Chapter 23: Rai Rematch

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[Takumi's Pov]

I wonder how long you'll last. I was staring at my AE86 in the middle of the night when father went outside and looked at me. "Takumi, it's time to deliver the Tofu. We have a lot orders tonight, and one of them is from... Irohazaka." He said as he stood in front of our store while lighting a cigarette and smoking it.

Irohazaka, the home course of the Emperor. The same course where I first defeated Kai Kogashiwa with his Irohazaka jump. It's been a while since I last drove there. It's time to do a visit.

[Ryo's Pov]

I was here, standing by my AE86 with Rai standing by his Lan Evo 5, or what we call CP9A. We were both waiting for a signal from Kyoichi Sudo, the team leader of Emperor. He was speaking to his phone, presumably waiting for the green light for us to race down the road. Soon he brought his phone down and gave us a thumbs up, telling us that the race is free to start.

"Ryo, it's time. Let this race put your driver's eye to the test. I won't be taking easy on you, because I'll be using my driver's eye too."

I nodded before stepping inside my AE86 and starting the engine. I was revving the engine of my car when Seiji stepped in front and began the countdown.

"3!" Irohazaka,

"2!" Rai rematch,

"1!" With me.

"Go!" I immediately released the handbrake and pressed hard on the gas, leading the race with the CP9A behind me on my tail. I'll have to win this rematch!

[Aki's Pov]

The thought of the race gives me shivers. It's Ryo against Rai once again, and this time on Rai's home course. Hopefully Ryo wins the race. Surely nothing bad will happen to them while they race. My attention was caught when an approaching car drove by and pulled by the side of the road. Everyone's looking at the AE86, similar to Takumi's. I wasn't sure if it was Takumi until the driver stepped out, revealing to be Takumi himself!

[Takumi's Pov]

I sighed as I step out of my car. Coincidentally, there seems to be a battle on going. I was approached by someone who seems to be familiar to me. That's right! It's Kyoichi, and it looks like he's expecting something from me. "Hey, Takumi. It's been a while since we last met. Do you have the Tofu on you?"

Eh? He's the one who ordered Tofu?

[Ryo's Pov]

Alright! I'm maintaining a good lead. If I kept this going, I should be fine throughout the whole course. Approaching the first hairpin, I braked and entered the hairpin, drifting with the CP9A just behind my tail. Exiting the hairpin, I shifted the gear to 3 and pressed hard on the gas. If I maintain this rhythm, everything should be fine.

[Rai's Pov]

He's doing a good job on drifting and exiting the hairpins almost perfectly, but the front bumper ain't close enough to the guard rail to achieve the perfect cornering like I can do in my own home course. Passing the first checkpoint, I chuckled and pressed hard on the gas. I might corner perfectly now to catch up slowly. Approaching the third hairpin, I quickly braked and drifted into the hairpin, the front bumper of my car very close to the guard rail before exiting and gaining a bit of distance closer to the AE86, closing the gap slowly and surely.

[Ryo's Pov]

I glanced at the rear mirror just as I left the hairpin and noticed that the CP9A is slowly gaining up on me. Masaka! There's no way to get a faster exit speed! I'm cornering every hairpins perfectly within my reach and experience, but he can achieve a faster exit speed than I can do! Was it the engine? But it's impossible to gain further acceleration in the continuous hairpins! Whatever he's doing, it's giving me chills!

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