Bachelorette party - chapter 52 ४

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About 2 hours later, you were sitting in your room all dressed up, for the so called "girls night out". You had for the first time since Lokis proposal taken the time to do you hair, in something other than a high ponytail or just a messy half up half down look. You had curled it, while braiding some pieces pinning them behind your ears. Nat had taught you a bunch of different braids, normally you didn't have time to do it. Whatever you see in those superhero movies was far from reality. Who on earth has time to do a perfect winged eyeliner, and a complicated hairstyle before each mission. You certainly didn't, looking good wasn't exactly a priority when dealing with hydra. But for tonight it was your only priority.

"So when is y/n coming?" Rhodey asks while sipping on a glass of wine. The top floor of the compound has been turned into a giant party floor. Some guests are out at the rooftop.

"Well it's a quite funny story actually, Stark here accidentally told her this morning" Thor chuckles while emptying his drink.

"Of course you did Stark, you can't keep a secret if your life depended on it. Now where are all the ladies please" Maria sighs. That's the downside of your friend group, the amount of women in the agent and superhero life is scarily little.

"Pepper is babysitting Morgan, and I didn't tell them, I just didn't not tell them" Tony scoffs, trying to find of a good excuses why he didn't just come up with a better excuse.

"Right you just accidentally spoiled her own party" she chuckles.

"I think Stark is an excellent keeper of secrets" Thor says happily padding him on the back.

"Exactly I love secrets" Tony smirks.

"As do I"

Rhodey and Maria give each other a look, as the sigh simultaneously.

"The man with metal wings went to fetch her" Thor explains.

"It's not that I don't enjoy talking to you and your raging testosterone" Maria coughs at the words testosterone. "Oh excuse me" she smiles as she walks off.

"Well that was fun" Tony sighs.

There's a loud knocking on your door as you lay restless on your bed.

"Y/n, I know Tony told you, let's go" a familiar voice says. You open the door and see Sam standing right outside your room. You hug him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're here!" You exclaim!

You slowly walk to the elevator with him, as soon as the elevator door shuts open to the party you're overwhelmed at how many people they've invited. Seems like all of New York has been cramped into once place.

"God Sam this is way to much, I just wanted a small thing" you say, as you look out over the crowd.

"Hey, I didn't plan any of this, I just came for the free beers" he chuckles.

"Awe I've missed you too!" You scoff, rolling your eyes.

"I'm happy to see you, you look stunning" he smiles.

"And buck?" You ask hesitantly. "How is he?"

"He misses you, a lot"

"I wish he would've come with you, I better see him at the wedding"

"He wouldn't miss it"

"I should probably go.. mingle" you chuckle. Grabbing onto his beer emptying it as quickly as you got it.

You walk around for a bit, struggling to find someone you actually know at the party. The loud music is banging in your ears. As you slowly make your way to the bar. Only to see that Natasha is behind it making cocktails for everyone.

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