Chapter 58: The New Shinigami

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[Rai's Pov]

After the race of Aki and Hideo, I immediately ran to my CP9A before driving away.

This should be the place that they call Daikanzan Observation Deck. This is where the Project D and the Sidewinder will meet up for their race. I'm sure that the Sidewinder are here. Arriving at the place, I parked my CP9A by the parking lot before stepping out of my vehicle. I noticed a Honda NSX and an AE86 Sedan parked by. They're definitely here. I walked around the Daikanzan Observation Deck and finally found the three standing together, talking to one another. Go Hojo, Shinji Inui, and Eiji Kubo.

I approached them and Go Hojo noticed me.

[Go Hojo's Pov]

It's Rai from Project P. I wonder what he's doing here. "If I'm correct, you are Go Hojo of Sidewinder." Rai stated and I nodded.

"What brings you here?" I asked, then all of a sudden an R32 pulled by the parking lot before a familiar face stepped out of the vehicle. It's my brother, Rin Hojo.

[Rai's Pov]

I turned around to look and saw the infamous Shinigami approaching us. I shivered as I feel the wind get colder as he approaches. My driver's eye suddenly gets activated and I can see a purple aura covering him. It's menacing. I rubbed my eyes, trying to correct my vision before looking at him again, the aura now gone. "Team Sidewinder. It's nice to finally meet you, Go Hojo."

[Go Hojo's Pov]

"After years of you vanishing, you finally returned, Rin Hojo." I glared at him before letting out a sigh and looking at Rai. "Rai, what makes you visit us?" I asked and Rai looked at me before clearing his throat.

"I want to form a temporary alliance with you in regards of this unknown group of Pokemon who are targeting us since from the very beginning of Project P. Their group consists of a Shiny Lucario and a Greninja."

Huh, it sounds similar to the ones we fought a few days ago. A Shiny Lucario driving an AE86 and a Greninja driving an R32 similar to my older brother. Shinji doesn't want to battle that time, so I ended up battling them myself. My NSX, NA1 against an R32. Luckily, I won against him.

[Rai's Pov]

I know this isn't needed, but I have a feeling that something will go wrong. I have to form an alliance with the Sidewinder temporarily against the unknown team of Yami. I don't have much information about them, so I have to do this in order to know more about them.

"Since Project P will be battling them, I will be giving a bit of information about them. They're called Red Heaven. Based on my speculations for their recent battles, they are a street racing team of Pokemon who aims to defeat the Kanagawa Prefecture, and defeat Project P. They were able to defeat Team 246 and Team Katagiri, but they failed to win against Team Spiral and Team Sidewinder. I will tell further information after our battle, and I will be forming an alliance with you if you win against us." Go Hojo stated and brings his hand close to me.

I reached his hand and shook it. Finally, an alliance.

I immediately left the Team Sidewinder, heading into my CP9A before driving down the Hakone Turnpike. I need to get home now, it's getting late.

[Oda's Pov]

"Are you sure you have seen Rai drive on the Hakone?" Yami asked who's on the phone. I was standing by the side of the road of Hakone, waiting for the CP9A to appear.

"Yeah, I followed the CP9A and it lead me to the Daikanzan Observation Deck. I saw Rai talking to the Team Sidewinder, and I decided to stay here instead to wait for Rai to return back down hill." I stated before opening my car door and heading inside my R32.

"Give him a warm welcome for me. You do you this time." Yami stated and he hung up the call. I placed my phone in my car compartment and started the car before I saw the CP9A driving down the road in an average speed. I smirked and released my handbrake, pressing hard on the gas and shifting gears. Let's do this.

[Rai's Pov]

Driving peacefully down the roads of Hakone Turnpike, I glanced at my rear view and noticed an approaching car behind me. It's probably just a regular car, and we're on a fast road. I pressed a bit harder on the gas, shifting gears and accelerating away from the car behind. Then all of a sudden, I felt a bump on my rear bumper. I glanced at my rear view mirror and noticed that it's the same car. I watched it closely from my rear view mirror and soon realized that it's a GTR R32, BNR32. Tch. Looks like it's one of those drivers. I'm glad I don't have Mint right know, or else to would have been more dangerous.

I pressed hard on the gas, shifting gears and speeding down the roads of Hakone Turnpike.

[Oda's Pov]

Whatever you do, I'm still faster than you! I pressed hard on the gas, accelerating before bumping the rear bumper of the CP9A in front of me on the fast corner. The CP9A slip to the outside lane and spun out.

[Rai's Pov]

Crap! It's too fast! My car spun out as I try to counter steer. Whatever I do, I can't turn the car the right way! My car hit the guard rail, ruining the side of my car. Because of the hard impact, I... Blacked out.

[Oda's Pov]

Tch. That's one less trouble taken care of. I slowed down and took my phone from my car compartment, dialing Yami.

"Rai just crashed."

[Ryo's Pov]

"Uncle Chase? Where's Uncle Rai?" Mint asked who's sitting on the couch beside Chase, looking at him with concern.

"He told me that he's going to visit someone, but he didn't tell me where. I don't really know what happened to him now. I should give him a call." Chase stated and stood up, leaving the lounge to call Rai outside with his phone on his paw.

This is worrying. Rai usually is around and doesn't leave this long. Something must've happened to him, but we don't know what's going on. Something definitely must've happened, and it's going to be bad.

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