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Shigaraki touched your head with his five fingers.

Shigaraki : huh...??

Shigaraki (thought) : She.. didn't die.. Does my quirk not working?

You looked up.

Y/N : ..??

Shigaraki : Huh.. What is your quirk?

Y/N : sob.. sob.. please..

You grab his leg and looked down.

Y/N : Please save me...

Shigaraki : How desperate are you? Begging a villain to save your life?

Shigaraki kneel down and stretched out his hand.

Shigaraki kneel down and stretched out his hand

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You felt dizzy and fainted.

Shigaraki touches the wall above you. The wall turned to ashes.

He picked you up on his shoulder.

Shigaraki : Let's go. Bring everyone back to our base.

Kurogiri : ..? Are we letting the girl live?

Shigaraki : ... Open the portal.

Kurogiri obeyed Shigaraki's order and open a portal.

~ At the villain's base ~

Toga : Hmm? Who is she?

Shigaraki : ...

Spinner : Is she going to be one of us?

Twice : New member?! Toga, you will have a female friend!

Toga : You're right~

Shigaraki : Get information about her. She will stay with us for a while.

He put you down and massage his shoulder.

Shigaraki: If she try to escape, don't hesitate to kill her.

Kurogiri : I will make a background check on her.

Toga : So, she's not one of us..?

Spinner : I guess not.

Dabi : Why didn't you just kill her?

Shigaraki ignored them and went to another room.

Kurogiri : Shigaraki's quirk doesn't work on her. He tried to kill her earlier.

Toga : Why didn't he kill her using a knife? It'll be satisfying~

Kurogiri : I don't know.. He must have a reason to let this person live.

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