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You and the villains were teleported to a place that you weren't familiar with.

Y/N : Where.. are we?

Shigaraki : ...

Shigaraki looked at the sky while holding your hand tight.

Suddenly Shigaraki took off his shirt.


Shigaraki : ...use this..to stop the bleeding..

Y/N : Ouh, (///_///).. Thanks..

You took the shirt and use it to stop your bleeding from the stabbed part.

Y/N : Ouch..

Shigaraki just sat down and stare at the sky. While the other villains remain unconscious.

Y/N (thought) : ...Why did I take his hand..? I can just escape and go to my uncle..

You looked at Shigaraki.

Y/N (thought) : What should I do now? I don't even know where I am..

Shigaraki : The sky is beautiful.

Y/N : !! ..yes, it is.

Shigaraki : Oi Kurogiri. Wake up! Teleport us to another base.

Y/N : Ehh?? How many base did you have?

Shigaraki : Just teleport us to a deserted place near the city.

Kurogiri was still unconscious.

Shigaraki : ...Haaa..

Suddenly, your stomach started to growl.

Shigaraki glared at you.

Shigaraki : You hungry?


Shigaraki took something from his pocket. It was a chocolate bar.

He tossed it to you.

You caught it.

Shigaraki : Just eat that for now. I don't have any other food.

Y/N : T-thanks..

You opened the chocolate bar and broke it into half.

Y/N : Here.. You should eat too..

Shigaraki looked at the sky and ignored you. You took a deep breath and sat next to him. He kept looking at the sky. You glanced at him and eat the chocolate bar while looking at the sky.

Shigaraki : How's the bleeding. Did it stop?

Y/N : No.. But it's just a small stab. Luckily it did not hit my vital point.

Shigaraki : I guess the wound is not that deep.

Y/N : Y-yeah.. Anyway..Thanks for the shirt.. I guess I am still useful to you cause you kept me alive..

Shigaraki : ...I heard you parents died when you were little.

Y/N : !!!!

Shigaraki : Mine too.. In fact all of my family members died.

Y/N : ...

You were shocked. Your heart sting. You looked at Shigaraki. He looked at you, then he looked down to the ground.

Shigaraki : I.. killed them.

You were stunned. Tears started to fall from your eyes.

You opened up your arms and pulled him into a hug.

Y/N : You must be scared and lonely..

Shigaraki : ..! ....yeah..

Shigaraki : ...I didn't mean to kill them.. My mom.. My sister.. My dog.. everyone.. I was scared.. Everything I touched turned into dust.

Y/N (thought) : He must have been so hurt.. 

Shigaraki : But.. You. You are the only one who didn't turned into dust.

Y/N : !! 

Y/N (thought) : Wait.. he is right. I didn't turned into dust..!

Shigaraki : You make me feel warm..

Y/N : !! (///_///)

Shigaraki hold your hands and smiled. 

Shigaraki :Somehow I didn't feel lonely when I'm with you.. You make me feel like I'm a human again.. Like I'm alive..

He took your hand and place it on his chest.

Shigaraki : My heartbeat become faster when it's just the two of us alone.

Y/N (thought) : !! Did he just confessed to me?!

Your face turned red. Your hands started to shake.

Shigaraki : ..?

Shigaraki (thought) : Of course. She must be scared of me. I am a villain after all.

Shigaraki let go of your hands. He sighed and looked down.

Suddenly, you shouted.

Y/N : M-ME TOO!!! 

Shigaraki : ..?

Y/N : You.. You make my heart race.. And I can't help myself to like you when you treated me nicely. Even though sometimes you are annoying.. I just can't stop thinking about you!

Shigaraki's face is flushed. Both of you become quiet. Shigaraki was the one to break the silence.

Shigaraki : My real name is Tenko Shimura.

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