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You were teleported to the meeting room.

Y/N : !!!

Toga : Eh, what were you doing? I told you to stay in my room.?

Toga said while holding a knife.

Y/N (thought) : 😨😨😨 Keep calm.. keep calm.. Don't panic..

Y/N : Uh... I thought you guys might be thirsty after the meeting.. So, I made tea! 😅😅

You said while pouring tea to your cup.

Twice : That's so nice. Can I have some?

Y/N (thought) : Fuhh.. Glad I made a lot.

Y/N : Sure :) , here.

You gave your cup to Twice.

Dabi quickly grabbed your hand.

Dabi : Is it poisoned?

He asked with a cold face.

Y/N (thought) : The heck is wrong with this dude.. Well, I guess I did look suuuper suspicious and evil.

You quickly drank the tea in your cup.

Y/N : See? No poison. Now, let go of me!

You glared at Dabi. 😡😡😡😡

Dabi let go of your hand.

Y/N (thought) : Ughhhh I hate that dude. Now, I had to bring more cups!

Y/N : I'll bring more cups..

Shigaraki : No need. Kurogiri, teleport some cups.

Other villains (thought) : You should really stop taking advantage of Kurogiri...

Kurogiri obeyed and teleported some cups to the room.

You served them the tea.

Y/N : Here you go.

You gave it to Kurogiri.

Kurogiri : Thanks.

You just nodded. You sat beside Toga. The villains continued to planned their mission.

You were so scared when you heard their plan.

Their next target : Katsuki Bakugo.
U.A Hero Department's student.

Quirk -> explosion

Mission : Kidnap the target. If anyone intefere, kill them.

Y/N (thought) : I have to figure something out!!

The meeting ended. You went to bed with Toga.

Kurogiri : It's cold outside, you should get inside.

Shigaraki : I had my jacket. Do you find any information about her?

Kurogiri : Yes. Her name is Y/N L/N. She is a graduate of U.A high Hero Department. After she graduated, she become a detective and work with the police.

Shigaraki : Her quirk?

Kurogiri : Her quirk is Confession. She can make people answer her question honestly. Oh, and she is the same age as you.

Shigaraki (thought) : I don't need to know that last information..

Kurogiri : Is there anything else you want to know about her?

Shigaraki : Is she still in touch with any heroes?

Kurogiri : She still in touch with Hawks and she met All Might sometimes.

Shigaraki : All Might..? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!

Kurogiri : Her parents died when she was young.

Shigaraki : Cause of death?

Kurogiri : Food-poisoning.

Shigaraki (thought) : What the.. food? How tragic..

Shigaraki : Let's go inside.

Kurogiri : Okay.

Shigaraki went to his room and sat on his bed.

Shigaraki (thought) : Her quirk isn't that rare.. How did she not die when I touched her?

Shigaraki sighed.

Shigaraki (thought) : She's close with All Might, huh..? I should use her to get to All Might.

Shigaraki : Hahahhahaha.. I guess we hit the jackpot.

Shigaraki : Y/N L/N, huh?

~ In Toga's room ~


Y/N (thought) : Someone must be talking about me.. Hope it's not Dabi.

Y/N (thought) : I already came up with a plan. Let's just wait. 🙂🙂

You looked at the clock.

Y/N (thought) : 12 a.m... Can't believe I survived the first day..

Y/N (thought) : He saved me... I guess I have to thanked him..

Y/N :  🥱🥱🥱🥱.. Shigaraki.. Tomura..

You fell asleep.

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