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You and Tenko went to the nearest fast food restaurant.

Y/N : I'll take the Set A please.

You ordered. 

Y/N : Want anything?

Tenko : I'm fine.

Y/N : Just order anything... hmm??

Tenko : Alright.. I'll take the Bucket C.

You laughed so hard because he ordered the largest set on the menu.

Y/N : Are you that hungry?

Tenko : Well, I have to bring some food back so that it won't be suspiscious.

Y/N : Ouhh.. That's true..

Tenko : Sit down first. I will bring all the food.

You nodded and search for empty seats.

Y/N : Oh, no..

You saw Hawks talking to a hero.

Y/N : I should hide-

Hawks : Hey! Y/N!! It's been a long time!

Y/N : Shoot! Haaahahahaha... Hey, Hawks..

Hawks : Hmm? Are you here alone?

Y/N : Hahahaha.. Yes..

Hawks : Why are you so nervous?

Y/N : haha.. what do you mean nervous?

Hawks : You kept laughing..

Y/N : Sorry. 😅😅

Hawks : Well, I'm guessing you're on a date. Am I right? 😏😏

Y/N : Shhh! Don't be so loud! Are you done eating? Go home!

Hawks : Hahaha! I'm kidding~ I'm about to leave.

Hawks and the other hero went out from the restaurant.

You sighed of relief.

Tenko : I forgot that you're close with Hawks.

Y/N : Aww.. Are you jealous?

Tenko : Let's just eat.

You giggled and start eating. Tenko just smiled.

After eating, both of you watched a movie in the cinema.

Tenko : This is my first time.

Y/N : I promise you, this movie is very good!

Tenko : Have you watched it?

Y/N : Nope. But my friends from work really recommend this one!

Tenko : Ouh.. Okay..

*After the movie

Y/N : So, how's the movie?

Tenko : It's amazing! The screen is so big and the sound is loud!

Y/N : Hehe, told you its fun!

Tenko : Thank you. This is so much fun.

Tenko hugged you. You returned his hug and gently rubbed his back.
He kisses your cheek and get his food from the locker where he left it before watching the movie.

Tenko : Goodnight, Y/N.

Y/N : Goodnight, Tenko.

Tenko walked you home. He kissed your forehead before letting you go. You waved your hand to him as a farewell gesture.

He chuckled and returned the wave with a lovely smile. He waited until you went inside your house before leaving. He make sure that he wasn't being followed.

That was the last time you saw him. After that night, League of Villains disappeared for months. You never heard anything from Tenko anymore.

The first two months, you were still waiting for his message from the burger stall.

After that two months, you felt helpless and stopped waiting. You want to search for him. So, you secretly went around to find informations about the League of Villains whereabout.

The search went on for three months before you were caught by your uncle. He told you to stop searching for the League of the Villains and to avoid from getting yourself involved with them.

You understand his intentions and worries but you can't help yourself from missing Tenko. You can't stand being apart from him for this long.

Being apart from him made you feel lonely. Your heart feels empty. Every night, you will recall all the memories you had with him and every time you recalled your first date with him, your tears started to fall.

Now, it has been almost a year and a half since you last meet Tenko in flesh. You stopped your search since you don't want to worry your uncle. You regret not having a single photo of him. You can't get any photos of him either.

You tried to search about him online but all of the photos are blurry. Well you can't blame anyone because who's in their right mind would take photos of villains, right?

Everyday, you will still try to recall all of your memories of him while living your normal life to remember him.

Uncle : I have a mission for you.

Y/N : Hmm? What is it?

Uncle : You have to find a missing person. This person have been missing for three weeks.

Y/N : Sure. Leave his informations on my desk I will start my search right after I finish my coffee.

Uncle : I know I can count on you.

Y/N : Hehe, of course you can. I'm the best detective here.

Uncle : Hmmm.. The second best detective.

Y/N : Who's the first?

Uncle : Well, you're looking at him.

Y/N : Hahahah okay, uncle. You're still as funny as ever.

Uncle : Hey! I'm not joking!

Y/N : I know you're not, I am. Well, my coffee is finished. I have to begin my search.

Uncle : Good luck, Y/N.

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