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In a closed bar...

Shigaraki : I still can't believe that All Might beat Nomu.. I was so sure that it can kill him.

He said while scratching his neck.
Dissappointed. That was the feeling he felt.

He scratched his neck aggressively.

Kurogiri : We should think of a new plan.

Kurogiri is Shigaraki's assisstant. His quirk is 'Warp Gate'. He can create a dark fog that works as a portal.

Shigaraki : Plans.. I got it. Let's kill a lot of people tomorrow.. Let's show the heroes how to feel 'suffer' when they couldn't save anyone.

He smirked.

Kurogiri : I understand. Where should we attack?

Shigaraki : A place where there is so many people.. The XX Shopping Mall. There's only two heroes on duty there, tomorrow.

He looked at his assisstant with a big grin on his face.

He looked at his assisstant with a big grin on his face

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Shigaraki : We might also need 'Master's' help.

Kurogiri : I will talk to Master and gather everyone else.


Your alarm rang. You lazily turned off your alarm and went to the bathroom to get ready.

You looked at your phone.

Y/N (thought) : Oh, I have to set an alarm for tonight! 

You had a work-related date with your uncle tonight.

Y/N (thought) :  I should arrive earlier than uncle if I don't want to hear him nagging.

You had a homemade sandwich as breakfast. Then you went to work.

You didn't bring the blue files to work because you don't want anyone to know about the case.

~ At work ~

You keep on getting distracted about the 'classified case' you just got yesterday.

You still had so much to do for today.

Y/N (thought) :  Can I finish all of these before 8.30 p.m. ?

Kazue : Y/N-san!! Are you okay?

Y/N : Huh?? What is it??

Kazue : You were so distracted today.. I was wondering if anything happened..

Y/N : Ouh.. I am so sorry. It's nothing. I am just a bit tired..

You thought no one would notice.
But you weren't lying though, you were so tired because the lack of sleep.

Kazue : You should rest!! Don't push yourself.. Let me help you handle some of your cases!!

Y/N : It's alright.. Thanks for worrying about me. I can do this on my own.

Kazue keep insisting to help you. You gave in. It would be bad if she keep on pestering you.

You gave her half of your cases for the day.

Y/N : If you insist.. Thanks, I apprieciate this.

Kazue : You're welcome~ Now, now.. Go get some rest.

You felt kind of bad but she's the one who wanted to help you, right?

It's not like you were bullying her, right?

These thought were lingering inside your head. You fell asleep as soon as you closed your eyes.

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