nodded before turning around to walk to his fellow Gang members.

So it was vengeance. Ichijo did it for his friend's mouth to shut up, presumably that his friend holds some grudge against Aki. Based from my sources, I believe his friend is named Aikawa, since they've faced and were been defeated by Project D before.

[Ryo's Pov]

"There's been news about the numbers of Pokemon who were claimed and were seen, and were also proven to be driving and drifting cars to be reducing. Citizens still claim to see some Pokemon driving cars on public roads, but the reports were only a few compared to before. The sudden depletion on numbers were a mystery as the authorities didn't have a plan yet to take action on this matter." The news anchor on the television stated as I eat some popcorn made by Aki who's sitting beside me, watching the news with me. So the numbers of Pokemon seen driving on public roads with their cars have been reduced to a small amount.

I heard a knock on the front door, presumably it is my trainer. I quickly got up and answered the front door, and I was right. Mr. Joshima is there standing by the door. "Ryo, I got your S15. New spoiler and new rims, as well as a tune on the engine. Bring Aki with you, you'll be driving on Tsuchisaka tonight."


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