Chapter 11: Takeshi Nakazato, Myogi Rematch

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[Ryo's Pov]
It's night and I can't believe I'm returning at Myogi for a rematch, I'm really tired these days but the topic of cars just kept me going. I swear I'll be resting for the whole day later after I get home. "Ryo? Are you doing okay?" Aki asked who's sitting on the passenger seat beside me.

"I'm doing good, don't worry." I said and yawned before something catches my eye. There's a road block on the way to the Myogi pass. There's a car on the left lane and a man standing on the right lane, guarding. I pulled by and the man looked at my window closely before nodding at me and letting me pass.

We arrived at the base of the Myogi pass, but something isn't right. The road is filled with people, are they going to watch the race? Soon we arrived at where Takeshi parked his BNR32 for the race. We stepped out of the car and the audiences are looking at us. Various people in for the view of the rematch, how did it get this many?

I looked around and saw a familiar face in the distance, it's Itsuki and Takumi along with a man I don't know. How'd they got here?! How did they even knew about this race? "There's so many people, both people and Pokemon. Is this race really that hot?" Aki asked and I shrugged. I don't know myself too.

Then someone in red approached me, it's Shingo. "Are you wondering how there are many audiences? I've told it to the other racing teams, and they seem interested. A Pokemon driving an AE86 just as good as Takumi against the black lightning of NightKids in a rematch. How cool is that?" He explained and giggled before calling Takeshi who's standing by the guardrail, waiting.

"Ryo, I'll be going with Itsuki and the others now." He said and I nodded. Aki left me with Takeshi glaring at me. I looked around again and saw a familiar Zeraora standing by a CP9A along a Shiny Lucario. It's Rai! He's also here to watch the race!

"Now Ryo, let's begin the rematch." Takeshi stated and stepped inside his car. I entered my car and started the engine. I looked around for one last time, and this time everyone's looking at us, watching. Shingo stepped in front of us and began the countdown.







[Rai's Pov]

Both cars started and as usual, the BNR32 takes the lead first then the AE86 will catch up. I didn't came here for the race itself. I came here for the results of the race, and how Ryo's skills will improve by the time he battles the team Emperor of our Irohazaka.

"Yami, what do you think of this race?" I asked and he remained silent for a few seconds before responding.

"Nothing compared to the Project D battling Todo School, although I see potential within this Lucario. I feel a burning desire in me to battle him, slowly growing. The flames of the race against the same Pokemon as I am."

As usual, he responds like that. I see potential too, in fact I have a plan for this Lucario just in case he loses. "If Ryo loses, we'll quit our teams and make a new one ourselves. After the creation, we'll join him on our team to destroy the project D." I stated and Yama remained silent for a few seconds before nodding.

"Is that a deadly challenge? You do know I know a deadly Pokemon who races two cars. He drives a Honda S2000, and a Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II. Both inspired from two people he's a fan of. I can join him on our team if Ryo loses this one, otherwise a change of plan is needed. The planning depends on you."

Good plan Yama. Let's just hope Ryo loses this rematch.

[Ryo's Pov]

The BNR32 is ahead of me, and he's moving ahead further. I need to catch or I'll lose this one. I need to win!! I pressed hard on the gas with the gear on five, trying to catch up before the last three hairpins.

[Takeshi's Pov]

Now on the straight and approaching the hairpins, I glanced on my rear mirror and noticed that the AE86 was closing in. What's with the sudden distance?! I brake and entered the hairpin, drifting. I looked on my left side mirror and saw that the AE86 is close to me, tailing me from behind! Leaving the hairpin, I glanced ay my rear mirror and the AE86 was slowly overtaking me! I need to gain distance away from him!

I pressed hard on the gas and braked before entering the hairpin too quick. I'm losing control! Shimata! The car's sliding!

[Ryo's Pov]

Now! I braked and drifted into the hairpin, driving the wheel to the gutter run and overtaking the BNR32 in the hairpin. We left the hairpin with Takeshi behind me and I now on the lead. Approaching the last third hairpin, I braked and drifted. I glanced at my rear mirror and noticed that the BNR32 entered too fast and understeered, hitting the guardrail on the exit and spinning out.

I left the scene and went for the finish line, finishing the race and immediately pulling up by the side of the road to step out of the car and breath in air. The audiences at the finish line congratulated me with a round of applause, cheering as a man with a towel covering his head approach me.

"Good job kiddo. You defeated the black lightning of NightKids. If you're interested in more races, you can head to Irohazaka and battle our team someday. The team Emperor." He stated, patting my shoulder before walking away to the group of people by the Mitsubishi lancer evos.

What a race.

[Rai's Pov]

"What? Takeshi spun out and Ryo won? Ryo won!" The announcer with the phone shouted, announcing Ryo's victory.

"He won the battle. We're postponing our plans until Ryo arrives at Irohazaka to beat our team. We'll be discussing the plans further when he finally arrives at my home, for now we'll have to train hard for our upcoming races. Will you tell me more about your deadly friend?" I asked and again, he remained silent for seconds before responding.

"Not now, someone's watching. I'll tell more at Irohazaka." I was a little frightened by his answer. There's literally no one watching us right now apart from the other audiences. Perhaps he must talking about the amount of people that can hear us.


"Look at that Lucario racing a Panda Trueno! Isn't he cute?"

"He's cute, but I'm not into his looks. I'm into his abilities to drive that Panda Trueno."

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