Chapter 53: The Menacing AE86

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[Ryo's Pov]

Following Rai who's in is CP9A from behind while Aki is behind me in his AE86 Levin as we drive up the hill of Yabitsu. Now that we won against the Team 246, and I'm free from any battles, driving on Yabitsu is still nerve-wracking. I was pressured earlier with my battle against Satoshi Omiya, but for some reason when I was overtaken, those pressure suddenly disappeared off my shoulders as if I was driving freely without worrying about anything. I was able to conquer the fears without relying on my driver's eye.

Eventually, we arrived at the top and we all parked our cars in a nearby parking lot before stepping out of our vehicles. I saw Rai and Chase standing close together, and Rai signals me to head closer to them. I walked close to them followed by Aki beside, him tilting his head.

"I wanna say that we've successfully defeated team 246, but I'm afraid that we got ourselves into their trap." Rai stated and Chase titled his head, confused at Rai.

"What? What do you mean we got ourselves into their trap?" Chase asked, confused with what Rai just said.

"Since Project D is currently battling against the street racing teams of Kanagawa, the four notable street racing teams have formed up what they call is the 'Four Line of Defense'. Since we are known in Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama, there's a high chance they will be executing their plan to prepare to defeat us." Rai explained and Chase placed his paw on his chin, thinking deeply before patting Rai's shoulder.

"Since we've taken over Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Saitama in terms of Pokemon street racing, why not just take over Kanagawa Prefecture? We've defeated one of their defense lines after all, and they're inviting us to have a battle with them." Chase suggested and Rai nodded in agreement.

"As the team leader of Project P, our goal is to spread over our objective throughout Kanto region. The objective of teaching other street racing Pokemon and develop their skills to be a better gifted driver. If we are to defeat the remaining street racing teams of Kanagawa, we will be able to spread our presence to inform other lonely street racing Pokemon that we exist."

Huh, so that's our goal? Our goal or his goal? If we were to defeat the remaining Kanagawa street racing teams, we'll attract the attention of other street racing Pokemon to rise and do street racing in teams to battle other street racing teams. To convey a message that it's not too late to make a move?

Then all of a sudden, it began to rain. "I'll be heading home now because of this rain. Aki, go catch up later." I stated before quickly running towards my AE86 Trueno and heading inside, starting my car. Alright, let's head down Yabitsu under the rain.

[Go Hojo's Pov]

Standing outside of our chief mechanic's garage, thinking deeply about our next move against Project D when our chief mechanic approached me with a phone on his hand. "Hey Go, I just had a call from one of the drivers of Team 246, and the street racing team of Pokemon named Project P has defeated them."

My eyes widened upon hearing the news from Eiji Kubo. I can't believe that those group of Pokemon named themselves close to Project D. They're not just some fans of Project D and are imitating them. They're professional enough to defeat Team 246. Tch. We already have Project D to deal with, and now this? Project D is already on Team Spiral, and soon will be facing us. I have to convince Shinji into joining me to defeat Project D. "Hey Eiji, do you know anything about this Project P?" I asked, hesitant to know any information about them.

"Well, there's a similar group of street racing Pokemon that have taken over Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki and Saitama. If I'm correct, they're the same ones of Project P. They have a similar goal to Project D, which is to take over the Prefectures in Kanto. If Project D is currently taking over Kanagawa, then Project P will be taking over Kanagawa."

Tch. Another headache.

[Ryo's Pov]

Driving peacefully down the hills of Yabitsu with the roads wet. I'm glad I'm not into a battle right now, or else I'll be losing my head. I glanced at my rear view mirror and noticed a light from the headlights of a car. We're currently on the two lane straight road right now, so they'll be able to easily pass. For some reason, the car behind me didn't pass and is instead tailing me from behind. Something is not right. I pressed a little harder on the gas, accelerating down the straight road fast. I glanced at my rear view mirror again and saw the car from behind chasing me on the same pace as mine.

An impromptu race under the rain?! So be it! I pressed hard on the gas before braking and drifting into a corner in one of the one lane points of Yabitsu.

[Yami's Pov]

Ryo, Project P's down hill specialist. About time I battle you under the rain! I pressed on the gas and braked before drifting into the corner, tailing Ryo from behind. I won't let you get away! Approached a hairpin, I pressed hard on the gas, bumping into the AE86 Trueno in front.

[Ryo's Pov]

Crap! I felt the rear wheels of my car slip outside from the side press. I tried to counter steer, braking hard which made the car behind me take the inner lane of the hairpin, drifting into it. That's when I realized that the car chasing me is none other than an AE86 Trueno. This is so rare to occur. Tch. What will you do with your car, if you don't even know how to race fairly?! I drifted into the hairpin, chasing the AE86 from behind. We both left the hairpin and we entered the one lane road at the same time with my car on the outside, the AE86 Trueno being in the inside.

[Yami's Pov]

Nani?! What are you doing?! I don't wanna lose my AE86! I already lost my DC2! I let go of the gas pedal, letting the AE86 Trueno of Ryo overtake me and pull away.

Maybe tonight isn't the right time for this.

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