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Shigaraki was the one to break the silence.

Shigaraki : My real name is Tenko Shimura.

Y/N : ..!

Y/N (thought) : That family name sounded so familiar.. Where have I heard it before..?

Shigaraki : You can call me by my first name if you want to.

Y/N : ..Tenko.. Then, you can call me by my first name too.

Shigaraki : ...Okay.

Shigaraki looked away.

Shigaraki : When Kurogiri teleport us to the city, you should escape.

Y/N : Huh? Why?

Shigaraki : It will be dangerous. You shouldn't get in touch with the League of Villains anymore.

Y/N : ...Why..? I thought I am still useful to you.

Shigaraki : You are with the heroes. I am a villain. That means, I am a threat to you. You will be in danger... You can get hurt again.

Y/N : Then stop being a villain.. Come with me..

Shigaraki : I can't. I have to fulfill my master's dream.

Y/N : You are just a pawn to him! He doesn't care about you! He just wants to use you

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Y/N : You are just a pawn to him! He doesn't care about you! He just wants to use you..

Shigaraki : I know.. But he is the one that saved me. He is my hero.

Y/N : I see.. Alright.

After that, Shigaraki woke Kurogiri up by shaking him (using his feet) and ordered him to teleport all of them to the city.

You ran away from their base after the teleportation.

Y/N : I will save you, Tenko.

You went to your uncle's workplace and search for your uncle.

Tsukauchi : Y/N? Is that you?

You quickly turn around. He looked horrible like he haven't slept for days. Tears fell down from his eyes. He hugged you so tight. It reminds you of the day on your parent's funeral.

Tsukauchi : I.. I thought I lost you, too. Please don't disappear like that. You didn't even contact me!

You can't help but returned the hug. You hugged him tight and buried your face into his chest.

Y/N : I'm sorry.. uncle.

Suddenly, the people inside your uncle's office started to cheer. You looked around. Then you saw the news on the TV. All Might has won against All For One.

Tsukauchi : We did it! The heroes won!

You uncle held your hand tight.

Y/N : Is he... going to be alright..?

Tsukauchi : ??? ..Who did you mean?

Y/N : Oh, it's nothing. I'm gonna go outside for a while.

Tsukauchi : Get home early. If anything happens, call me.

Y/N : Okay, MOM.

You went out from the office. Your chest tightened.

Y/N : ...Tenko.. Will he be alright?

You felt tired, so you went home and get some rest.

The next day, you went out for a walk to get some fresh air. Without thinking, you went to the burger food truck where Tenko always buys you a cheeseburger.

You stared at the menu.

You missed him. You really want to meet Tenko even for a while. You can't help but think about him. Then, you got an idea. You wrote a note on a napkin and you asked the food truck worker to give it to a strange man that wear a black hoodie with a light blue coloured hair. The worker quickly understood who you meant.

Worker : You mean the man who always ordered two cheeseburger with two mineral later?

Y/N : Yes! Him. Can you give this note to him if he came here?

Worker : Sure. No problem.

Your note :

Dear Tenko,

How are you? Are you feeling alright?
Hey, let's meet up at the playground near the YY neighbourhood. Just the two of us. I'm worried about you. I will wait for you.

From, Y/N L/N

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