New york - chapter 5 ४

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New York 2012

The streets were pure chaos at this point, the chitauri were everywhere. The team quickly split up, Bruce was going after the time stone which hopefully should be with doctor strange at the end of town. Steve would be going after Loki's scepter with the mind stone inside it. You, Scott and Tony would need to work together to get the space stone in form of the tesseract from yourself 11 years prior. First step was getting into the avengers tower, and wait until the avengers from 2012 captures Loki.

"Cap are you in position?" Tony asked over the ear piece connecting all of you so it was easier to communicate.

"I'm ready, just let me know when they leave your position" Steve stood patiently waiting by the elevator, as soon as the hydra members enters the elevator he would press the button and get the case with the Sceptor.

You, Tony and Scott was located at the top of the avengers tower in hiding, you had forgotten just how it all worked out in the end, it was like watching a movie about yourself. You all stood surrounding Loki, your magic keeping him slammed onto the ground.

"If it's all the same to you, I could really use that drink now" you could hear Loki mumble those words and the memories came flashing back to you as if you where living this moment for the first time again.

"Okay Lang, time to go small" Tony whispered. Scott shrank down, and climbed onto Tony's arm, and then he flicked him onto the case where the tesseract was being placed. From where you were standing you could clearly see how Loki imitates Steve you couldn't help but chuckle.

"Okay Steve, not to be on Loki's side, but he really nails his impression of you." You say quietly while trying not to laugh.

"Very funny y/n" Steve giggles and rolled his eyes, you've always enjoyed the sound of his laugh, he could come across as serious but behind all that he was just the kindest most warm-hearted person.

"Okay Cap, they're in the elevator" Tony said as the both of you went to the elevator changing into your SHIELD disguise, you had to be as neutral as possible to not mess this up, after all you only had one shot at getting this right. Steve went into the elevator a few floors down. The Sceptor was guarded by hydra agents, luckily Steve knew just how to gain their trust this time, he stood right in the middle and could feel all the eyes on him. Rumlow and one of the other guards had their right hand on their guns ready to fire if needed.

"Change of plans, I'm gonna be running point on the Sceptor, we got words that someone might try to steal the Sceptor." Steve hesitated, he knew they didn't believe one word he said, they're intentions where not as good as they thought back then.

Rumlow gave Steve an angry look. "Sorry cap but we can't give you the Sceptor" he mumbled as his grip around the gun tightened.

"We're gonna have to call the director" on of the guards said as he reached in his pocket to get his phone.

Luckily Steve knew exactly how to win them over this time. " that won't be necessary" he leaned in and whispered into the guards ear. "Hail hydra" the guard froze and gave Rumlow an approving nod. Rumlow handed Steve the Sceptor and he got off at the next floor.

"Alright I have the Sceptor, please be careful y/n, I have a bad feeling they might know somethings up" Steve said into his earpiece.

You and Tony were located in the main hall, both in disguise, you watched as the 2012 you, Tony, Thor, Steve and Loki went out of the other elevator. You remember this moment clearly, but somehow it felt like you were living it for the very first time. Scott made his way from the suitcase up to the other Tony.
He shrunk further down and went inside of the arc reactor located on Tony's chest. Tony was holding the case with the tesseract inside and was on his way to hand it over to SHIELD.

"Wow Tony, you're looking good" you say as you chuckle lightly, you were standing near the avengers, ready to get the case to Tony.

"What can I say, I was always the better looking sibling, you should've kept that suit though" you could almost see how Tony smirked. You just let him have this one, and to be fair he was only getting more attractive as the years went by. Time was running out for you, if you wanted that stone it had to be done now. Alexander Pierce was getting impatient, and was almost ripping the case from 2012 Tony's hands.

"Are we sure about this, you promise you won't die"
Scott's voice was shaky, he was definitely nervous about pulling it out.

"Just do it Lang, we're only giving me a mild cardiac dysrhythmia" Tony said as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

"That doesn't sound that mild Tony." You were definitely getting nervous about it as well, but Tony was sure, and he was after all the only person with an arc reactor in his body. The SHIELD members where getting impatient and everyone was trying to get their hands on the case. Now tony was officially out of patience.

"Windows closing Lang. Just pull it out" Tony said and just like that Scott pulled the pin from the arc reactor, and 2012 Tony fell to the ground. Everyone's eyes shifted directly to him and everyone was trying to help him. Scott crawled out and punched the suitcase towards you. That was your cue, you knew
Just what to do, in one swift motion you picked up the case, and walked confidently towards Tony.
But you didn't get very far before 2012 Hulk came crashing down from the stairs, pushing you 5 meters back and leaving the suitcase flying through the air.
It landed just beside Loki, who looked around.
You could tell by the look in his eyes he had some twisted plan. So you ran towards him and grabbed onto his shoulder just as he picked up the tesseract.
What happened next didn't really make sense, you felt like every fiber in your body was torn apart then put back together. Meanwhile back in the main hall Tony was freaking out.

"Steve! STEVE!... she's gone" Tony was a mumbling mess, this was the one thing he didn't want to happen, any of his loved ones at risk.

"What do you mean they're gone, where's the stone" Steve didn't understand what was happening, they were trying to get through to your earpiece, but without luck.

"Loki got the tesseract, he escaped with it, and he took y/n with him, she's gone Steve.. so is the stone."
Tony's voice was cracking and tears filled his eyes, he had just gotten you back and now he lost you for good.

"Don't worry Tony we'll get her back I promise you!"

Gobi dessert, Mongolia

When you got you conscious back, you woke up in a dessert with nothing in sight. You felt dizzy and light headed. You sat up slowly just to discover you were laying next to none other than Loki himself.

"What the fuck just happened.. oh you've got to be kidding me" you let you head fall down into the palm of your hands, as Loki slowly got up and removed the cuff from his mouth.

"What did you just do! We have to get back!" You quickly stood up, moving as far away from Loki as possible, if there was one thing you had learnt, he was not to be trusted.

"I simply got my get away from Odín card, you foolish Midgardian were the one holding onto me. Looks like you're stuck here with me" Loki grinned as he scooted closer to you.

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