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Raven was stretched out on the left side of the couch, Octavia in her arms, both focused on the shooting scene that went down in the movie. The effects were insane, the colors just right and they were fully captivated.

The bag of chips that they had in Raven's lap was empty and Raven had just absentmindly crunched it together, Clarke was up already. "Ours are empty too. I'll go get some new, can you come help carry me with the popcorn Lex?"

For Octavia and Raven, who weren't too concentrated on Clarke and Lexa anyway, it was a common request. Lexa saw the sly grin passing over Clarke's face though and got up with in suspicion squinted eyes, taking the empty bowl of popcorn with her slowly.

She had just reached up to the upper cupboard in the kitchen to get the popcorn- they had gotten a machine a while ago, after Clarke had begged for ages- when she felt Clarke's arms sneaking around her torso. Lexa froze on the tip of her toes, her arm still reaching for the corn as Clarke's body pressed into hers.

"How do you like the movie?" Clarke purred the most casual question into Lexa's ear. Lexa closed her eyes with a silent sigh and leaned the tiniest bit back into the touch.

"It's good."

"Mhm," Clarke hummed, breath hitting Lexa's neck as her tongue darted out a little. Lexa gasped quietly at the contact and she didn't know where their promise had gone at that point to keep it at one time, never speak about it or let anything affect their actions.

Clarke's lips started placing wet, hot kisses all over Lexa's neck without sucking one proper hickey, her hands ghosting all over Lexa's body as Lexa's mind filled with the sinful thoughts she shouldn't have about her best friend. Especially not with her other best friends in the next room.

Clarke reached the point right under Lexa's jaw and she nibbled there, maybe enough for it to bruise a little, one of her hands reaching up to Lexa's mouth again to cover it. The action was somewhat counterproductive, since that was the final string for Lexa to let out a moan, only slightly muffled by Clarke's hand.

Clarke of course just then pulled away and grabbed the chips. "Can you reach the corn?" she asked lightly, hopping on the counter to watch Lexa's legs tremble for a moment before she reached back up for the bag.

Not five minutes later, they were back on the couch for the movie and Clarke had fully succeeded in ruining Lexa's underwear. It wasn't even that the throbbing between her legs got better during the next minutes, no, it only seemed to get worse and worse until the brunette thought about just taking care of herself in the bathroom. She decided that she was too old to be as horny as that.

So instead she kept trying to focus on the movie, which really was good, she wasn't going to lie about that, though she wasn't unhappy to see it end either.

Raven and Octavia left soon after, Clarke leaving for the kitchen to do the dishes while Lexa cleaned up the table from their meal and dried them. You could bet that if one wasn't sneaking a glance at the other, it was the other way around, and by the time they were done, Lexa was glad to get to be in her own room. Otherwise she wasn't sure if she could've have resisted so much from taking Clarke on their table, or the counter, or the couch really would have worked too.

Clarke didn't feel much better, glad to take a cold shower and focus on an art project she had to finish to the following week.

She wasn't very happy about finding her favorite, worked-in pencil gone. She remembered to have left it in Lexa's room when they'd last hung out there, right on the dresser, Lexa always making fun of her since in her opinion, there were no 'worked-in pencils'. As if new ones were as good as somewhat used up ones.

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