Ctrl. Alt. Delete - chapter 40 ४

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"Romanoff do you copy?

Sam is flying just above you, you're running as fast as you can. You're exhausted from the amount of powers you have been using the past days. So you do the thing you do best. Run for your life. You just let your legs carry you, you don't know where you're going, you just have to get to a safe place so you can get in contact with Zemo. Anywhere.

"Romanoff?" Sam asks again, Nat had promised she would be available on comms. "Do you copy?"

"I'm here what's the update?" She asks.

"She's freaking fast" Sam scoffs.

"This is our shot okay"

You're running in the middle of the road, trying your best not to get run over by a car. And there it is. You're getaway card. You jump down to the road beneath you just in front of a motorcycle. The driver stops as fast as she can crashing onto the ground. Before she can get back on it, you get up driving the opposite direction of traffic, you had to get out of the city. To many cops.

"She just drove into the tunnel, I've alerted the FBI"

"Wait she's driving?"

"Seems like it, from what I can tell it a motorcycle"

"Why isn't she using her powers?"

"Probably wore her out, she's not getting out of that tunnel..." Sam says. "Not alive at least"

As you drive the adrenaline fills your body. Two police cars drifts in front of you. You jump of the vehicle running the opposite direction. You don't want to think about what would happen to you if you got caught.

Suddenly, the echoing voice of police sirens catches your attention.

They're everywhere.

There's no way out.

You close your eyes trying to channel the very last inch of power left in your system. But there's nothing. You're worn out, tired. All your senses are heightened.

"STARK STAND DOWN" a voice calls out.

Rhodey comes flying down from the end of the tunnel.

You keep running. It's all you can do. Your heart skips a beat every time another police car tries to block your way.

"Calm down just stop"

You ignore the calls.. whoever they're calling on isn't in there anymore. Y/n is gone.

Rhodey fires a gun hitting your left leg, you roll onto the ground. Screaming in pain. This wasn't a shot meant to kill you, it was a shot meant to stop you.

You can feel your heart banging in your chest. You sit up throwing your head back. Simply existing. Your body twitches as they circle around you. The police, the FBI, everyone is geared up aiming their guns at you, the red light blinding your eyes. One wrong move and they'll blow your brains out.

"Dammit..." Sam exhales as he lands beside you.

"PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM" one of the officers screams at you.

You just look up at the sky.. wondering why you can't feel anything.. remember anything.

"listen to them please or they'll have to open fire" Rhodey says calmly. His one hand is stretched out towards you. Scared to set you off. Their guns are pointed at your head.

"I'm on the ground you Imbicil." You mumble. "If I wanted to leave I would have"

"PUT YOUR GODDAMN HANDS UP" the officer screams once again.

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