Chapter 35: Broken AE86

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[Ryo's Pov]

After our short conversation, Rai waved goodbye and entered his CP9A, starting his car before driving away. I turned around to approach my car but saw my trainer standing by the car, holding his phone close to his ear. He's talking to someone, and his face quickly changed from questioned to a shock. He quickly brought his phone down and called me. "Ryo, there's bad news."

I quickly approached him and tilted my head, worried about what was going on.

"The garage shop of someone I know got wrecked, and he told me that a group of thugs ruined your AE86."

My heart skipped a beat as soon as I heard the news. I can feel my heart crushed by the news. I never knew this would happen. We immediately went inside my S15 and started the car, driving away to the mechanic who was fixing my AE86. We arrived at the garage before stepping out of my car to witness what was left behind. The garage door was opened and my broken AE86 can be seen resting inside the shop. The windows are shattered and the hood of the car being scratched by a metal object.

I dropped to my knees as I helplessly cry at the sight of my damaged AE86, pondering about what my next step will be without my AE86. I was heartbroken, shattered. Whoever did this, they're gonna pay. Then all of a sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Mr. Joshima, patting my shoulder to comfort me. He had his phone up close to his ear, dialing someone.

[Joshima's Pov]

"Hello there Mr. Toshiya, how may I be of service?"

"Hello, can I-" I stopped, looking at Ryo before thinking of what I should do. I've called the next person I know who manages vehicles, but I don't know which car I should bring him to manage. I lowered my phone and covered it with my other hand as I look at Ryo who's still on his knees at the sight of his broken AE86. "Ryo, you have to make a tough decision. We can get your AE86 fixed, but it will take 3 weeks to find suitable replacements for the damaged windows and hood, or we can get your S15 upgraded with the available aero parts in his shop to make your S15 lighter which will only take a day."

[Ryo's Pov]

I have to make a choice. Either I have my AE86 fixed and drive on my heavy S15 for 3 weeks, or have my S15 upgraded to he lighter and wait for a day before having my AE86 fixed. I took a deep breath before letting out a sigh, ready to give out my answer. "Upgrade the S15 first before fixing the AE86." I stated before slowly getting up when the acquaintance of my trainer, who's also the keeper and mechanic of this wrecked garage, approached us.

"I recognized the thugs who entered the garage as the Bosozoku Gang, and one of them asked me if the AE86's owner is named Aki. I was about to answer, but they didn't let me and instead immediately smashing the AE86 while the others wreck havoc in the garage."

Bosozoku Gang? What's that?

I looked at my trainer who had his hand on his chin, acknowledging about the involvement of Bosozoku Gang. "Mr. Joshima, what's this Bosozoku Gang?" I asked, curious as to who they are.

"Based from my sources, they're the same Gang who attempted to beat up Project D's Aces few months ago, but they backed out after realizing Keisuke Takahashi was one of the targets they're supposed to beat up. I heard that the Gang had connections with Keisuke, and so the attempts were cancelled. It seems the Gang was either seeking for revenge against Aki, or was ordered to seek vengeance against Aki. Either way, they planned to take revenge by destroying Aki's AE86, but they've mistaken your AE86 as Aki's."

I was speechless, and worried for Aki. I never knew that he's being targeted by the Bosozoku Gang. I have to head home quickly. "Mr. Joshima, can we head home now?" I asked and he nodded.

"Get in the car, I'll just have to discuss a few things with my friend about your AE86." He stated and I quickly went to my S15 before heading inside, waiting for my trainer to return.

[Joshima's Pov]

"What will you do now? The Bosozoku Gang is involved." He asked and I sighed.

"For once, I'll be needing to contact the Bosozoku Gang to find out the reason why they did it. I'll be looking for sources while I work my Physician shift tomorrow, and possibly meet with them on my way home." I explained before turning to look at Ryo who's patiently waiting inside the S15.

"How about the broken AE86? What do you want me to do with it?"

"Keep it here for now, and ready it to be delivered to the other car mechanic. I'll tell you when and where you'll be delivering it." I stated and nodded at him before turning to walk to the S15, entering the car and sitting on the seat beside the driver's seat where Ryo is sitting. "Let's go."

Ryo quickly started the car and we drove away from the garage. I can tell that Ryo is worried for Aki. Today's been a lot for him. His AE86 broken and his friend in danger, I can feel how he's shattered by the events. I can tell that he's been wanting to go back home to see if Aki is alright.

Soon we arrived back at Ryo's place. He immediately got out of the S15 and knocked on the front door. I stood beside Ryo as the front door opens, Aki being behind the door and happy to see us finally got home. "Ryo! Mr. Joshima! You're finally ba-" Before he could even finish, Ryo hugged him tight in worry.

"O-Oh? I was about to ask why you two were a bit late than usual."

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