Chapter 18: Keisuke Takahashi

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[Ryo's Pov]

Here we go. Finally, a practice battle against one of the Aces of Project D on a snowy Akagi. I parked my AE86 on the left lane of the road with Keisuke's FD3S beside mine on the right lane. I was standing by my AE86 with Keisuke glaring at me before being approached by a guy with a blonde hair.

"Here are the rules of the race. This will be an uphill and downhill. Power will be tested uphill, and drifting will be tested downhill. Keisuke will be going easy on you since this is a practice race and the snow is also a factor, and it's your first time racing against him. I'll be starting the countdown, so ready yourselves."

We both nodded and entered our cars before starting them up. This is getting me nervous, but I have to win this!

"3, 2, 1, Go!"

I pressed hard on the gas and switched the gear to the 3rd, taking the lead with the FD3S behind me.

[Keisuke's Pov]

Let's see how long you'll last. Approaching the 5 hairpins, I braked and shifted the gear down when I realized something familiar. The AE86 in front of me entered the hairpin fast. It's reminding me of the way Takumi drifted in hairpins, but that won't stop me from beating him on the straight!

[Ryo's Pov]

Looking at the side mirror as I drift, I realized something isn't right. I'm indeed gaining distance from him, but it's not enough to outrun him! I have to somehow beat him on the corners! Leaving the five hairpins, I shifted the gear to 5 and pressed hard on the gas on the straight road in hopes to gain distance away from him. Come on AE86, we can do this!

[Keisuke's Pov]

His AE86 is for downhill battles, and is weak on straight roads. But, the way he's driving right now, something is different. It's an AE86, but it's unexpectedly fast. Was it modified to have the same engine with Takumi? I would've easily passed him by now, but I'm rather gaining up slowly on him. I gotta tell this detail to Ryosuke.

[Rai's Pov]

"I'm glad you told me about this practice battle they're holding. We're gonna learn many from this event." I said as I stood by the trees, waiting for one of the Aces of Project D to pass by.

Again, another seconds of silence before his reply. "You're welcome. I've been eyeing them for a while in my free time, and heard from one of them about this practice race. This is where we are now."

How smart of Yami to do this. I was about to speak when I heard a sudden engine roar coming from down the road. The practice has begun, and I wonder who this will be. I saw the approaching car's headlights before realizing it was the yellow FD3S on the lead followed by the panda AE86 behind. I looked closely and noticed that it wasn't the legendary Takumi on the panda AE86, it was Ryo!

"Yami, what checkpoint are we at?" I immediately asked after seeing the driver of the AE86 being Ryo.

"Third checkpoint."

Third checkpoint, which means we'll be seeing them race back downhill. I'm eager to see this Lucario's driver's eye.

[Keisuke's Pov]

Approaching the end of the uphill, I looked at my rear view mirror and saw the AE86 not too far behind me. If I continue driving like this, he won't be able to catch up even on downhill. Although heads up, he might've some tricks up his sleeves that he hasn't shown to me yet. At the end of the road lies a road cone at the middle between lanes, indicating the turn spot for the downhill phase of the practice run.

Reaching the road cone, I braked and drifted around the cone while looking at my side mirror, watching the next move of the AE86.

[Ryo's Pov]

Shimatta! This is a turning point for the downhill part of the practice race, and no one told me about it! Will we stop? Will he continue and I have to chase him down? Watching him closely as he drift around the cone, he didn't stop! I braked and drifted around the cone as he leaves off from the cone, continuing the battle.

I finished drifting around the cone and drove off, pursuing the FD3S in front with my foot paw pressed hard on the gas. I have to overtake him and win this race! I have to beat Keisuke Takahashi! Since I've memorized the road of Akagi and it is downhill now, I'll do my best to catch up and beat you!

Approaching the first hairpin of the downhill part, my vision suddenly turned blue like last time with my battle with Takumi Fujiwara. Whenever my vision becomes blue, my senses suddenly double and I can feel the motion of my car on my paws. I can feel my adrenaline rush in me. This is my aura vision, but something feels wrong. It's never been this powerful before. Whatever the case, or how different my aura sensing feels now, I'll try to beat you! Keisuke Takahashi!

I precisely braked and drifted into the hairpin. The car feels very light, almost as if I can maneuver it as my very own body.

[Keisuke's Pov]

I glanced at my rear view mirror and noticed something was off. The headlights of the AE86 was bright, but I can see a different color apart from it. It took me a moment to realize that the color wasn't coming from the headlights, it's from the driver! The eyes of the Lucario was glowing blue! But it can't be! My eyes are deceiving me! I have to focus and win this race for brother, and for Project D!

I pressed harder on the gas as I approach the next few turns. I glanced at my rear view mirror before braking and drifting into the corner. I saw his car closer to mine than before! He's gaining up on me! How?! How can he maneuver his car easily under the snow?!

[Rai's Pov]

"Do you hear that? It's the sound of the roaring engines. The yellow FD3S against the new AE86. You told me that Ryo defeated Takumi, right?" I stated and Yama nodded before finally seeing the two cars speeding down the road after the corner from the right side. The car on the lead was the AE86. I looked closely as the car passes by and noticed that he got his driver's eye activated.

They passed by us as I chuckle in my finding.

"Correct. The father of Takumi told me that his son was beaten by a Lucario on a snow battle."

My eyes widened and I immediately looked at him, my mouth gaping at what I heard from him. "Since when did you talk to Takumi's father?!"

"The same day the Takumi was defeated by Ryo."

[Ryosuke's Pov]

"The first car who finishes is-!"

Sitting on my foldable chair and foldable table while typing on my laptop, I glanced at the approaching car and noticed it wasn't the FD3S, it's the AE86. As expected, something was off about this driver since it's a Pokemon, more so a Lucario. It's rare to meet a Pokemon driving a car that professional. I heard Lucario has this ability to sense aura with their vision.

I chuckled and smirked with this new thought of mine that recently just came up.

I'd like to race against you soon, Ryo.

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