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Fuck Lexa loved Costia. She was so pretty and cool.

Clarke hated Costia. The blonde thought she was 'arrogant and toxic'.

But if Clarke could fuck around with questionable people, Lexa could do so too. And they weren't even fucking. Lexa knew that Costia wanted them to, but something didn't sit right with Lexa about it. She probably just didn't want to be embarrassing or disappointing or both.

Clarke of course again thought that Costia was 'pushing it too much'. Really, the younger woman couldn't shut up about how she didn't like Costia.

But the brunette liked her, she was in love with her even, and she wouldn't Clarke let ruin that. Her phone buzzed that moment, showing both a text from Clarke and Costia.


hey, u wanna come to a party tonight?


which pizza do you want for movie night? we'll watch my choice today btw so don't even try to argue with me on that

Lexa sighed. She knew she had the weekly movie night with Clarke.

But movie night was every week and that party maybe wouldn't be so bad. It would be no problem. Yeah, Clarke went on parties too, and Lexa really wanted to go.

Or well, she didn't want to go to the party, but she wanted to see Costia. There would be so many other girls that if Lexa didn't show up, Costia would just take one of them instead. She might take another with Lexa there too, the brunette wasn't sure.

Lexa put her phone in her pocket after texting Costia she would come and took her car to Clarke and hers apartment. They had gotten it two years before, as they had always wanted to. Have endless girls nights and having the best friend just in the next room.

Lexa got on an open suit with a bra and did some make up. She took Clarke's, she knew the blonde wouldn't mind, they always shared their stuff, because she didn't own any. The lipstick was the hardest. To be honest, she hated lipstick. She also preferred dresses, but Costia had said she'd look hot in a suit and with lipstick so Lexa wore that.

On her way out, she forgot to write a note to Clarke that she didn't have time for movie night.


Lexa was at Costia's half an hour later. The girl had said she didn't like to pick up girls because it would waste her money and time. So Lexa would drive and she would stay sober so she could drive back too.

"Hi!" Costia greeted her at the door. "You look great!"

"Thank you. You look amazing yourself."

The girl smiled, but didn't invite her in. "I'll be right back, just grabbin' a jacket and we can leave. A few friends and their friends will be there too, you don't mind I hope."

Lexa had barely time to shake her head before she was dragged right back into her car. "I hope it's okay that you drive, my car broke down."

Lexa nodded before Costia went on talking again. They reached the club Costia had told her to drive to after ten minutes. The music was blasting so loudly you could hear it from the parking spot.

A group already fairly drunk people came towards them, laughing and patting Costia's shoulder. Two girls were at her side almost immediately, and Costia went on talking to them where she had stopped at Lexa.

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