The offer - chapter 32 ४

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You make your way back inside the compound... You barely reach the main entrance before falling down to your knees. A huge explosion of chaos burst from within you, an expression of all the pain escaping from your chest. It's as though your body is cleansing itself from all the pain you've ever felt. Wanda, Stephen, Nat and Tony runs out to see you kneeling on the ground as the ground beneath you is shaking.

"Y/n, you need to focus remember, don't let it control your emotions." Stephen shouts. "Y/n listen to my voice. The stones don't control you, you control them" he is screaming at the top of his lungs .

You don't react to his words, you barely acknowledge their presence. Loki appears beside them.

"We need to restrain her, she's gonna tear the place apart." Stephen says coldly as he ties your hands together with his magic. Meanwhile Wanda sends you flying up into the sky.

Min eleskede, you must focus

Lokis calm voice fills your head, as you shut open your eyes. Their faces are blurry yet you can see how scared they are. They are Scared of you.

All at once the outburst stops, as your body crumbles down. Like all your muscles has turned to rubber.

"He's gone" you whisper.

Wanda calmly sets you down, asking strange to untie your hands. She gentle puts you down, as she's running towards you.

"Who's gone?" Wanda asks quietly, she's holding onto you.

"Steve" Nat says sadly.

Everyone's gaze turns to her, he really hasn't told anyone else he wasn't going to return. He just left without a word.

"It's gonna be fine" Wanda reassures you

"No" you say coldly, finally able to stand on your own legs. "No it's not gonna be fine.. I can't do this. It's simply to much for me" you cry out.

Loki cups your cheeks as he stares into your red puffy eyes. "You're not alone y/n"

"Stephen I would like to take you up on your offer" you say as your tone shifts, it's cold and demanding.

Tony furrows his brows as he turns to Stephen. Confused as to what offer you're talking about.

"What offer are we talking about here" he asks

"The offer to get help" you say calmly.

"I'm afraid I'm not following! You've got help here" Tony exclaims

"Not the help she needs" Stephen Explains as he nods his head reassuring you.

"And what help does she need?" Tony asks, he is clearly annoyed.

"Something you can't give her, she needs help from someone who's not an arrogant bastard" Stephen scoffs mockingly. Tony simply rolls his eyes.

"Okay please stop" you whimper, clinging onto Lokis arm. "I need his help Tony, he knows more about the stones than all of us together" you explain. Tony looks infuriated, but he also knows you're right.

"Fine whatever you need just bring it here" Tony hisses at him. As he walks back into the compound. Loki and Nat helped you inside.

The next day

Wanda had been taking some time for herself, looking for love, or just looking for anything to keep her breathing. Clint had officially retired, after falling to his death and then getting resurrected it was his time. Tony had moved back with pepper, yet he visited almost every day. Just making sure you were doing okay, and that Loki didn't get to comfortable. Steve yeah well he was gone, so was buck. That however meant Sam had taken over the title becoming the new captain America. The only remaining avengers at the compound consisted of you, Natasha, Loki and now Stephen. Everyone else had returned to their former lives. Ever since you snapped your fingers the world had been awfully quiet. No life threatening dangers. No one wanting you dead. Just small break ins and the occasional murder. But it's not like The avengers could suit up every time someone was murdered. But it meant you got a lot of free time with Loki.

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