Chapter 49: Moving out

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[Chase's Pov]

On my NA6CE with Ryo on the passenger seat beside me, we arrived at Toru's house. I told Ryo to remain inside the car and he nodded, agreeing with me. I stepped out of my NA6CE and slowly went to the door step of Toru's house before knocking on the door. The door swung open and Toru smiled at me before patting my shoulder. "Where have you been? Also, what's up with your room being very tidy?" Toru asked and I rubbed the back of my head, giggling nervously.

"It's nothing. Is Nao home?" I asked, being cautious with my plans as I want to personally tell Toru about my changes without his girlfriend being around, and only want Nao to know about it from Toru.

"She's not home yet. She went shopping for me, because she told me that I've been wearing the same clothes each week, and that my clothes are becoming worn. I tried to tell her that it's fine, and she insisted. Come on in." Toru stated before letting me inside the house. I took a seat by the dining table, looking around the room as I think about the words I'll be using to tell him about my plans. It doesn't take long and he returns to me with a glass of water, putting it on the table before sitting on the chair opposite of mine. He frowned and tilted his head, staring at me.

"You look nervous. Do you want to say something?" Toru asked and I slowly nodded, taking a deep breath before letting a long sigh. Here goes nothing.

"I am leaving Seven Star Leaf."

[Ryo's Pov]

Waiting in Chase's car, I looked around his car, studying the interior of the NA6CE. It reminds me of my S15 and how the interior looks so similar to it. Then an idea strike my head. What if I call Rai now about Yami? I quickly brought my phone out and began to dial Rai's number, calling him.

[Chase's Pov]

"What? Why?" Toru exclaimed, surprised with my decision and my plans. "I want to experience a street racing team that has Pokemon members. I want to join Project P because I think I belong there. I want to learn more about racing from Project P. I also want to use this opportunity to become independent and start living under a roof of my own." I explained, hoping that Toru isn't mad about my plans. Rather than being mad, Toru instead smiled at me.

"I knew this day would come. You leaving me to live on your own. Chase, from now on, this is your own destiny, not ours. Hopefully you learned a lot from me being your trainer. I know I'm not much of a Pokemon expert, but I did everything I can to raise you. I even bought you a car that I previously owned... Well, bought you a car using Nao's money. I did told her that this will be the last time I will be asking her some money for car, and I can tell that I spent the money wisely this time. Chase, don't forget about the lessons I've taught you. Remember, if you need help, you can come here anytime."

Smiling, I quickly got up from my chair and ran towards Toru, hugging him. "Thank you, Toru."

"You're welcome. Oh, and you're invited to my wedding with Nao. We planned it to be few months after. You, and your friends are invited to attend the wedding." He slowly let go of me, chuckling. "Now about Nao, do you want to wait for her to return home so you can tell her about your plans?"

I shook my head and patted his shoulder. "I want you to tell her about my plans. I can't bring myself to do it, so I want you to do it instead. Can you do it for me?" I asked, hoping that he will agree to me. Toru nodded and I hopped in joy. "I will be doing it for you. Now, do you want me to help you pack your stuff up?"

"No need, I already got them packed up before leaving this morning. Again, thanks."

"No problem."

I immediately went upstairs and to my room to grab my packed things up before heading downstairs and hearing Nao's voice. I quickly ran to the back door and went outside, carrying my belongings before hiding by the window, trying to listen for their conversation.

[Rai's Pov]

Brewing a coffee in my house, I was startled by my phone ringing. I grabbed it and answered the call. "Hey Rai, it's Ryo. Do you have a contact with Yami?"

It's Ryo, and somehow he's asking me if I still have contact with Yami. "Yeah, I think so. I'm gonna hung up so I can check my contacts, alright?" I stated and hung up the call before checking my phone contacts, revealing that I still have contact with Yami, my old friend. Why does Ryo suddenly want to know if I have contact with Yami? Is something up? I should call Yami and ask how he's doing. It's been a while since I had a conversation with him.

[Chase's Pov]

Eavesdropping by the window, I noticed from a far distance that Ryo is signalling me to return back inside the NA6CE. I remained longer by the window, wanting to listen to Toru and Nao's conversation.

"Where's Chase?"

"He's moving out."

"What?! Why didn't you stop him?!"

"Nao, he wants to move out because he wants to live on his own. We can't stop him from his dreams, but what we can do is support him through it. I told him that if he needs help, he can come to us anytime. He also wants me to tell it to you as he cannot bring himself to do it. Don't worry, he will be fine."

"I-I see. You're right, we should support him instead. What about the car though?"

"The Eunos Roadster NA6CE? It's his car after all, not mine as I quit racing a long time ago. Maybe I can buy you a car after we get married?"

They seem to be happy about my leaving, and it's relieving to see that I don't have issues with them. I quickly ran to my NA6CE before heading inside and starting the car. I looked at Ryo who's frowning at me, presumably from what I just did earlier outside. "What was that?" He asked and I shook my head, giggling. "It's nothing. Can you carry this for me?" I asked before handing Ryo the box where my belongs are contained in before holding the steering wheel and driving away from my trainer's house.

Time to begin my new chapter of life!

[Rai's Pov]

I dialed Yami's number and called him. It's been a long time now, and I wonder what he's up to. He never even tried calling me to ask me how I'm doing. Soon he picks it up and I listened closely.

"Oh hey Rai. It's been a while. Are you wondering about what I'm up to? Don't worry, I'm doing great, and just busy with my new AE86 Trueno. I heard that you formed the Project P with Ryo and Aki, correct? I'm planning to make a street racing team myself. I was hoping we could meet someday, but I bet it will be soon. Oh yeah, I found this AE86 Levin one day at Sadamine while I was on my DC2, and I had an impromptu race with it. It was fast. I almost won the battle, but I let the AE86 Levin go because it's not worth it. I got my DC2 damaged a bit because of it. Oh, and if you are wondering what I'm doing now..."

"... I'm temporarily with the Team 246."

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