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The next day, all the villains went out except Shigaraki and you.

Shigaraki : I will watch you. If you even try to escape, I'll kill you.

Y/N : ...okay.


You don't know what to do, so you just sat on a chair in the living room.

It was so quiet until..

Your stomach started to growl.

Shigaraki : ...? What's that sound?

Y/N : No-Nothing..!

Y/N (thought) : I'm still hungry...

You had a sandwich earlier. It's not enough for you but you're too scared to asked for more.

Then, your stomach growled again.


Shigaraki sigh and went to the kitchen. He came back with a frown.

Shigaraki : Let's go out.

Y/N : Huh...? (confused)

Shigaraki : I said... Let's go out...


Shigaraki : (sigh).. Wanna come or not?

 Wanna come or not?

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Y/N : I'll come!

He told you to walk infront of him. You obeyed him.

*A/N : ummm.. you knew about shigaraki's quirk, but you didn't know how his quirk works.

You just walked as Shigaraki told you the direction.

Shigaraki : Stop

Y/N (thought) : Huh..? Why are we here.

The destination was a burger shop.

Shigaraki ordered two cheeseburgers.

Shigaraki : Here.

He handed you one. You took it with a confused face.

Y/N (thought) : ....? What is happening..? Did he just buy me a food?

Y/N : Thanks..

Shigaraki ate his cheeseburger while staring at you.

Y/N : Umm.. Can you not stare at me..? It's uncomfortable.

Shigaraki : ..? I was just making sure you didn't run away.

Y/N : ..okay..

You ate your burger slowly to avoid choking.

Suddenly Shigaraki stand up.

Y/N : ?!!! (shocked)

Y/N (thought) : Why is he standing up?!

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