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You finished your work earlier than usual. You send your reports to your superior and took your coat.

Coworker 1 : Woah, why are you rushing? Do you have an appointment?

Y/N : Nope. I have a date!

You said with a big smile on your face. You skipped joyfully and went to a bus stop.

You took a bus and went to your meeting place hoping that he was there. Your heart sank when there was no one there. You bit your lower lip and try your best not to cry.

Y/N (thought) : Think positive thoughts! He might be busy..

You walked to the playground and played the swing. As you were playing, suddenly you felt someone pushing you slowly from behind. You quickly turned your head.

It's him. He came!

You were too speechless. You can only stare at him with a big smile on your face.

Tenko : ...Hi.. Sorry, I'm late..?

Y/N : H-hi! N-n-no, it's fine.

You answered while struggling to get off the swing. The swing was still moving fast.

Tenko : Need help?

Y/N : Nah, it's fine. I can just put my feet down like thi-

As you were putting your feet down, Tenko hugged you from behind and pulled you off the swing. The swing was about to hit you but he blocked it using his feet. You were so surprised by his actions.


He suddenly tightened his hug and lay his head on your shoulder. You flinched.

Tenko : Sorry, did you get hurt anywhere?

Y/N : N-no.. Thank you for getting me off the swings.. and thank you for coming here..

Tenko : ... I missed you.

His confession left you speechless.

Y/N (thought) : What's with him today..? (/////_//////)!!!

Tenko : ..? Did you not miss me?

He asked while still hugging you, his head on your right shoulder.

Y/N : Of course, I do!

You answered while patting his head. He raised his head and lay his chin on your shoulder.

Tenko : ...What should we do now?

He asked in a whispering voice with his lips just next to your ear. You felt your face getting hot. You quickly covered your ears using your hands.

Tenko was surprised by your action. He released you from his hug and turned you to him. You turned your head away from him.

Tenko : ..? ..Y/N? Are you feeling alright?

You nod your head.

Tenko : Can I see your face?

You shake your head feeling embarrassed to show him your flushed face.

Tenko : ...please?

You took a deep breath and turn to him. He become stunt when he saw how red your face is.

Tenko (thought) : ...cute.

He stared at your face with an adoring look. You felt like it was unfair that he looked as if he didn't feel anything. So, you put both of your hands on his cheeks.

 So, you put both of your hands on his cheeks

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He smiled as you touched him. Then, he put his hands on top of yours. He leaned closer to your face as if he was about to kiss you. You quickly shut your eyes and waited for his kiss. As his lips almost touched yours, your stomach growled.


He stopped and laughed. You touched your belly and turned away.


Tenko couldn't stop laughing. You become annoyed.

Y/N : Hey.. It's not funny..!

He wiped his tears and smiled.

Tenko : Let's eat. I will pay for it. You can choose the place.

Y/N : Are we going on a date?

You asked jokingly. He pulled you to him by your waist and kiss your forehead lightly.

Tenko : ..yes.

You blushed so hard that your neck turned red as well. You turned your head to him to see his face. He locked his eyes with yours and leaned closer. You closed your eyes as you felt his lips brushed against yours. You prayed in your heart so that your stomach won't growl this time.

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