Civil war - chapter 63 ४

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"Loki I need to go, please get Thor to join us in the evening." You call out as you storm back into you room, quickly grabbing your coat from behind the door.

"Pardon me?" Loki asks. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to London, Wanda is living there at the moment, and I need her help." You explain, already halfway out the door.

Loki steps in front of you. "Help with what?"

"Tony is sabotaging my plan, he's getting people on his side, so I'm making a team of my own" you add.

"So your plan is to fly to London? Alone? Pregnant?"

"Yes, now please get Thor. Nat is keeping a close eye on them while I'm gone" you walk to the quinjet. While Loki is following quickly behind you.

"Let me go with you"

"I'll be fine, I'm back tonight okay, just make sure Tony doesn't shut that thing down" you say as you kiss him on the cheek. Before getting onto the plane.

"What's the update?" You ask.

"Tony and Bruce are still in the lab working, Clint is helping them hack into every software there is." Natasha explains.

"What about Sam?"

"He doesn't want any part in this, but he's with Tony on this one" she admits sadly.

"Typical" you scoff. "Any news on Strange?"

"There's a crisis in the New York sanctum, he says he will help fight if necessary, but he's not interested in your sibling rivalry"

"Fine, we'll do this without him. I'm almost there, do you have the address?"

"I've already sent it to you, please be careful y/n. Your body can't handle this much stress" she says concerned about your health.

"Thank you" you say coldly hanging up the phone. You can't believe Tony is trying to tear up the team, not when there's a big crisis on the line. You land on the roof of a small cozy apartment in SOHO.

As you make your way down to the 4th floor, you find the apartment she's been hiding out in. Knocking gently on the door.

There's no answer.

You knock one more time. You can hear her moving around inside. "Wanda it's y/n" you say quietly.

The door slowly opens, as she pulls you inside. Quickly shutting the door behind you.

"Did anyone see you come in here?" She asks.

"No, and it's just me" you smile.

Wanda sits down on her couch.. "why are you here y/n" she asks sadly.

"I could ask you the same thing"

She's hurt.. things were never easy for her, and after you left she was alone again. You betrayed her. You left her. "Some things went sideways on a mission, and once again they turned on me.. So here I am. Now why are you here" she explains.

"I need your help"

"Of course you do" she chuckles.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there Wanda, but I'm trying to make things right." You walk over to her, sitting down beside her. As you grab onto her hand.

"You left.. you know that right, and now you expect me to just bring myself in danger?"

"I wouldn't ask you, if it wasn't necessary"

"What is it?"

"Tony created a weapon, and it's gonna end us all, if we don't get to it first" you explain.

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