Chapter 3: Aki vs Ryo

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We waited at the parking lot at the top until it was past noon time. Aki told me that these hours are the dead time of the mountain pass, and this is the time we'll start the race. We were standing outside, watching the number of cars decrease before agreeing to the race.

"You've shown me how you drive. Now's the time to show it against me. I won't pull back, so show me your best!" He stated before stepping inside his car. The determination in his eyes, he seriously wants to have a race against me! I went inside my car and we drove to the road to set up the race before suddenly being stopped by someone. I looked closely and it was Aki's trainer!

"Wait! You cannot start a race without a countdown! I'll go start the countdown, you got that?" His trainer stated and we agreed, revving our engine as we wait for his countdown. Aki's Levin AE86 was occupying the right lane while I was occupying the left lane with my Trueno AE86.

"5!" His trainer began to count down from 5.

"4!" My paw was holding the gear firmly, ready to shift it.

"3!" My other paw was clenching on the steering wheel, ready to steer.

"2! 1!" Engine revving for the race.


I released the handbrake and switched to the higher gears while pressing hard on the gas pedal. I looked at my rear mirror and noticed that Aki was still on the starting line, waiting suspiciously. A thought spiked through my head, what's he doing?! Soon he finally moved, his car not far behind me. Approaching the first hairpin, I braked and lowered the gear before entering. I looked at my side mirror as I drift and saw the Levin AE86 close to me. Wait, is that how fast he enter hairpins?! He's as fast as I am!

[Aki's Pov]

We both left the hairpin at the exact same time with the Trueno AE86 in front of me, the gap being close. On the first time I saw him drive, I immediately wanted to learn how he does it. Those fast hairpins, I wanted to replicate them! I chuckled before smirking. Here I am now, replicating his movements. I wonder how long he'll last before he panic. Entering another hairpin, I braked as soon as he did and lowered my gear. We both entered the hairpin in a drift with my car close to his. I'm going to win!

[Ryo's Pov]

What the--?! He's so close to me! What's going on?! We both left the hairpin at the same time and now on the straight road. I looked at my rear mirror and he's still tailing me! What's happening?! I thought he hasn't seen a Pokemon who drove like I do, but apparently he's driving like it himself! Is he as good as I am? No, it can't be!

[Aki's Pov]

I hope he doesn't notice what I'm doing. He must be under pressure right now. A few more and he'll surely mess up somewhere. Both entering the hairpin, I braked just as he did and lowered my gear before drifting. That's when I realized something. He's messing up! His wheels are sliding outside! Another hairpin and I might overtake him!

[Ryo's Pov]

くそ! My wheels are sliding! This is giving me too much pressure! I have to focus! Entering another hairpin, I braked late and began understeering! This is bad! Turn! I steered left with a full brake, my car slowly regaining from the understeer. My attention was then caught when Aki went passed me. He overtook me!

 He overtook me!

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[Aki's Pov]

Hmph! You went in too quick! Now's my chance! I left the hairpin with the Trueno AE86 not far behind me. I'm lucky that he understeered and I was able to pass, but now this leaves me in a big disadvantage. I've never mastered the perfect drift entry yet! The straights are good enough, but I'll lose to the hairpins!

Approaching the corners, I braked and steered left with Ryo still behind me. I have to gain distance away from him so I have time to recover from hairpins!

[Ryo's Pov]

He isn't going too far. The gap between us is still manageable. I have to shorten it somehow! In front of me, Aki braked and entered the hairpin slow. A thought then camw to me about earlier. He can't do the hairpins as fast as I could now that he's on the lead, but he's able to when behind me. Was he copying my actions?! I smirked as I entered the hairpin faster than him before leaving and gaining up on him. The gap is now getting shorter!

[Aki's Pov]

Tch! He's gaining on me! I'm going to lose! Approaching the five hairpins, I braked and lowered the gear before drifting. I immediately looked at my rear mirror and his car is close to mine! We both left the hairpin and I noticed he was beside me!

[Ryo's Pov]

Hmph! He's losing on hairpins, I'm going to end this soon! Approaching the hairpin, I intentionally braked early for him to gain a little gap before lowering my gear and both drifting. Watching his car drift, I noticed something that happened to me. His wheels are sliding! I took the inner lane as his car lose traction of the road. Leaving the hairpin faster than him, I took the lead and entered the next hairpin with the Levin AE86 behind me.

[Aki's Pov]

My last chance! I braked and tried to copy his moves, but I was too engulfed in pressure that I'm struggling to. He's only gaining farther and farther away from me! This is bad!

[Aki's trainer's Pov]

I hold onto my chin as I wait for the results of the race. Who will finish first? I then heard the revving of the engine followed by the Trueno AE86 going down the road and finishing first, soon followed by my Levin AE86. I smirked as I watch the Trueno AE86 pull by the parking lot and the Lucario stepping out of the car. This Lucario is something, I may need to approach him soon and race against him just to see what he got.

He'll be defeated by my AE86 Turbo!

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