Promises - chapter 35 ४

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Tony silently walks into the living room... you've fallen asleep on the couch on Wanda's lap. He looks dreadful. Nat had left for an undercover mission. "Is everything alright stark" Wanda Whispers careful not to wake you up, she kept stroking your back.

"We have a problem" Tony says sadly. Your mind picks up the frustration in the room, and wakes you up.

"What problem exactly?" You mumble. As you look up at him.

"Just ehm.. just follow me okay"

You wipe away the sleep in your eyes. And slowly get up. You walk into your room, Loki is asleep on your bed.

"Loki... Theres a problem, We probably need your Help, so suit up" you whisper as you kiss him gently.

"There's always a problem isn't there" he scoffs.

"I guess so" you say sadly. "I promise after this we'll start planning"

Loki shakes his head, as he clenches his eyes. "Don't lie to me darling.."

The two of you gear up, meeting Tony and Wanda in the front hall. The car ride to the shield facility feels like an eternity.. whatever this was it wasn't good. Normally you would get a message Like Nat did earlier. This had to be urgent, and it had to be serious.

"Call Romanoff" Tony says handing you a phone.

"Why?" You ask.

"We need all hands on deck, I can't reach Sam, Stephen or Scott. Banner, Thor and Barton are meeting us there." He explains.

You know she's gonna be pissed when you interrupt her mission, but Tony normally wasn't scared of a good mission yet this one seem to have his head spiraling. The first time she doesn't pick up.. the next time a man with a sloppy French accent picks up. "Hand her The phone, or we're blowing up the place" you demand darkly.

"Listen y/n I can't talk right now I'm working"

"I need you okay.. please"

"I'll be there, send me address"

You hangs up the phone. Tony gives you a concerned nod.

Once you arrive at the shield facility Maria escorts you into the meeting area. You all sit down, waiting in silence for Fury to step in and explain what the hell is going on. You clench onto Lokis hand tightly. Your thoughts are on fire, exploring every possible outcome of this mission. Suddenly Thor bursts through the door.

"What is going on here?" He calls out.

"Fury didn't tell me the details, but he seemed tense, more than he usually is of course" he explains. He is walking around is circles everyone is restless.

"So I left my mission for something we know nothing about?" Nat scoffs.

"It must be big.. last time we gathered here it was becau-" Bruce begins.

"Of me" Loki interrupts. "Oh I remember this place clearly" he chuckles.

You can't focus, everything around you seems blurry.

"Alright avengers.. it's time to work" your head jerks up as you hear that oh so familiar voice belonging to none other than Nick Fury.

"After the word came out that Steve Rogers was done with his days as captain America, hostile forces began brewing something". He explains further.

"And with hostile forces you mean?" You hesitantly ask


As you hear that familiar name ringing through your head, your stomach turns. Everything that ever happened to you rushes through your body. this was brilliant, of course who else could it have been.

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