Chapter 2: My AE86

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I slowly opened my eyes as the morning rays of the sun hit my eyes, making me cover them with my paw. I then remembered what happened last night. The way I drove last night was extraordinary. I was driving fast yet it felt so natural and normal to me. The way I entered the hairpins last night, it's making me crazy to think about it. I got up from my bed and walked over to the mirror to look at myself. My same old self reflection greets me back, except it feels different.

I shrugged it off and went out of my room to fetch a glass of water in the kitchen with the thoughts of last night still in my head. What am I? I took a glass of water and began drinking when I was startled by a car horn coming from outside. I looked at the window while holding my empty glass when I saw Aki's Levin AE86 again. Don't tell me we're going fot another ride again. I immediately went to the kitchen to wash my face and head outside to greet him.

Walking on my walkway, I saw Aki stepping out of the vehicle and looking at me, smirking. That smirk of his is giving me bad vibes.

"Heya Ryo, you have to come with me. I'll show you something in my house."

My eyes widened in surprise. We're going to his house?! I thought visitors weren't allowed, but what's with the sudden invitation?

"Don't have doubts about it. It's a really good gift for you. Hop on in so we can go there quickly!"

"B-But I haven't eaten breakfast!"

"Don't worry! I told my trainer about this and he agreed on cooking breakfast for you, and for me." He giggled while rubbing the back of his head before heading inside his car. I followed and stepped inside before driving off to his house.

"So, tell me. What's your trainer's car? You told me he thought you with his car."

Now thinking about it, what was it again? I held on my chin for a moment as I think before finally remembering the model.

"He was driving a Toyota AE86. That's all I remember."

"Ohh, does the headlights pop in and out?"

Now thinking about it, the headlights do pop out and in during the night. I nodded and he smiled. "Wow, your trainer's driving a Toyota Trueno AE86, a variation of this one. What does the back look like?"

"Well, it opens up like a hatch and it gives access to the back seats."

"Oh, three door hachiroku. Don't worry, I have something for you just as good as it."

I wonder what he's talking about. Soon we arrived at his house where his trainer was waiting for us outside. We pulled by and stepped out of the vehicle before approaching his trainer.

"You finally arrived. The breakfast is ready, and I'll just be at the garage while you two eat." He stated before walking to the garage and heading inside.

"Come on Ryo, I'll tour you inside." Aki said and I nodded before heading inside. He toured me inside before showing me their dining room with our breakfast prepared on the table. "Let's go eat." He said before sitting on his table and eating his meal. I sat on a chair with my food in front and began eating it.

Eating my meal, I looked around the interior of the house and one item caught my eye. There was a sticker on the wall just by the cupboard. The sticker reads as "Project D."

"Aki, may I ask you something?"


"What's that sticker over there?" I asked while pointing at the sticker and he looked before smiling. "It's one of the legendary teams here. My trainer received the sticker from his friend as a remembrance."

A remembrance? "Go tell me more about who's this friend of his."

He cleared up his throat before speaking. "The name of his friend is Takumi Fujiwara. He's one of the best racers, and one of the members of Project D. He's mostly seen by his father's tofu shop, but occasionally going out with the team to race against the best team of racers out there."

Woah, this Takumi Fujiwara is one of the legends! I can't wait to see and meet him!

"The gift is done! Now you can check it out!"

We turned around and saw Aki's trainer standing by the door to the garage with the door opened. Aki hopped off his chair and pulled me off my chair before heading into the garage. His trainer followed us from behind to the garage. My eyes widened when I saw another car apart from his Levin AE86... It's a Trueno AE86!

"Here's my gift for you! We just received this from someone else, saying they don't need it anymore. My trainer checked the engine and all, and fixed it so it should be good to go." He stated before opening the car door taking a look inside.

"When we received that, the engine was said to be blown. I replaced it with a new one. 1.6 litre, 20 valve Silvertop 4A-GEU." His trainer explained before turning around to leave the garage.

"Just like my Levin. Hey Ryo!" He looked up at me and smirked. "How about we race today? Just to test out your 86."

Is he challenging me to a race? I nodded and smirked before opening my car door and stepping inside. I looked around the interior and it reminds me of my trainer driving me with his AE86. I looked outside and saw Aki stepping in his car and pointing at me. "Let's go to the Akina top!" He stated before driving off. I followed him from behind until we arrived at the top.

We're going for a race!

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