Alioth - chapter 22 ४

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You and Loki is sitting quietly next to one another. You gaze at him once in a while... you're at loss for words... for actions. For the past 3 months you've been trying to get home, you've been eager to get home. Now you can't stop worrying, how could things ever be the same... what would you say.. what would you do. You couldn't leave Loki, but you couldn't bring him home either. Tony would kill you, if Clint and Natasha hadn't already killed him... And Steve... what on earth were you gonna tell Steve.

"Y/n.. are you okay?" He asks gently.

Your eyes were puffy and red.. you hadn't even noticed. You were crying.

"No.. I'm not okay Loki" you mumble.. Loki conjures a blanket that covers both you and him. As he gives you a reassuring smile. He slowly moves closer towards you. The silence feels like an eternity."Ravonna said something right before I left... I just need to know" you say..

"What is it?" He asks, there's deep remorse in his voice.

"Did it mean anything to you... the kiss?" You ask hesitantly. You clench your eyes shut you can't seem to look him in the eyes. You exhale deeply.

"It did" he shares. You slowly unclench your eyes, as you look over at him. "But I am aware that once we return you have obligations. Ones I don't fit into" his voice is shaky... with a hint of sorrow.

"It's not about that... it's just" you quietly say.. you don't know how to say it without offending him. "How do I know you won't betray me as soon as we're back home?" You ask hesitantly.

Loki smiles sadly at you. As he looks deeply into your eyes. "Y/n, please listen to me" he demands, yet his voice isn't demanding at all.. it's hurt. "I've betrayed everyone who ever loved me... I betrayed my mother.. my brother... my home" he explains, his voice is broken.. it's raw and vulnerable. You admire him as he talks. "I know what I did... and I know what Why i did it" he adds.

You're about to speak up, to apologize to him for your accusations. But he stops you before you can.
"That's not who I want to be.. I won't let you down" he says gently. You let you head rest on his shoulder

"I'm sorry.. I won't let you down either" you whisper.

Loki Remains silent, as his hand slowly finds it way to your hair, he begins stroking it gently. Braiding small parts of your hair. You let out a quiet sob.. he notices and looks at you with worried eyes.

"Not many people know so much about me as you do.. after all you did see my entire life displayed out." You whimper... "I was afraid it would scare people away if they knew" you quietly add.

"Well darling I'm not people" he says

You let out an annoyed huff, as you gently push him.

"Don't ruin it!"

Loki let's out a gentle laugh.

"It's been a long time since I've felt so at peace.. but with you I just do" You feel your cheeks grow red as he speaks. "You showed me Colors i couldn't imagine existed" he adds. You can't help but at smile.. it's like it's grown stuck to your lips.

"I feel it too" you admit. "But what are we gonna do when we get back?" You ask, scared what the answer might be.

"I don't know.. but maybe we could figure it out. Together" there's hope in his words.

"I would like that.. together" you repeat.

His hand travels down from your hair to your cheek. His eyes looks deeply into yours. Then he leans forward connecting his lips with yours. Desperately you reach onto his chest clenching his shirt in your hands. You cling to him. As a moan escapes from your lips. You can feel the smile on his lips as you do.  He slowly breaks up the kiss but you're not done yet. You pull him towards you once again, for just one more taste of his lips on yours.. he bites down on your lower lip and you exhale sharply. His tongue battling for dominance and winning every time. Then he breaks away once again. Your eyes are closed and your tongue is running over your lips.

"Is my little pet not satisfied with just a kiss?" He asks mockingly with a big smile on his face. He could feel your eagerness.

Your eyes shut open, you can't stop smiling. "Don't call me that!" You say demandingly but the smile is still glued on your lips.

"I think after that kiss I could call you whatever I wanted and you'd still come back for more" he teases. God he was annoying.. he was annoying because he was right. Making out with Steve was gentle, and loving... this was passionate, it was like a drug, and you were addicted now.

You stand up and throwing your end of the blanket over his head as you push him down on the grass.
Loki slowly removes the blanket from his eyes as he takes a moment to appreciate every inch of you. Of your beauty.

"Come on, let's go kick some ass" you exclaim as you reach your hand out for him to grab onto. He takes it and quickly stands before you. He reaches down and lifts your chin gently with one finger.. his mouth is just by your ear. You can hear his deep breath, as in tingles your ear lope. He gently nibs on your earlobe. You're focusing on not letting him know you enjoy it. If you didn't you wouldn't hear the end of it. "Loki im serious" you say. But he ignores your request, and you don't break free of his touch, your hypnotized by his touch. "Fine after you" he suddenly murmurs as he backs away from you.

"Okay so we need to get past Alioth, and then we should be able to get back home" you explain.. not that was anything like the plans Sylvie had. But hey it was plan.

"Sounds easy enough" Loki grins. You roll your eyes, which only makes him smile more.

"So how do we do it?" You ask.

"I distract it, then you'll control it's mind" Loki suggests. The cloud gets bigger and more powerful as you speak. It has to be now.

You grab his hand as you walk towards it.. you look up at the skies.. they've turned a grayish purple color. You swear you can almost hear it roaring.

" you can do this y/n!" Lokis reassuring voice calms you down.

You turn around as you face him. "What if I'm not strong enough" you say. But Loki shakes his head as he cups your cheeks.

"You're stronger than you think, I believe in you"

As just like that you feel your mind spinning around in circles.. as you shut your eyes, allowing the energy to run through your veins. Loki conjures a torch and starts running like a maniac, screaming and shouting. Suddenly Alioth appears in the storm, it looks like a dragon of some sort, and it's coming right towards you. You focus all you can as you reach out for it. You keep trying but nothing happens.

"It's not working... I can't do it" you yell out. Loki looks as you as he changes directions. He grabs your hand and holds it closely.

"Then we'll dot it together" loki says. Suddenly you feel as though his mind is pulling you in... he let down his guard. You look at him. Yet without saying anything he simply nods. Your minds are aligned.

It's okay y/n.. I trust you

It's Lokis voice it's crystal clear to you.. even though it all in your head. You open you eyes, and with all power you have left in your body you reach out and connect it with Alioth. And with a blink of an eye it dissolves before your eyes. The giant monster in the sky flashes bright lilac.. the skies slowly fades away as a clear sky breaks through.

And then you see it... in small glimpses.. it's New York City's skyline... it's beginning to form within the horizon before you.

You fall to your knees.. you're back right where you left. New York City..

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