Whatever it takes ४

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As you run out to the streets you discover the expanse of the chaos reeking the streets.


"We need to find the best way to get as many people to safety as possible." You respond. As you find yourself getting lost in the madness.

"Friday can you scan the impact?" Tony asks.

After a few seconds the scan is complete.

"Right now everything below 22 feet is going to be flooded."

"What do we do?" Tony asks.

"Well firstly we fight" you say confidently.

"We don't stand a chance there's thousand of robots and Ten of us" Clint says nervously.

"Then we better do a good job" you sigh.

"Alright avengers, time to work for a living" Tony sighs.

You and Wanda look at each other giving each other a reassuring smile, as you take the robots down one by one. Ripping them apart. Everyone is trying their best. Focusing on eliminating them one by one. Thor, loki and Strange are taking down Ultron in the middle of Central Park, but no matter what they try, he's indestructible. There seems to be no end to this. You can't end this unless you do it together.

"If this is gonna end we need to help each other."

Everyone makes their way to the right in the park. Police is finally arriving at the scene, shooting their way through the robots.

"Y/n are you okay?" Loki asks concerned, you've taken some pretty bad hits.

"I'm fine, let's kick some ass" you smile nervously.

"Romanoff, you and Banner better not be playing hide the Zucchini" Tony calls out, through comms.

"Not all of us can fly remember" she sighs deeply.

A moment later she arrives on a scooter. Bruce has turned into the hulk, crashing down onto the ground.

"What's the drill" she asks.

"There's bombs planted everywhere around the coast, and in the middle of town. Once they go off there's no turning back" you explain.

Ultron suddenly flies down, Satisfied by his accomplishments.

Thor looks at him angrily. "Is that the best you can do?" He yells.

He holds up his hand, as an army of robots come flying towards you. There's thousand of them, and they're all coming for you. You look tiredly back at Thor. "You had to ask" you sigh.

"This is the best I can do.. I have exactly what I want. All of you against all of me" he chuckles satisfied. "How do you possibly hope to stop me?"

Tony looks at you. "Like the old man said" he smiles.

"Together" you say as you attack. The team is finally gathered as one, doing what you're best at.. fighting together. But every time you think you've cleared out the robots, a new swarm of them closes in on you. It seems like there's no end to it. Times seems to slow down as you look out upon the burning city, and the countless robots are scattered everywhere. And just for a moment it seems like there's hope. There's a oddly comforting feeling as you look around, seeing all of you together, strangely enough this is the most home you've felt in the past couples of days. You've surrounded by all the people you love and care about. This would be the perfect way to go, doing what you've always done, fighting alongside your family. In the first place you met most of them. It's the perfect circle.

"Fury do you copy" you call out.

"We copy, we're sending all units" Maria answers you.

"Let's give them robots hell" you say. As you continue the fight.

Tony, Thor and vision team up against Ultron. While you're distracting his army. Tony blasts him with his beams. Thor is striking him with thunder. While Vision is using all his power to slow him down.

"That's what you get for messing with my family" Tony screams. Ultrons metal is slowly melting apart.

"She has to be eliminated, give me y/n, I'll turn of the bombs" Ultron whines. "It's natures right"

"Not happening" Tony scoffs.

blasting Ultron yet again he slowly falls to the ground. "You know maybe we can talk about thi-"

Hulk smashes him away, as he flies through the city crashing down into the river. His army follows blindly after him.

"They're trying to leave the city" Thor discovers.

"We can't let them, not even one. We have to destroy them all" Tony calls out.

"What's our next move.. we need to do something right?" You ask.

"There may be a way to get everyone safely out of the city.. we need everyone out to the edge of the city" Tony proposes. Tony looks at you with pain in his eyes. You gently grab onto his arm, giving him a warm smile. There's a pinch of hope inside of you.

"Alright everyone get them away from the centrum, and edge" you say desperately.

Suddenly you hear the loud bangs as the ground beneath you starts to shake.. The bombs went off. There's no turning back now. It's only a matter of time before the city is left in ruins. If you have any chance of saving the civilians you need to get them as high up from the ground as you can, of completely off the ground.Everyone runs off as you stand looking out over the chaos.. Natasha walks behind you grabbing onto your hand. You can hear everyone talk through your ear, as they clear out the city section by section. The water is coming towards the city.. and although everyone is trying.. the fight seems pointless, there's no way you can stop his army and the flood at the same time. Even though there's a war raging above you, the sunset eases away the fear, as the sun slowly disappears in the horizon of skyscrapers. Everything is golden, as the world caves in.

"This isn't going to end" you exhale deeply. "If I just give myself over then everyone else will be fine"

"Don't even think about it.. we haven't tried everything yet" she stops you.

"Nat if it comes down to it, you know what I have to do" you say desperately. You wish there was another way, but right now it doesn't seem like it. There's already water filling the streets, in a moment the entire ground will be left buried underneath the water tide.

"Don't y/n.. we'll figure this out. We always do"

"I really hope you're right"

"Just wait okay, fury is on his way"

"I'm serious Nat.. I know what I have to do" You sigh. "Tony he has a family.. Clint has a family.. everyone has something they need to get back home too.."

"So do you"  Nat says as she grabs a hold on your hand, she's clinging onto the last hope and optimism inside of you.

"Perhaps Ultron is right, my existence has caused so much trouble and death.. maybe it's f-"

"Stop now" Nat hisses. She desperately lets go of your hand.

"I'm sorry, but I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe"

You stand in silence, considering all the options you have left. Trying to reach Loki, he's too far away from you.. you have to get closer to the centrum. Create some sort of shield to protect the people. You and Wanda make your way through the rising water, running as fast as your feet can carry you. Everyone is doing the best they can, but the clock is ticking, as the water is destroying everything in it's way. Suddenly Natasha stops you, as a whirling sound hovers above you.

"Y/n look" she says with hope in her voice.

You can't believe your eyes.. perhaps this wasn't the end. Perhaps there's still a chance. No matter what you have to do the right thing

When worlds collide - Loki X readerWhere stories live. Discover now