Chapter 7: Lake Akina

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"Ryo? Ryoo, Ryo? Ryo!"

[Ryo's Pov]

I was startled by Aki's voice, bringing me back to myself as I rest on my couch where my trainer and I used to have fun. I looked up and saw Aki standing in front of me, waving his paws.

"Are you okay? You weren't responding to my door knocks when I head into your house. Is everything okay?" He asked and I nodded, although I feel a little sleepy from having late night sleeps from the past few nights. I just can't stop thinking about those opponents racing against me, and I magically beating them.

"You look terrible. You know what? Let's head to Lake Akina to relax and take a break from all the races we had so far." He paused to yawn and rub his eyes. "You know, I'm a bit sleepy too like you. That's why we're heading to Lake Akina!"

I shook my head in denial before yawning again. "I can't drive my AE86 like this." I stated and he patted my shoulder. "Don't worry, I got you covered. I'll drive my Levin which is currently parked in front of your house, and you sit by the passenger seat. Got it?" He asked and I nodded before getting up from the couch and walking towards the front door with Aki following me from behind.

I slowly went towards his car and stepped inside with Aki on the steering wheel as he starts up the engine and we drove of. "Where's Lake Akina again?" I asked and his eyes widened.

"You've forgotten where it is?! It's literally past the peak of Akina pass. A straight road and we're already there." He stated as he drive. To be honest, it's been awhile since I last went there. All of them were memories of me and my trainer having fun. Soon passing by Akina pass, we went straight to the Lake Akina. On our way there, I noticed a guy in blue uniform patrolling the road.

I then recall the news on TV about Pokémon hijacking cars and driving off with them. We passed by the cop who luckly didn't see us. I sighed and we finally arrived at Lake Akina where people are having their fun time by the lake. Some of them are trainers with their Pokémon, training and having fun. "Beautiful isn't?" Aki asked as he pulls by in front of the coffee shop.

"Yeah, I never thought this is how Lake Akina look like now." I stated before stepping out of the car to breath in fresh air and admire the view.

"Aren't you getting a cup of coffee to start your day?" Aki asked and I nodded. "Buy me a cup of mocha."

He nodded and went inside the coffee shop while I'm here admiring the view of Lake Akina when I noticed a car parked by the coffee shop. It's a... Toyota Levin AE85? It's fairly similar to Aki's AE86, but the difference may be the horsepower it outputs. I approached the car and noticed that there's a sticker on it.

"Akina SpeedStars." It reads.

I tilted my head and soon shrugged it off. It must be just some car aesthetics and extra designs. I walked away from it and was about to enter the coffee shop when a guy called me. I turned around to look at the direction of the calling and saw a man in a white t-shirt with red shirt underneath and another man with eyeglasses and wearing blue shirt, both approaching me.

"I saw you from a far that you stepped out of this Levin AE86. Is it yours? Because this car is old, and I'm surprised there are still many of these out being used. These old cars being out in the road just doesn't feel right." The guy in red shirt stated and looked at his friend with a smirk in his face.

Wait, did he just criticize Aki's car?

"Wait, isn't he a Lucario. Are Pokémon even allowed to drive? More so an old AE86 Levin. I just heard from the news about Pokemon stealing cars. Did he steal this car?" The other guy wearing a blue shirt stated. First they critized the car, now they're insulting me.

I cleared up my throat in front of them before speaking. "Well, it isn't right to criticize the car for being old, and insult me for being a Pokémon who can drive. Afterall, this is my friend's car which is a Cinderace, and the true owner of the car is none other than Wataru Akiyama himself."

Their eyes widened with their mouths open in surprise before resorting back again to smirking. "So the driver of the car is a Pokémon, so he did stole the car from it's owner." The guy in blue stated.

Oh my God. What are these guys?! Having enough, I snapped. "What do you two want?!" I snarled, teeth bared and paws clenching in anger.

"Oh? The Lucario is angry!"

"We don't want to mess around this early in the morning, but we want something from you. I want to race the Pokémon driver of this car." The guy in red stated with a smirk in his face before suddenly being interrupted by Aki heading out of the coffee shop, holding a cup of coffee with him raising an eyebrow before realizing what's going on.

"Ryo! Stop it!" He placed the cup of coffee on his car's hood and held me, wrapping his arms around my arm. "What's going on? Tell me!"

I let out a long sighed and calmed down before looking at--

"How sweet. Look at the Cinderace who stole someone's car wrap his arms around this Lucario's arm." The guy in red giggled and I snapped again.

"Will you guys stop it?!" I snarled, my paws clenching and teeth bared. Aki approached the two and asked, "What do you want from us?"

"We want a race against your AE86." Both of them stated while smirking.


Did Aki just--? I hate these two.

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