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That's him. Shigaraki Tomura. Your felt shivers as you looked at him. You know this feeling.. It's the same one when you first met him.

Shigaraki Tomura touches the slide. The slide slowly turned into dust. The past Mr. Nakamura quickly get off the slide and told his children to run away.

Past Mr. Nakamura : Run away!! Go to crowded places! Find heroes!!

His children nods with tears in their eyes and started to run.

Past Shigaraki : Kurogiri. Catch them.

Suddenly, a portal opened infront of the children and the children disappeared.

Past Mr. Nakamura : NO!!! GIVE ME BACK MY CHILDREN!!

Past Shigaraki : Your quirk does not amuse me. So, I'll let you live.


Past Shigaraki : You know the answer to that, don't you? Since you've been reading my mind for a while now. (Smirks)

Past Mr. Nakamura clenched his fists and charged towards Shigaraki. Shigraki smiled and disappeared through a portal that appeared behind him.

Past Mr. Nakamura ran towards the city like a crazy person. He asked everyone that came across him "Where is the hero? Have you seen any hero?". He asked and begged for people to find a nearby hero. Someone finally came up to him.

Random Citizen : Ummm, I saw Fat Gum just now.. Do you need any help?

Past Mr. Nakamura : Thank you! Where is he?!

The person took him to the said hero. Fat Gum told Mr. Nakamura to report the situation to the police station while he patrolled the playground. Past Mr. Nakamura ran towards nearby police station to make a report. You followed him.

Police Officer : Please rest assured. We are sure Fat Gum can handle this situation. We already informed the heroes headquarters. We will inform you if we found your children.


Police Officer : Please don't cause a scene. I'm sure your wife is waiting for you at home. Why don't you go home and trust us?

Past Mr. Nakamura sighed and went home.

Y/N : What happened next..?

You asked since the current Mr. Nakamura have been quiet the whole time.

Mr. Nakamura : The police and heroes couldn't find them. So, they closed the case.

Y/N : That's awful!

Mr. Nakamura : Fate has shown me the way to get my revenge. I managed to get these useful drugs.

Y/N : Mr. Nakamura...

Mr. Nakamura : And I even get to meet the villain's girlfriend.

Y/N : What..?

Mr. Nakamura : I have been reading your mind this whole time, Miss Y/N L/N. Now, I shall take my revenge.

Mr. Nakamura punched you right on your abdomen. His punch is so fast that you couldn't react to it. You fainted due to lack of oxygen. Mr. Nakamura laugh at the sight of you being helpless.

Mr. Nakamura : Sleep tight. Let's wait for your hero to come. If he cares about you. Let's return to current reality.

Hawks was shocked when Mr. Nakamura and you suddenly woke up. Both of you were in a hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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