Chapter 63/Epilogue: Nourishing the Past and making a better Future

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[Present time]

[Aki's Pov]

"... And that's how you ended up being here, or as far as Yami told me."

My eyes widened in response, Yami is here? "Wait, he's here?"

"Well, used to be. I came across him when I was on my way to your hospital room. He's on a wheelchair, and he has a blindfold wrapped around his head, covering his eyes. He's only by himself, spinning the wheels with his paws. He knew I was approaching though, as if he's able to sense me. Yami told me about what happened, and he left. He also told me that he's confused as to how his driver's eye kept on going for longer that night. He told me that it felt like his eyes are stiff, he can't feel them. Until, the accident, cost him his eyes."

He... Lost his eyes because of our driver's eye activation. So the rumor is true. A prolonged duration, but at the cost of one's eyesight, or both. I looked at the window, watching the trees as the sun rises. "So, should I call the others?" Aki asked and I nodded. "Go ahead, I'll wait."

Aki quickly ran for the door, leaving the room and leaving me alone in my room. Bothered by what happened, I continue to watch the trees as they sway, trying to clear off my head. I just made someone blind in return for my victory... No, it's not even a victory. I did all that for nothing. He lost his eyes because of me.

Suddenly, a man with a familiar face stepped into the room, it's Mr. Joshima. He appears to be holding a bar of chocolate on his hand. He pulled a chair close to my bed and took a seat, handing me the bar of chocolate. "I knew this day would come. I was reminding you to not use the driver's eye, because of this rumor that I have heard. I didn't know it was real. It's something to do with the two auras resonating and growing in intensity. It has more risks than share benefits. You two have grown more powerful since the very first battle you two had. Your auras have grown stronger. If it happened, both of you could've been blind by now, but you were lucky."

"This doesn't make it better the fact that it was my fault that I lost him his eyes. I used my driver's eye to distract him and make him activate his." I sat up right and looked down at my paws, feeling guilty of what happened.

"Don't blame yourself. You just did your best. Everything was just an accident. You almost lost your eyesight last night, but I fear that your visions has gotten worse. That's why I have something for you to make you feel at least better." Joshima pulled out a box from his bag and handed it to me. I took the box and slowly opened it, revealing it to be pair of glasses.

"Come and give it a try. It should correct your worsened eyesight." Joshima reassured me, relieving me a bit from my worries as I put on the glasses. Everything around me appeared to be clear now. I looked at him, his face now appearing clear to me.

"Thank you, trainer. Although I'm still slightly bothered by last night..." I murmured softly, rubbing my right arm with my left paw.

"Don't worry about it, Ryo. No matter how strong the pain is, it's our duty to move forward. You have me. You have your friends with you. You got us with you to get through this." Joshima held my left paw and began to pat it gently. I can't but smile, feeling the weight behind my back being relieved. Soon the door slammed open and Aki peeked through. "I brought some friends!"

Soon Mint and Chase who's pushing Rai's wheelchair went inside the room. The room soon was filled with laughter and fun conversations.

[Yami's Pov]

Finally nearing the exit of the hospital whilst blind and unable to see anything, I bumped onto the door and tried to reach for the door handle. A familiar presence stepped close to me and opened the door for me. I looked at the direction of where they came from and looked at them. "You poor thing. Who knew I will come back for you. I'm a bit disappointed that I won't be able to race with you anymore, but I will be glad to take you to places where you feel at peace. So, do you want a ride?"

The familiar voice, it's Oda. I did not expect him to return for me. I slowly nodded my head. "Let's go to Irohazaka, where we practiced back then."

"Sure thing, Yami. This will be a long day in the park."

[Ryo's Pov]

Fast forward to the future, things changed a lot. Walking on the side of the road on my way to the lake Akina, while pushing Rai on his wheelchair, a red NA6CE slowly drove by with it's car window open. A familiar face peeked through the window, it's a Zoroark. "Hey Ryo and Rai! Good morning! Oh, and thanks for taking my uncle Rai to the lake right now."

It's Kaori, or Mint as we used to call her back then. She grew up into a Zoroark now, and is driving Chase's old car. I waved my paw as she drives away with her NA6CE. Kaori is living with Rai because he's unable to do some things like he can before. Speaking of Chase, where has he gone to again? "Hey Rai, do you know where Chase went? I haven't seen him around." I asked and Rai looked at me.

"Chase returned to his trainer overseas to continue their business and to fund our driving school, remember?"

"Ah, right." I chuckled nervously. How could I forget that he went abroad to fund our new driving school. The garage where the old Project P used to sit became the driving school we have now. The Project P disbanded after our last battle, which is with the Team Spiral and Team Sidewinder. Out of nowhere, a familiar face arrived and is walking towards our direction. It's Takumi, and he got his hand raised as he's approaching us.

"Hey. How is your driving school going?" He asked and Rai answered his question. Sadly, we weren't able to battle Project D at that time since Takumi got his AE86 broken, and soon they disbanded. The disbandment of the Project P soon followed, and Chase brought up the plan of turning the garage into a driving school, in which Rai and the others agreed on. He went overseas, and we were able to buy the rest of the building where our garage is and renovate the area to the driving school we know now.

Takumi bid his goodbye and I waved my paw before parting ways. We continue on our way to the lake Akina. Aki is now one of the teachers of the driving school. I remember Rai asked me to become a teacher in the school one time, but I wasn't ready yet. We eventually reached the lake Akina and stood by some trees while watching the beautiful view of the lake as the sun hits the water, making a glistening reflection.

"So Ryo, what did learn from your time being in the Project P?"


I was cut off by someone tapping my shoulder. I looked around saw Aki standing behind me, giving me a warm smile. "Hey Ryo! You two seem to be having fun. Can I join you two?"

I smiled and signalled him closer. Aki stood beside me as we watch over the glistening reflections of the lake Akina.

About the question? Well, through hardships, I know it's going to be tough.

The important thing is to keep trying.
-- Keiichi Tsuchiya

-- Keiichi Tsuchiya

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