What kind of dreams I have about my bestfriend?

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Everything that you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for. Your true friends will support your dreams and encourage you if they truly believe in you. A best friend knows all your secrets understands your fears and shares your dreams. To my best friend, One day, all of us will get separated from each other. We will miss our conversation about everything and nothing and the dreams we had. Days, months, and years will pass until this contact becomes rare. One day, our children will see our pictures and ask: ''Who are these people?'' And we will invisible tears because a heart is touched with a strong word and you will say: ''It was them that I had the best days of my life with.'' ''Best friend'' isn't just a word. A best friend is someone who's there for you, no matter what. Thick or thin. I can label anyone as a friend. But a best friend...? That's something that needs to be earned. A best friend knows me some time more than I know myself. Best friends share tears and laughter. You can trust them with anything and everything. I have a bunch of friends, but only a few that I can count on completely. Why do we need best friends, because they laugh at the same stupid things we do? Because they give us honest advice. Because they will be there for us, even if they're thousands of miles away. Because they celebrate with us when we're at our best, but still love us at our worst. You are my best friend and the love of my life..... the one I have always dreamed of... I don't know how I have ever lived without you... But because of you all of my other dreams have changed, now everything I had ever wanted will only be complete if you are the one by my side... -Karen Koslyla ''Somewhere, there is someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile.So when you are lonely, remember it's true; somebody somewhere is thinking of you.'' Best friend, you make me smile! I hope you are smiling, what you sleep! In 2015 I found a best friend, who knew everything I felt. He knew my every weakness, And the problems I've been dealt with. He understood my wonders and listened to my dreams. He listened to how I felt about life and love, and how I felt and love, and knew what it all meant. Not once did he I was wrong. He understood what I was going through, and promised he'd stay long. I reached out to my best friend to show him that I cared to pull him close and let him know how much I needed him there. I went to hold his hand to pull him a bit nearer and realized that this perfect best friend I found was nothing but my mirror. by Amber, There are two types of best friends 1: The best friend who you're so close to. You see them at least twice a week or more. You see them at least twice a week or more. You guys talk a lot and catch up on everything. 2: The type of friendship where you two don't talk as much but deep down, you know that person your best friend. why? They understand you even if they barely see you. A best friend is someone who understands what dirty thoughts are going in your head just by having eye contact... And they tell you don't think about it. I remember one time my best friend and I were watching a movie and he was talking dirty talks I bet my face was red lol. Then my mind and body respond to his dirty talks so strongly to ask me why to ask my mind and body. Well, some of my friends are guys. And some are girls but I talk to the guys more. The most attractive thing a man can do is exactly what he says he's going to do. We all have that friend that acts innocent, all the dirty jokes I think that me and I wrong? I can be very naughty when I want to be. ''Friends make you smile but best friends make you giggle 'til you pee your pants.'' -Terri Guillemets What girls want in a guy: A caring guy who acts like your best friend someone who is as funny as yourself. Someone who does the little things like saying 'good morning' instead of 'gm' or a picture of their shoulder and 'goodnight' instead of 'gn' or 'night' -there's a difference!! guys. Answers their phone as soon as my name pops up isn't dry and fun to talk to and is always engaged in the conversation. OFFERS HIS HOODIES! A guy who randomly sends you sweet paragraphs. Text you on imessage or message instead of just Snapchat or Facebook or Instagram and Ticktok (Snapchat and Facebook and Instagram and Iicktok relationship are middle school shit) just saying ugh. Someone who remembers your stuff and says things like ' I'm sorry what can I do to help.' A guy that double texts when you leave him on read even if you are mad at him, shows he actually wants to talk to you. Ask for your best friend and look at your Instagram. Gives you advice, anything he says will help. 1) Don't send your dick pic's without asking and don't ask for us to send pics. It's hella annoying. 2) Don't ask us if we like that shit. Because we probably don't. 3) If you like a girl. Only for her boobs and body. You are sick and disgusting. 4) Don't be afraid to show your affection. If you like a girl. Don't hold back. Go out of your way to say that she looks beautiful. (it's even better if you say it in person.) 5)Imessage and message are better than Snapchat. Just saying. 6) Although it may seem stupid. Look at her vsco and it will give you everything you need to be her perfect boyfriend!! 7) Actually do things with her. Take her to dinner buy her dinner and don't make her pay for shit. Go shopping together and buy her something that she will like and love. Stay in and watch Netflix. be a couple. 8) Fornite Xbox 360 and PlayStation don't come before her. Fucking dickhead. 9) Finny if she's having a bad day. Please please talk to her. I'm positive she'll want to rant to you.!! I know some guys don't care but I'm just gonna say something. I don't care who you are or what you've dont to me. If I express my feelings for you, know I meant it. I may have been called many things by many people but nobody can feel anything for me. It sucks when you show love and so much gratitude for someone and it's. Automatically pushed away as if it were a burden. If I talk to you and tell you I have feelings for you, it doesn't mean I wanna cut to the chase and mess around. It means I wanna do this, I wanna be happy together. But if you can accept the fact. After all the time I've spent on helping you find your own feelings and you deny me of trying to make you happy, what was the point? Even if it's just a friendly conversation. If you text me or if I text you, I want to talk to you, I want you. It was a thought in my brain that day. I don't text people out of spite or to fuck around. I do it because I care. Being used as a pawn to the pain you have isn't okay. If you're using me, don't waste my time. I'm here to be real. Sorry for the rant, just been a rough night.  So to everybody who cries at night over stupid guys who were talking about how you all going to die alone. Come on guys I know we are all not even in the same age group but some of these boys out here are dumb asf. You guys are beautiful human beings and you can worry about yourself not some crackhead dickheads that just want to impregnate you and then leave you. Y'all are worried about these guys when you have your whole career and life ahead of you. You ain't finna find the love of your life Right now with all there fuckboys I know there are good guys out there find them. I get it that you want a boyfriend to do all the basic vsco shit but when it gets to the point where you cry every night because you think you're going to be alone it's stupid as hell like go adventure life with your best friend they will be there for you NO MATTER WHAT. Girls SnapsChat logic: Black screens during the day: she upset or mad... ask her what's wrong. Double text: she really wants to talk to you so answer her. Blanket text: she's tired... wait for her to fall asleep and then write her a paragraph. Full face snaps: She's actually happy... don't change that for her. Forehead/hair snaps: She doesn't want you to see her right now... Tell him she's beautiful. Rants: Actually trusts you. Funny face snaps: She's expecting one back... Send her one back. Leaves you on open: She's seeing if you actually care... blow up her phone with sweet things. Open texts immediately:  You have her full attention... give her yours. To all the boys: Don't call her hot'' it's not a compliment. Actually, listen to her and respect the things that she says. Yes, she wants your hoodie and she wants to keep it. You mot gonna ger her by complimenting her body, complimenting her personality. ''gm'' and ''good morning'' are two different things. Don't expect the little thing you do to be returned as if it were a favor. If she looks sad ask her what's wrong. Don't play with her feelings, tell her the truth. ''oh ok'' or ''k'' means she is hurt. You don't own her, she's not an object. A little disclaimer to all guys. If a girl gets pushed into you by one of her friends, she likes you. Text good morning and goodnight, not GM and gn. If she says ''I'm cold'' don't say ''me too'' be a fucking gentleman and give her your sweatshirt or your hoodie or both. Appreciate her guy friends, don't get jealous I am talking about you Cowboy. If she's staring at you, smail of her. Allow her to take a pic with you.Ask her to hang out, don't make her ask you. Don't be rude when you're with your friends. Make the first move and respect her and her family's decision. Don't try to be ''cool'' and not answer her texts right away. If she sends a heart, send one back!!!! DONT LEAVE HER ON READ. Be the kind of guy you would want your daughter to be with. Boys are cute and hot when: They smile in photos. They pick you up over their shoulder. Introduce you as ''my girl'' When they bite their noddies' strings. They have messy hair. They kiss your forehead. They wear hoodies. They take unexpected pics of you. They give you a nickname. They give you piggyback rides. They hug you from behind. They introduce you to new music. They tuck your hair behind your ear before they kiss you. They let you wear their hoodies. This really reminds me of my best friend Matthew. Girl code: Mhm - She's annoyed. Mmk - She's done with your bullshit. (.) - She's not in the mood. k. - You're screwed up man. Gn -something's up. Goodnight - Everything's good. ally - She's mad but still cares. I love you - She loves you, dude. You're adorable - She has the biggest smile on her face. Whatever -She knows she's right. I'm fine. - She's not fine. Dumbass - She loves you, bro. nice:  - not nice. k: upset -  mad. okay: okay awwww: - you're so friken adorable. it's fine: - You skrewed up. I'm fine/OK: I'm breaking down. oh okay: She just broke into a million pieces. :): You make me so happy. Oh: disappointed. Leave me alone: Please don't go. Cute: Hella heart eyes for you. Nothing: Something.  It's hard to find a friend who is: 95% talented 96% funny 98% loving 99% intelligent and 100% sweet so don't u dare lose me!! We are best friends always remember that if you fall, I will pick you up after laughing. A good friend can finish your sentences... A best friend will do the same, but make it sound 10 times dirtier.  Never let your best friend get lonely... keep disturbing them. A true friend scolds like a dad, cares like a mom, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother, and finally loves you more than a lover. I wanna be the reason you slightly tilt your phone away from others when you read it fyi only for Cowboys. My mouth wants to do naughty things to you. He's been there: When I cry. When I get heartbroken. When I laugh. When there have been rough times. When I'm mad. When I'm happy. When I'm jealous. When I'm pretty. When I'm ugly... Basically, has been through everything with me: and that's what I call my best friend. He isn't my boyfriend but I love his hugs, his smile, his advice, his kindness, and the times when we laugh together, I guess I fell in love with our friendship. ''Male best friend or friends'' I am glad I have them. They don't criticize me. They support me. They speak truth to my face. They are not jealous of how many friends I have. They can flirt at times but they are not cheap. If any boy out there abuses me I know I will have my boys' squad right there for me. They are trustworthy. They never stop me from saying chutiya mc bc or any slang words to them ''just because I am a girl.'' They never make an 'Ewwww' face to my periods days. Traditional or Western outfits I wear they look at me just with adorable eyes and not as any anty or slut. If I am wrong they will make me understand things what's right and what to forgive. In this world of ''Ladke tah kamine hate hai harami hate hai'' I feel safe, I feel equality, I feel love, I feel care, I feel beautiful with them. And that's my boy squad I am proud to have of them. ''I'm a hopeless romantic with a dirty mind'' -Unknown I'm a hopeless romantic with a dirty mind and high standards. I want to be treated like a lady in public, ravaged in private, and wooed for eternity. If you're ever lucky enough to find a girl who is a hopeless romantic with a dirty mind, you should hold onto that. Because she'll be yours at two in the morning and at two in the afternoon the following day. She'll kiss you where it hurts and until it hurts. And that's important. Someone who not only knows how to turn you on but also knows how to treat you right is someone worth a little something... and a little more than usual. Someone who not only knows how to treat you right is someone worth a little something. I guess it feels more open, but I think being married is way sexier, because it's really like your soul partner in a permanent fashion, and then you strive for it to be something permanent, and that type of commitment and trust if you can achieve it, is so good for the soul. -Leelee Sobieski I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination. I turn and put my lips close to Cowboy and drop my eyelids in imitation... ''He offered me sugar and wanted to know all my secrets,'' I say in my best seductive voice. Persuade me. I'm dying to try something so naughty because I'm dying to be naughty. Seduce my mind and you can have my body, Find my soul and I'm yours forever. - Anonymous Admit it... Life would be so boring without me. I wasn't you. I want us. I want it all. With you. Only you. I fell in love with the way you touched me without using your hands. ''Know this: I am addicted to you. I have tasted your mind, and I cannot forget its flavor.'' I want you to taste me. I want your handprints on my ass. ''I always want more, with you.'' -E.i. James Sorry I wasn't listening... I was too busy thinking about having sex with you well sometimes lol. When you smile I can feel all my passion anything your hand brushes mine and a thousand sensations seduce me. Say to me what I choose not to say to myself. Touch me in a way I do not touch myself. I am with you, but not to be by myself. ''A woman's neck is the place where your touch should land, your lips should embrace. your tongue should tease, your teeth should bite...'' I need you. I need your body pressed against mine. Your warmth your smell. Your fingers wrapped around the curves of mine. The taste of your kiss. I need you. I have a desire for every inch of your breath on my needing lips, the taste of you under the covers, and your voice rummaging through every vein in my body. I crave you in the most innocent form. I crave to say good night and give you forehead kisses and to say that I adore you when you feel at your worst. I crave you in ways where I just want to be next to you and nothing more or less. woman, thou art my imperfection. -Pawan Mishra I wanna kiss your neck. I want your lips on my body right now. I want you to taste me. what you can't see you want it more. I'll let you play with mine. The art of seduction is knowing what she really wants and giving it to her in a way that takes her breath away. Seduce my mind and you can have my body, Find my soul and I'm yours forever. Kiss her in such a way she can't wait to see you again. They stare at me, while I crave you. 'Fast food nation' was boring and aimed at yuppies, and yuppies don't eat fast food, -Lioyd Koufman Chemistry. Are you touching my mind and it setting my body on fire? Chemistry is you touching my mind and it setting my body on fire for you. The reason it hurts so much to separate is that our souls are connected. It is not enough to conquer; one must learn to seduce. A modest demeanor arouses thoughts of seduction. pursuit and seduction are the essences of sexuality. It's part of the sizzle. A woman will sometimes forgive the man who tries to seduce her, but never an opportunity when offered. There's always truth in seduction. That's why it works. You turn me on from across the room, and I'll completely melt if you come any closer. I find fragrance to be such a mood enhancer and definitely a seduction tool. I just need you to touch me more. Your hands are on my body. That's my addiction. When you touch yourself. And think about me. When I taste myself on your lips j,k. I love the thrill I feel when you touch me. Kiss my lips. Touch my skin. Hold me tight and don't let go. You'll never be too much for someone who can't get enough of you. You should remember that there's a difference between seducing someone. And being as lewd as possible in their direction. Tempting her mind while her mind while making her body wait. Feeling are the music of the body.... tuned? Not in tune? - Christopher Zzenn Loren Your skin is so strong that, even in the distance, it touches my memory. You and I have many pending sunrises. MY darker side: Ohhh... All the sweet and dark things I would do to you... And my thoughts drift to you. Seduce and destroy. I let people imagine and think what they want. A smart understands the power behind a poker face. - Tita stared stupidly into his eye, thinking about how very much she'd like to make that noise again... with him. -Nicki Elson Tempting her mind while making her body wait. You touching mine... The thought just drives me insane. I'm not interested in any other man's G-string. In fact, she slipped her hands down the back of his pants and squeezed his tight, bare ass. I prefer my man commando. He nipped at her bottom lip. In that case, we can search for a she-wolf as soon as I'm finished with you. I want you in so many ways that I can't even put into words. There's nothing in this world that can compare with well-executed seduction. You are what I need in my life. Your greatest power in seduction is your ability to turn away, to make others come after you, delaying their satisfaction. - Robert Greene, The Art of Seduction Always say less than necessary. When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control. Even if you are saying something banal. It will seem original if you make it vague, open-ended, and sphinxlike. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish. Authority is not power; that's coercion. Authority is not knowledge; that's persuasion or seduction. Authority is simply that the author has the right to make a statement and to be heard. -Heman Kahn Seduction is a game of psychology, not beauty, and it is within the grasp of any person to become a master at the game. All that is that you look at the world. - Robert Greent, the art seduction Mastering the art of seduction gives one a great power, and like any power, it's to be wielded with responsibility; a man who wields the art of seduction without a sense of responsibility and restraint is a walking proximity bomb of procreation, heartbroken families, and shattered dreams. Seduction is the process of deliberately enticing a person, to engage in a relationship, to lead astray. to corrupt, to persuade, or induce to engage in sexual behavior. Don't underestimate the seductive power of a decent vocabulary. How grateful are you? '' he whispered, his mouth hovering over mine. His eyes were very alert now, and his gaze was boring into mine. ''  ''That kind of ruins it, when you say something like that'' I said, trying to keep my voice gentle. ''You shouldn't want me to have sex with you just because I own you.'' ''I don't really care why you have sex with me, as long as you do it,'' he said, equally gently. - Charlaine Harris ''Seduction has nothing to do with pleasing other people; it's about creating your own look and embracing your own sacred space.'' -Dita Von Teese A man is often secretly oppressed by the role he has to play by always having to be responsible, in control, and rational. The siren is the ultimate male fantasy figure because she offers a total release from the limitations of his life. In her presence, which is always heightened and sexually charged, the male feels transported to a world of pleasure. She is dangerous, and in pursuing her energetically the man can lose control over himself, something he yearns to do. The siren is a mirage; she lures men by cultivating a particular appearance and manner. In a world where women are often too timid to project such an image, learn to take control of the male libido by embodying his fantasy. Why I rather have a best guy best friend: -No drama. -They wouldn't spread my secrets. -They consider me as a sister. -They protect me. -They can introduce me to their friends. -They don't hit on the guys I find cute. -They are good listeners. -They give good advice. That guy's best friend who's more than, a friend but just short of being the boyfriend. The one you share everything with. The one you're crazy with. The one you're yourself with. A true friend accepts who you are, but also helps you to become who you should be. He's not my boyfriend, but I do love his smile, his laugh, his hugs, his texts, and just being with him. I guess I'm not in love with him I'm in love with us. Every girl has that one male friend in her life, with whom she can share everything.. without any fear. My best friend listens to me protects me tells me the truth no matter what knows when things aren't right defends me when I can't know my feelings, reactions, and emotions, my all is very special to me but in the end, I'm scared that one day, we be complete strangers and there will never be anyone who could ever take his place. My best friend 1. When something amazing happens, he's the one you want to tell first. 2. he's not afraid to tell you when you are with the wrong guy. 3. He's the first one you call when things are going wrong. 4. He's the first one there when you need a shoulder to cry on. 5. When you imagine your perfect guy, you see him in your mind. 6. Your friends wonder why you and him aren't together yet. FYI they ask me all the time every year. 7. He wants to be your backup date for formal. In case something goes wrong with the 'jerk' you are taking. 8. He knows when things aren't right, no matter how many times you lie using the words 'I'm fine..' 9. He gives you amazing advice on guys, and causes duh.. who knows them better? 10. He is amazing in every single way and treats you the way you ought to be treated... Dating a girl with a guy's best friend is never easy. Girls can survive without a boyfriend but they can't survive without a guy's best friend. Talking to your best friend is sometimes all the therapy you need. You always stood by me in troubled times. You stood by me when it was dark. You enlightened my world with your friends. And made it awesome with your spark I will cherish your friendship forever in life I will cherish this bond forever in time. This is to our friends alike! Every girl has a male friend who is just a friend but the whole universe thinks that he is not just a friend! My best male friend my best friend until he crosses me. We're all protective of the self. - Neil LaaBute I love my best friend I couldn't ask for a better one he is perfect. Having a guy best friend is the greatest until you fall in love with him. He's the sweetest, most kind, guy I know. He'd be my best friend. We always be best friends, but I don't know when your presence became very important to me, and I started falling for you. If you never hide anything from your best friend then why do you've to hide your feelings when you are in love? It's hard to realize that you are falling for your best friend. It happens, and you can't do anything about it. But it becomes the most beautiful kind of relationship when it is mutual. If you think you love your best friend, you should love them even more. They are made for that, and they deserve that. If you are in love with your best friend, don't lose him or her because there are very few people who get the chance to spend their life with their best friend. I was looking everywhere but didn't realize that the person I was looking for was always there with me. We have known each other since high school, and it took me so long to admit that I want to spend my whole life with you. It was the best feeling when my heart told me that the angel you're looking for is your best friend. I never imagined that you would change my life this much and thanks for choosing me as your best friend and maybe one day as your life partner.You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I love you. Every girl has her best friend, boyfriend, and true love. But you're really lucky if they're all the same person. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. You smile, I smile. You cry, I cry. What makes you happy, makes me happy. ....Having an over-protective best guy friend around that really reminds me of Matthew am I right cowboy? Let me know if I am wrong or right cuz I know that I am right lol. Girl: We're best friends right? Boy: Yes of course. Girl So be honest with me, who do you like? Boy: No one. I love someone. Girl: Ohh, she must be very lucky. Boy: Definitely. I've loved her ever since I met her. Girl: Really? Well since we're best friends, I wanna meet her. Go call her. Boy: Oh okay. *Boy takes out his phone, dials her number, and phones her* Girl: Wait, hold on, I think I'm getting a call. *Answers the phone* Girl: Hello? Boy: I love you. Then end. I want that to happen to me.  I find it cute when boys, make weird faces. Say ''Awww.'' Ask how your day was. Don't care about their appearance. Dance ridiculously. Lick their lips. Get frustrated. Laugh. Sing to you. Bite their lower lip. Make that sexy half-smirk. Have proper grammar. Are funny. Tease me a little. Texting my bff: Me- Hey. BFF- Hi. Me- How are you? BFF: Tired. Me- Tired as in tired or tired as in ''tired'' I know both types... is something wrong? BFF- In tired and I'm fine. Me- Fine as in fine as in ''fine''. BFF- If I say I am ok will you shut up? Me- No. BFF- Why? Me-  Because I have to confirm you are the good ok not the bad ok? Bff-... This reminds me of my and my best friends sometimes. A real boyfriend: Calls you for nothing. Texts you all the time, and wants to see you. Cries, get jealous. Is overprotective and loves you. I'm not jealous I'm territorial. Jealousy is when you want something that's not yours. Territorial is protecting what's already yours. I want an overprotective guy best friend well I have a feeling I already have one. ....Having an over-protective best guy friend around. You're truly lucky if you have a guy best friend who'll sit there and listen to you. A close friendship with a guy is truly something special. A girl should have a guy friend she can always go to when she wants to know why the male species is so hard to understand. I have those days when I feel like my world is turning upside down and all I want is a hug from my guy best friend. I get jealous when my guy best friend talks to other girls. I feel like one day, he'd replace me cuz I'm such a hassle and those girls mean more to him than me. Sometimes we girls get lucky and find a really good guy best friend whose only motive is to love us. Support us. Trust us. And give us a chance at a bit of happiness. Best Friends: Accept you as you are. Believe in having fun. Cherish time together. Dream big dreams. Enrich, comfort, and delight. Follow up and follow through. Grow forever memories. Honor each other's feelings. Invite you into their hearts. Just call to say ''How are you?'' Know when something's up. Love you, no matter what. Multiply joys and divide sorrows. Nurture each other's souls. Overcome adversity together. Pick you up when you are down. Quickly forgive you and make up. Remind you of your greatness. Smile when they think of you. Thrive on shared trust. Understand when to 'just'' listen. Value time together. Walk with you, side by side. Xperience ups and downs. Yearn to stay connected. Zest to live, love, and laugh. If you hurt my best friend you have to deal with me. He's my best friend, break his heart, I'll break yours. I'm one of those overprotective friends, doesn't matter if you're a girl or boy. If you hurt anyone I care for, I will find you and demonstrate a new definition of pain. Boy, best friends are like  Bestfriend I'm so upset. Why wassup? Who I gotta kill? That reminds me of someone who guesses who. There are so many different types of hugs: Someone who's taller than you - feels safe.  Shortest than you - Feels protective. Larger than you - Tight. Skinnier than you - Arms go all the way around. Mom - Loving  Best friend - Friendly. Stranger/ someone you just met - inviting. Someone who's sad - Reassuring. Him - The best feeling in the world - you feel safe and warm and never want to let go. Rules for dating my best friend. 1. He is not your ATM. 2. If you show up to his or mines house looking like a stripper, I will make you go away. 3. If I see any ''sexts'' on his phone, I will make you go away. 4. Understand that if I don't like you, I will make you go away. 5. Understand that I can make you go away. 6. He's my ''best friend'' Unless you have a ring on your finger, your opinion of that does not matter and he will still be my best friend you like it or not so deal with it, 7. You are not in charge of him and it is not up to you to change him. Take him for who he is, or see rule #5. 8. He is a gentleman. His mother and family taught him that. You better act like a fucking lady and deserve that. 9. I know when you hurt him. 10. If you weasel your way past all of these rules and fake your way to a ring on your finger, I will be something much worse than you ever will be. He was even more overprotective than my homeboy from middle school. But in a best friend or boyfriend, that kind of thing is actually attractive. ''It is better to be over-protective, than less-protective.'' -Bro. Eli Soriano, I have a best friend, a funny and really overprotective guy best friend so close to me that everyone thinks we are dating and I am really thankful for having him in my life. I'm a girl and I'd rather hang out with my guy best friend rather than my girls. Dear guys, If a girl is pushed by her friends into you, it wasn't an accident. Sincerely, you guys are so clueless. It's scientifically proven that: When a guy likes a girl he'll look her in the eye. When a girl likes a guy she'll look away. And sometimes if you're really lucky, you'll find out that your soulmate was disguised as your best friend the whole time. Knowing a person is like music, what attracts us to them is their melody. And as we get to know who they are, we learn their lyrics. Best friends understand when you say forget it. Wait forever when you say just a minute. Stay when you say leave me alone. You think I'm crazy? You should see me with my best friend. Dear best friend, If you are busy and not talking to me then I have all the right to give you peace of mind. Every girl gives her best friend two looks: the one of ''don't leave me alone with him'' and the ''why are you still here'' look. ''Friendship is weird. You pick a human you've met and you're like, ''Yup I like this one,'' and you just do stuff with them.''You laugh. I laugh. You cry. I cry.  You jump into a swimming pool and I yell ''do a flip. '' Here is a song called ''If only you knew'' If only you knew, If only you knew only knew, how I feel about you. The wheels are spinning in my head I am stumbling with every step I feel my heartbeat inside of my chest can you hear it.? The words are tangled up inside my emotions trapped inside of my mind do I show my heart or do I hide do you see it? Am I crazy, or maybe this is real? Under the surface and nerves and the logic do you feel what I feel? I know there's something about the two of us I know there's no denying it, there's no denying it I don't want to hide it, I don't want to hide it, each breath I take, I always trying to keep my cool each step I don't know what to say or do I know all the consequence are truth if only you knew. I can't spend forever holding back there's light shining through the cracks there's feeling behind our mask can you feel it? Am I crazy, or this is real? Under the surface and nerves and the logic do you feel what I feel? There's something about the two of us there, there's no denying it, I know that I am hypnotized, it's such a rush I don't want to hide it, I don't want to hide it each breath I take I am trying to keep my cool each step, I don't know what to say or do I know there will be consequence truth if only you knew if only you knew. The wheels are spinning inside of my head, yeah there's something about the two of us there's no denying it, there's no denying it I am hyphctized, it's such a rush I don't want to hide it, and I don't want to hide it each breath I take, I don't know what to say or do I know there will be consequence truth if only you knew if only you knew how I feel about you. This song is called ''What I've Been Looking For'' It's really hard to believe that I couldn't see that you were always there right beside me and I thought I was alone with nobody to hold but you were always right beside me. This feeling is like nothing I've ever felt before. I really want you to know that I have never had or met someone like you that knows me as you do I've never had someone as awesome and good for me as you there was no one like you I was so lonely before but I had finally found you and I've finally found what I've been looking for. It's so good to be seen and so good to be heard. I had never really said a word before I met you. For a really long time, I was lost it's so good to, be found I really loved having you around this feeling like nothing I've felt before. I want you to know I've never met someone like you who knows me as you do I've had never met someone like you who is as good for me as you no one as good as you I was so lonely before I found you are what I've been looking for. This song calls ''Better in Stereo'' You are up with the sunshine and I am still sleeping and you tell me to get up (oh, no) and you tell me ready are not here I've come, well show me what you got and we are under the spotlight I dare you come on and follow and you dance on your own beat and I will sing the melody. When you say yeah and I say no when you say stop all I wanna do is go. You are the other half of me the half that drives me crazy and I am the better half of you and you're the better half of me but we both know we're better in stereo. And when we're together as sweet harmony, and so rare if we are just free in which movie we want to see for when you say yeah and I say no when you say stop and I wanna do is go. You are the other half of me the half I'll ever be the half that drives me crazy and I'll be the one that drives you crazy you're the better half of me and I'll am the better half of you you are the better half I'll always need but we both know we're better in stereo. You say I'm wrong and I'll say I'm right you say I'm crazy then I'll say you're crazy then you say take it back then I'll say nope but at the end of the day and we both know we're better in stereo. You the other half of me the half I'll never be the half I never be the half that drives me crazy and I'll the other half that drives you crazy you the better half of me you the half I'll always need, yeah and we both know we're better in stereo. Oh- Oh- Oh we better in stereo ( better in stereo) we always be better in stereo (better in stereo) we better in stereo.  This song is called ''As Long as I Have You'' I tried to be on my own and I thought I'd get there around and round but I was only getting nowhere then you came into my life and gave me something that I was missing and that I could believe in and trust in and I won't go back again. As long as I have you I can I've like there's nothing left to lose unbreak every fracture in my heart nothing in this world could ever tear us apart they always say that you always gotta take the good with the bad I'll take it on as long as I have you ( as long as we have each other) I've been spinning circles in my head stuck in my ways, but you put everything in motion this time I want you to see the reak me I wanna open up completely and deeply I'll never be alone again (we never be alone again) yeah. As long as I have you I can live like there is nothing left to lose unbreak every fracture in my heart nothing in this world could ever tear us apart they always tell me that you gotta rake the good with the bad I'll take it on as long as I have you ( as long as we have each other) as long as I have you and I realize now I'm better without you.You got here right on time yeah, you were my break through you are my breakthrough. As long as I have you I can I've like there's nothing left to lose unbreak every fracture in my heart nothing in this world could ever tear us apart they always tell me good with the bad I'll take it on as I have you (as long as we have each other) as long as I have you. Here the next song is called ''Wouldn't Change a Thing'' He knows what to say when I feel alone he always tries my side and I always try to be there for him but I am not good at feeling it's new to me. You and me we're face to face and we see eye to eye. Like fire and rain, I know I might drive you insane but I know I can't be mad at you for any time and I know you can't be mad at me for anything. You always try to save the day and I'll love the way you are but my feelings never change. And I love the way you read my mind. And I'll try to read yours (that's what all our friends say) you and me we're face to face and we see eye to eye. Like fire and rain (like fire and rain) you sometimes drive me crazy but in a good way but I can't stay mad at you for anything we're Verve and Mars (Venus and Mars) we're like the same stars(like the same stars) but you're the harmony to every song I write and I wouldn't change a thing. When you say yes, I'll say no when you want to hold on and I'll also want to hold on we're perfectly imperfect but I wouldn't change a thing no. Like fire and rain (like fire and rain) I know I can drive you insane ( I know I can drive you insane) But I can't stay mad at you for anything and I know you can't stay mad at me for anything we're venus and mars (venus and mars) we're like the same star (like the same star (like the same star) But you're the harmony to every song I write and sing and I wouldn't change a thing but I can't stay mad at you for anything and I know that you can't be mad at me for anything. We're Venus and Mars ( we're Venus and Mars) we're like the same star ( we're like the same stars) But you're the harmony to every song I'll write and sing and I wouldn't change a thing ( wouldn't change a thing. Wouldn't change a thing. This song is called ''Where I Stand'' Well I have seen a thousand things and a thousand minds and what they bring to this world and to this place but where I stand, well I don't know. Most of the time I'm an open book I'll tell you everything I know to the darkest and coldest of my mind. You know that my kingdom is wide sometimes I can't track the time between the Spaces of my mind and heart. 'Cause I have seen a thousand things and thousand minds and what they bring to this world and to this place but where I stand, well I don't know. Do you know that I have trouble speaking words I don't know how to say or never hear of and now I'm walking and I'm walking by myself blind. 'cause I have seen a thousand things and thousand minds and what they bring to this world and what they bring to this place but where I stand well I don't know so I want to know where I stand with you because I don't know. 'Cause people come and people go all my life and I will never know why but if I did and if I could I'd always wonder when and where we stood. 'Cause I have seen a thousand things and thousand minds and what they bring to this world and to this place but where I stand, well I don't know. Will you let me know where I stand? This song is called ''walk with Me'' I wish I could be me when everyone is around I wish I could be where you are someone always tells me that I shouldn't ever give up but it's so hard to be something when you are not. Do you know that I have walked alone with the stars in the sky I have walked alone with no one by my side now I've walked with you with my head held high in the darkest times I feel so alive. I was so lonely before you found me now I stand next to you so proud our faces glowing loudly through the crowd as we walk with the beauty of the night. Do you know that I have walked alone with the stars in the sky I have walked alone with no one by my side now I've walked with you with my head held high in the darkest times I feel so alive. Oh, but I have walked alone with the stars in the sky I have walked with you with my head held high in the darkest time I feel so alive. Let me know what you think of the songs. Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they'll notice. If they don't you know where you stand. - D. Crysisl Tumblr Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand. I don't know where I stand with you, and I don't know what I mean to you. All I know is every time I think of you, I just want to be with you. I like weight. You know where you stand with them. Well sometimes you're lying under them, trying not to let them crush you, but you see, you KNOW they'd crush you if they could. There's honesty. - Gisele Lagace It is important that you know who you are, where you stand, where you came from, what you have, what you can do, and who is with you. - J. Grant Howard Never put yourself in a situation where you're not sure of where you stand in someone's life. Where I stand doesn't depend on where I'm standing. -Fred Thompson Always remember, someone's effort is a reflection of their interest in you. ''If you don't like where you STAND with them move on and STAND next to someone that will give you a better position. -Sonya Parker Stand by those who stand by you. ''I know where I stand as time progressed, resurrecting the past, making my soul swarm through the memories that once were too real, now for me to let go. It's hard to coat a layer of cement on the memories etched on the walls of my heart, which I'm desperately trying to unsee. But here I am, fervently giving my everything to subdue the potent emotions of my ethereal heart and sculpting it into a rock, so as to make it numb to the twinge. If not now, it's never. If not now, it's never....', said a broken heart, with all its might accumulated. -Avatarsunny If you can't figure out where you stand with someone, it might be time to stop standing and start walking. It's okay to not fit in. You don't need to bend and break yourself to simply earn someone's acceptance. You don't need to spend all of your time doing something you don't even like to earn others' approval. Learn to be uniquely yourself instead. Remember that the only ones who ever changed history were the ones who dared to listen and act upon their own ideas. They might have been judged and criticized, but they dared listen to their own hearts and changed the world because of it. So be independent. Be bold... Because when it really comes down to it, the only person's acceptance you need is your own. -Nikki Banas I don't do fakeness. You may not like what I say but you'll always know where you stand with me. If my actions tell you that I like you then I'm not acting. I''m a genuine person. It hasn't always been that way but people learn and they grow. I don't understand being nice to someone's face and then talking shit behind their backs and mine. I don't understand not being upfront and forthcoming about your feelings about them. I don't understand people's words and actions not matching up. For me, there is no compromise. If you are important to me then I'll be loyal to a fault and if you're not then I won't, I expect the same. If you can't give me that then I'm not the right person to be in your life and that's okay. Life is short. I don't have time to second guess where I stand with someone. I don't have time to worry that people in my circle don't have my best intentions at heart. If I have to question where I stand with you I'd rather not have you standing next to me. All I know is that I want to stand next to my best friend no matter what and I hope he feels the same way as me. Just walk with me on this path and let the light that is inside us lead the way. -Jmstorm Walk with me... we'll figure out where we're going later. I want to feel your hand in mine as we walk through life together. Walk with me, on the path of life, explore every bend of the road enjoy with me the beauty of life, along its wonderful way. Find comfort with me, in each other's arms, when grief crosses our path find strength with me, in each other's strength, when despair lies in wait. Laugh with me, a single true laugh, to enlighten another's distress cry with me, a single true tear, to understand true happiness. Cherish with me, the wonders of life, as they need to be preserved rejoice with me, in the mysteries, of what is yet to be. Find peace with me, in each other's souls, when the world has gone insane find love with me, in each other's hearts, until this life has been fulfilled. And when the path comes to an end I hope we can say from within that we've known the beauty of true love, our love came from within. Walk with me through life... and I'll have everything I'll need for the journey. Walk with me....... we'll figure out where we're going later. When I look up my best friend's first name it says. M- is for Magnificent, you always impress. A- is for Active, so full of fun. T- is for Terrific, one of a kind. T- is for Trusting, caring heart H- is for Honest, cheerful, and smiley. E- is for Emdearing, a good little fellow. W- is for Worthy, intelligent, and smart. Matthew, beyond compare. They are so right that Matthew I know. In the Urban Dictionary, they say Matthew means gift from god. usually, Matthew is a sweet and caring guy, he will be very clever and good at sports. Matthews of this type usually only ever love one person, and always will, till their dying day. Matthews can get very emotional and find it hard to express their feelings, Matthews loves music. Oh look at that Matthew over there, he's very handsome. by Kamron Gallet Matthew is a cute and sweet guy who you usually fall in love with as soon as you meet them. They're usually charming and awkward but very easy to get along with. A Matthew is a gift of God; a gift to a very special person, preferably an Ellie. Matthew always says the truth but may hide things in order to not hurt another person. But what they feel is true and pure. Anyone would be lucky to have Matthew by their side because they are loving, caring, and give extremely great hugs. You can't help falling in deep love with Matthew. Can we go cuddle now, Matthew? by real money, Matthew is the cutest guy you will ever meet. He is charming, good-looking, and very nice. He can get on your nerves sometimes, but he is the best guy in the whole entire world. I wish my Matthew would like me. By kieililiyi Matthew is someone who everyone can't resist. Everyone loves him and he loves everyone back. Doesn't get angry a lot but when he does get angry he wops ass. Watch out for them because they are cool!!!!!  Hottie#1 WHO IS THAT HUNK!!!! Hottie#2 Man he has to be a Matthew!!!by $nip3r They are so right Matthew is really a gift from God and more. Sometimes I keep my feelings to myself because it's hard for someone else to understand them. Love is a strange feeling! And you cannot understand what happens to you when it does happen to you. - Aviject Das I honestly don't even understand my own feelings sometimes. ''Sometimes, I'm not angry, I'm not and there's a big difference.'' Don't judge my words, Try to understand my feelings behind them!!! -Mohitya Pratap Singh Parihar I'm human, I feel, I understand. That's the highest level of love, is understanding -when you can understand someone, when you can love them with their flaws and their faults. So I understand, I consider. I may speak the truth, but I'll consider your feelings, too. -Tracy Morgan I was looking for him before I knew he was real. -Atticus Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be. Everyone has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were. One day, you realize that there are some people you'll never see again. At least, not in the same way. Something I learned about people... If they do it once, they'll do it again. What was broken will never be the same again. Broken hearts, I know you've lost someone and it hurts. You may have lost them suddenly, unexpectedly. Or perhaps you began losing pieces of them until one day, there was nothing left. You may have known them all your life or you may have barely known them at all. Either way, it is irrelevant - you cannot control the depth of a wound another soul inflicts upon you. Which is why I am not here to tell you tomorrow is another day. That the sun will go on shining. Or there are plenty of fish in the sea. What I will tell you is this; it's okay to be hurting as much as you are. What you are fleeing is not only completely valid but human. And though I can't promise it will get better any time soon, I can tell you that it will - eventually. For now, all you can do is take your time. Take all the time you need. -Lang Leav ''Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.'' -Dalai Lama Beauty is everywhere. You only have to look to see it. -Bob Ross The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are. -Goldie Hawn ''For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.'' -Ralph Walda Emerson ''Being happy never goes out of style.'' -Lily Pulitger ''There is no path to happiness; happiness is the path.'' -Buddha Choose to be happy that is the way to find happiness. -Debasish Mridha The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go of. -Dodinsky ''Happiness is a form of courage.'' -Holbrook Jackson Nobody can make you happy until you're happy with yourself first. Whatever makes your soul happy. Do that. ''No medicine cures what happiness cannot.'' - Gabried Garcia Marques Happiness is not about getting all you want, it is about enjoying all you have. Happiness is a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. -Ralph Marston's Life is short. Spend it with people who make you laugh and feel loved. Every day is a new day. -Carrie Underwood There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy. Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. ''If being happy is important to you, try this: instead of regretting all you lack, celebrate all you've got.' -Brian Vanszily ''Be happy with what you have. Be excited about what you want.'' -Alan Cohen ''The purpose of our lives is to be happy.'' -Dalai Lama ''Life is full of happiness and tears; be strong and have faith.'' -Kareena Kapoor Khan Be happy for no reason, like a child. If you are happy for a reason. You're in trouble because that reason can be taken from you. -Deepak Chopra Smile. Happiness comes in waves. It'll find you again. -Unknown We become what we think about. Happiness is not out there, it's is you. ''One of the first steps to happiness is deciding that you want to be happy and knowing what that means. I have had many full-on conversations about what that looks like for me. To be happy is a choice you make every day, every hour. And refining and renewing that state is a constant pursuit. -Julia Roberts Happines looks gorgeous on you. -Therandemnibez Be happy. Not because everything is perfect. But, because you choose to focus on the perfect moments. The happiest people are the ones who make others happy. ''Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.'' -Herman Cain ''If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. -Mather Teresa No medicine cures what happiness cannot. -Gabriel Garcia Marquez ''True happiness is... to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.'' -Lucius Annaeus Seneca Live happy and be kind whenever possible it is always possible. -Dalal Lama Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like. -Unknown Start your day with happiness and gratitude. ''Change your thoughts and you change your world.'' -Bulkqutesnow Let's start with when I started having dreams about my best friends it all started a few years ago you already know that I met Matthew in 2015 well I started having dreams about him in 2016 and. You know how it all started right? Because Molly had asked me something and that night I had started having dreams about Matthew let's just say it was not pg 13 fine I will tell you what I seen in my dream I know we were in a bedroom but I am not sure who's because I know it's not mine or his I guess we were a hotel and we were laying down on the bed and I guess I was thinking about something then out of nowhere Matthew wanted to be on top of me if you know what I mean. and started removing my clothes and you know what happened. For the past few months I have seen the same dream and most time I can't not even look Matthew in the eye when I have those dreams when he asks me what I am doing I say nothing and he asks me if am sure and I would say yeah or I am sure. And most dreams he and I are playing video games and then we bet each other who going to win. Then we go out to eat and watch a movie or watch TV and eat popcorn. And I also had a dream and we were in school but I am not sure which school now it didn't look like Highlands High School any way he told me that I was his soulmate and that when I started waking up and I also had a dream and saw some of our friends come and go. And that's all the dreams I had in 2015 to the 2016 year I am going to keep some of the dreams I had in 2015 to 2016. Then I had a dream from 2016 to 2017 let's say it got more heated Matthew was a really bad boy in my dream and I was the good one because. I have not through myself at him he threw himself at me and that happened a few times over the months most of the time we were hanging out with our friends and family and sometimes. One time in my dream Matthew had asked me to come over and eat and he told me that some of this fam was going to be there but it felt like all of his fam was there and I started getting all shy and Matthew didn't want to stop looking at me and he was making me more shy like he do in real life. And that all of my dreams I am going to keep all of them to myself, from 2017 to 2018. I want to keep some dreams to myself because I know that it will drive Matthew crazy not knowing hahaha and I know he will get me back. In 2017 or 2018 I had a dream about one of my birthday parties and that one did come true. And one of my friends told me that she would tell Matthew that I like him she was thinking about using my phone and I thought that she was going to tell him at my birthday party because she told me that she would tell him when she sees him and you might want to know how does she know what he looks like well see saw the ig pic that he had posted on there. Then I had a dream that he had asked me for a sleepover and you might already know what had happened we had a movie night and game night and watched YouTube videos and talked about things and ate meat lovers pizza and that's all I am going to tell you about my dreams in 2018 to 2019. In 2019 I had a dream that I took Matthew and myself and my mother to Six Flags for his birthday it really looked like a really fun dream and that had me want to take Matthew to Six Flags for his birthday and to go to a YouTube playlist live and take him to LA because I hear they have great food over there and I wanted to take him to a seafood restaurant and I also was planning on taking myself and Matthew and my mother to Disney World in Orlando, FL that where YouTube playlist live was going to be in Orlando, FL and after the playlist live I was planning on taking him to Disney world because he told me he wanted to go there and I had booked the hotel where we posted to stay at in Orlando, Fl it was close to Disney World and I was also going to book a hotel in La because I was planning to ask FaZe Rug if he wanted to make a YouTube video with me and show me where the seafood restaurant he was talking about. And I was going to book a hotel in San Antonio close to Six Flags. I had been planning this trip for months and I was going to call his mother and ask her if he could go than all of my planning had to stop because of the covid-19 so I had to cancel everything and I was planning on paying for everything knowing my best friend I know he would not let me and he had to pay for something and I am still upset that I have to cancel his birthday present. I was planning on telling him about his birthday present but I could not look Matthew in the eye and tell him the bad news because it would break my heart to see him sad then it would make me sad then I would start to cry. I was really heartbroken when I had to cancel his birthday present I was really looking forward to it. And when I hear of the covid-19 it really messes up my whole year I probably would be more disappointed than Matthew. Anyway back to my dreams I had a dream we were going swimming at his family house they had planned a movie night and game night and they made all kinds of ice cream even one of Matthew's favorite cookies and cream and everyone had made a bet that who is going to win and who is going to lose and who lose had to do a crazy dance and sing a song in the same time. It was really funny and I was laughing in my sleep and my mother came to my bedroom and woke me up and asked me who are you laughing at what so funny I told her Matthew had lost the game and that he had to do a crazy dance and sing in the same time. She told me she didn't know what to do to me and that all I was going to tell you was what I had dreamed about from 2019 to 2020. Here the last dream I had I saw my and Matthew's friends telling me that me and Matthew really had not hung out with them in a long time and that me and Matthew were always with each other hanging out and going to different places and posting about it and not inviting us to come with y'all it like y'all had forgotten us then I told them that's not true we always hang out with you I know that me and Matthw hang out a lot but most of the time we take y'all with us. I started crying in my sleep and my crying had to wake me up and I started thinking about what they had said they did get into my head and had me thinking and thinking about all those years I was just looking at a wall and thinking for hours without eating or drinking anything just thinking back and they were right I don't really remember me and Matthew really hanging out with someone else we only sometimes hang out with other people and I started crying again and telling myself that I am a bad friend so I had picked up my video camera to apologize to them and when I got done apologizing Matthew had text me on Ig I will tell you I was not inspecting Matthew to text me on ig. When I saw Matthew I got my name on my phone I almost fell down well I was almost on the floor lol. And I almost drop my phone in my dog's water bowl. And I got back up I had asked my mother I think I saw things I had finally lost it I am seeing things I had gone crazy out of my mind I think I saw Matthew texting me on Ig. Can you tell me if I am seeing things or not I am sure I am losing my mind maybe because I need to go outside more. So I showed my mother my phone and she told me that really Matthew texting you, you are not losing your mind all I told her was oh. If Matthew had seen that I bet he would have laughed at me telling me that I was crazy and asking me do I needed to go to the hospital. I was planning on telling Matthew what had happened but I had changed my mind lol. Anyway let's go to my next dream my dream had gotten heated again Matthew was being a very bad boy and very naughty and nasty well I was kinda of being nasty in my dreams but Matthew was more naughty and nasty than me and the guy said that girls are more than naughty and nasty to guy's boy's these day's. And they say that girls are bad and very distracting well I think guys are really more distracting than girls. And I also have a dream that me and Matthew had six sets of twins and it looked like they were a few years apart maybe 2 years apart and in my dream. I told Matthew that I was pregnant again and when I told him he had passed out his mother and father and his other family came and asked me what happened I told them what happened and that Matthew had passed out when I told him that I was pregnant again and his mother say these guy's never change always passing out when someone tells them that they are pregnant. In my other dream, I had seen the babies grow they really do look like Matthew because they don't really look like me. And I did hear myself and Matthew calling their names and I will tell you one of their names him name was Christain that his first name I won't tell you his middle name or last name but you might already know what it is well you go and guess their names and the others reason I won't tell you their names because I want Matthew to keep thinking haha haha all I am going to say some of them act like Matthew and some act like me one of the boys really do act like Matthew lets call him Matthew jr because I won't say his real name. And that is all I am going to tell you about my dreams from 2020 to 2021 but I do have more dreams that I didn't tell you they were too naughty and nasty to tell It really had been a long year and it really feels like it has been forever the last time I had seen my best friend and I don't know how much more I can take no seeing him and today this November 29 and my mother told me that she had seen Matthew riding his bike on her street and yes I still live with my mother I am sad that I had missed seeing him but I guess it's okay because my hair was having a bad hair day today anyway stay being yourself no matter what and. I hope you like reading how I feel about my best friend and I will see you in part 9.

How I feel about my bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now