Just like old times - chapter 42 ४

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"Okay before you call Tony, just hear me out"

"What did you do?"

"I might have done something incredibly stupid"

Sam eyes Bucky up and down, he's already really confused as to why he's in Canada in a small cabin in the middle of nowhere.

"Don't you always do something incredibly stupid?" Sam chuckles.

"I kind of broke the law" Bucky looks at your room, he can hear you moving around in there which means you clearly listening on the other side of the door.

"I don't like how casual you're being about this, it's unnatural" Sam looks around the room. "Where the fuck are we man?"

You slowly open the door looking through it, Sam is here. Suddenly he sees you. His eyes widens, as you open the door wider.

"Woah... hold on. No back off" Sam yells, holding out his hand to create some space between you. He pulls out his gun holding his finger on the trigger. Bucky steps between you.

"Just listen, I wanted to tell you but I knew you'd freak out"

"Kinda like you're freaking out now" you chuckle, they both give you a death stare.

"Have you lost your goddamn mind Bucky... you broke her out??!" Sam yells, still aiming his gun towards you. "I'm calling Tony right now." Just as he pulls out his phone you send is crashing into the wall.

"Please don't call Tony" you plead. "If you could just give me a minute to explain myse-"

"NO" they both scream at you.

"Alright sorry.."

"Listen Sam, Steve would have wanted me to help her. I can't turn my back on her.. and I can't keep her locked up in that place" Bucky explains. "For Steve"

It breaks your heart, you know he's not doing for this for you, he doesn't care about you anymore. He probably never did. You were just Steve's girlfriends so he had to be polite.

"I'm standing right here you know..."  you say quietly. "We all make mistakes and murder people right?" You mentally face palm yourself why would you say that. Bucky looks at you, with anger in his eyes. "Sorry that was stupid"

"Shut up" Bucky yells. "Listen sam, we have to help her okay.. she doesn't have anyone else" his voice changes as he speaks.

Sam look down for a second before turning his gaze on you. "Fine.." he sighs. "But if something goes sideways I'm calling Tony, get you send right back to the Raft"

"Thank you Sam" Your voice is shaky.

"Alright Bucky, where do we start?"

"Well I could really use a cold beer?" You grin. They both stare at you confusingly. "Is that just me?"

You and Bucky are sitting in a small local bar, drinking beers. No one has said anything the last 30 minutes. You're looking quietly through todays papers. When you come across a picture of yourself.

CAUTION: Mentally unstable individual, armed and dangerous:  do not approach,
Y/n Maria Stark.
Last seen locked up in a high security prison before escaping, contact your local police if you have any information of her whereabouts.

Wanted for murder in 1st degree,  aggravated assault, endangering the population of the US.
If located please immediately contact your local police - DO NO ATTEMPT TO APPREHEND.

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