A way out - chapter 41 ४

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The lights are dimmed, you're all alone. You've been rocking back and forth for hours on end. They put you in a straitjacket. Safety precautions. It was all coming back to you now.. there's a few holes but mostly everything is falling into place. They turned you into a weapon.. You killed the love of your life, no wonder you feel like you're going insane. Nobody warned you that once your mind clears up you're left alone with the haunting memories of everyone you hurt... You can still hear the sound of necks breaking in the back of your head. And all you can do is just let it consume you. Your own name had become a trigger word.

Tony looks quietly down at the Raft from the helicopter watching as it lands. Slowly he walks out. And there he is Director Ross.

"It's good to see you Tony, still not picking up the phone I see"

"Oh I do, just not when you call."

"Follow me" he says.

Tony follows right behind him, as the door open he sees you on the security cameras.

"Isn't the straitjacket a little much?" His voice is shaky.

"Right now y/n is the most dangerous criminal the US has ever seen"

Tony closes his eyes.. he can't watch you like this. It's too painful

"Go ahead see for yourself" Ross points the direction.

The security door slides open leading him to your cell.. and there you are all tied up, rocking back and forth.

"Tony?" You sob... "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" you sound like a broken record repeating the same words over and over again.

"Y/-" he starts.

"NO" you cry out stopping him before he can finish your name. "Don't say it.. it takes me back.. please don't say it" you scream out. Tony falls to his knees.

"Kid.. what did they do to you?" He whispers quietly.

"It was so bad... they kept saying start over.. start over"

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you earlier"

"Start over" you mumble.

"Kid?" He asks gently reaching out his hand hoping you'll come closer.

"NO!! Don't touch me" you cry... "I'll hurt you again.. I shot you"

"I have a feeling you could have done a lot worse"

"Please don't let me get back there"

"You're safe here kid... no one's ever gonna lay a finger on you again" he assures you still reaching out his hand. You hesitate for a moment before leaning into his touch. "I've got you now don't worry"

"I killed him Tony"

"Who did you kill?"

"Loki... I killed him"

"He's okay.. Thor took him back to new Asgard, something about women with magic hands" Tony chuckles. "He's safe and so are you. You didn't kill him."

You exhale in relief.. you didn't kill him.

"He's never gonna marry me now Tony" you sob silently.

"Of course he is kid, he tried to kill you remember?" He grins. "That clearly didn't stop you" his warm smile makes everything seem better.

"Can I just go home?" You ask.

"Not yet... soon I promise"

"I just want to go home" you mumble.

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