Wakanda skies - chapter 47 ४

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Making your way down the small corridor, trying your best to keep quiet. Watching your every step. You see the sun beginning to rise through the giant window alongside the walls of the corridor. You had never been to Wakanda before, Nat and Steve used to tell you stories about how beautiful there was. Before it all got destroyed by Thanos's army. You had snuck into the aircraft with Peter. You promised Tony you wouldn't let him on board.. Yet another promise you had failed to keep.

Yet here you were mesmerized by the beauty of Wakanda. Your eyes glowing the exact color of the sky before you, your reflection blending seemingly into the skyline. Instead of walking down to Buckys room you decide to go outside.

You find a tree with a view over the forest. As you let your head rest against the bark of the tree. You feel at peace. And just for a moment there's nothing else in the world but you. Then why won't your head stop pounding?.. why won't the voices stop screaming?

You close your eyes and remember what your mother always told you when things seemed hopeless. It's the very words engraved into her gravestone.

Even when the world gets the best of you, there's always a greater good somewhere up there, it doesn't have to be a god. It can simply be the people you once loved

You don't believe in god, there was a time you did. But after all this, how could any god have let all this pain happen to you. But you believe in love more than anything.

You fold your hands and turn your head up to the sky, as you gently close your eyes.

"Hey mom.. I really miss you" you cry out. "I don't know what to do anymore, I just wish you were here"

"I'm here sweetheart"

You open your eyes, and everything around you has changed. And there she is, standing in front of you as real as the tree you're sitting under.


"It's me, I'm here"

She reaches out a hand gently stroking your cheek. Wiping away the tears falling down.

"Why is all this happening to me?"

"I can't tell you that, all I know is that you're gonna be just fine. Everything is gonna go exactly like it's supposed to"

"It doesn't feel fine"

"Come walk with me"

She reaches out her hand, and grabs onto yours.

"I don't know what to do" you cry.

"Yes you do, you always do"

"I keep messing up mom, I hurt the people I love"

"No... You just need to accept yourself. All the flaws are what makes you so beautiful"

"Tony hates me"

"Tony is so much like your father, you're his weakness, that makes him so tough around you."

"What should I do?"

"About what?"

You don't want to close your eyes, nor let go of her hand.

"Is it about the boys you love?" She asks again. "You're torn I can tell."

"I shouldn't be, I'm in love with Loki, we're getting married mom" you whimper.

"Y/n love isn't written down in black and white, if it was you would have married that soldier your father was so crazy about."

"Yeah no wonder Tony hated him" you chuckle.

"Love is making breakfast for your daughter at 2 am in the night because she's had a terrible nightmare. Love is driving your son to the rehab facility at midnight, while he's screaming at you in the car. Promising that this was a one time thing, and claiming it was all your fault. Love is putting yourself first when you need it, so that you have energy to put others first when they do. Love is blind, uncontrollable, careless. Love is you y/n. My dear sweet y/n"

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