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Clarke had already written off any kind of conversation past awkward good mornings for the next days. She groaned, burying herself in the blanket that smelled so good like Lexa, knowing the woman would probably stay on the couch that night or wait until Clarke was in her own room to change the sheets and lock herself in.

Well, turned out a few moments later that she was wrong.

Lexa came back. Wearing shorts and apparently cleaned up, a washcloth in her hands, she kneeled down next to Clarke looking the most beautiful. Clarke'd have to sketch the woman somewhen (for the thousand's time).

She let Lexa clean her up, and although it was Lexa who should be in Clarke's position, the brunette then simply lifted Clarke's naked body into her arms. "You mind if we sleep in your room? My bed needs uh- new sheets," she said with a crooked grin and Clarke really wanted to kiss it off her lips that moment.

Get it together Griff, you kissed, that's normal after sex. She's just a friend.


"Yes, yes, let's go to my room," Clarke rushed, almost falling over her own words. Lexa chuckled.


God Lexa's voice was beautiful.

Clarke was carried into her bedroom, scolding herself for loving the feeling of being carried by Lexa, smelling the woman's scent of strawberries and the warmth seeping through Lexa's clothing on Clarke's skin.

She wanted that moment to last forever.

Or maybe she wanted the moment to last forever when Lexa laid her down, tucked her in and offered her clothes before climbing under the blanket too and cuddling Clarke. "You feeling okay? Need anything?"

God Clarke was going to cry. She turned around in Lexa's arms to face her and smiled weakly. "No. You?"

"I'm perfect."

Yeah, Clarke definitely knew that.


Clarke wasn't really surprised when she woke up alone in the bed. Maybe Lexa had been still drunk on sex after all the previous night. She just hoped she wasn't out on a several hours lasting run, because that would mean they seriously were messed up for at least a week.

What was it even they had going on?

Clarke wasn't going to bring her feelings in, like ever, so much was clear, but it was clear too that they couldn't just lie and say they simply slept together once for a favor.

Because Lexa was clearly attracted to Clarke as well, and whatever was the tension between them, none of them seemed keen on giving it up.

So she figured they probably should talk.

Because she guessed best friends didn't just casually hook up the one or other night, and certainly didn't tease each other so much on a sexual level.

Though even if they did talk, of what use would it be? That they'd agree to stop the sex completely? Because of course they wouldn't just cave and say they would, whatever, be friends with benefits from now on. If they talked, it would end up even worse.

Clarke couldn't make a decision, her thoughts were interrupted by the loud bang of the door and her focus averted to Lexa balancing what looked like breakfast in her hands and on her arms. She had kicked open the door rather roughly, struggling to keep her balance and then, in the soft light of the morning sun, her eyes fell on Clarke and she smiled so beautifully.

The blonde was like in a haze, not really taking notice of the 'good morning' and Lexa placing the breakfast down on her bedside table, saying something in addition. She swore she didn't have anything about herself in control, neither her body, nor her mind nor her heart. She didn't think she'd ever craved anyone like she did that moment, and that in such non-sexual way, the temptation to reach out in the tips of her fingers and to kiss the smile off Lexa's lips in her whole body.

Oscar Wilde said, that the only way to get rid of temptation was to yield it, and admittingly it wasn't an appropriate moment to think of classics, but it was the first thing her otherwise empty mind could grasp. To keep her head occupied, maybe that had been the intention of her body, and before Clarke had even realized anything, her hand was wrapped around Lexa's.

Her fingers twitched, sliding between Lexa's, and she gave the hand a soft tug.

"I want to kiss you," her traitorous lips whispered and all she could remember was Lexa, light golden sunlight, and some classic novel when Lexa leaned down, her hand brushing over Clarke's cheek, and kissed her.


Lexa wasn't sure if Clarke was still too sleepy, or if she was in some kind of haze- she actually was quite certain of the last- but Clarke Griffin was laying naked in her bed, sheets a little messy and flooded by sunlight, and her eyes had the most beautiful dreamy expression as she asked Lexa to freaking kiss her.

She had meant to go for a run after she'd woken up.

A long one. Just away from any awkwardness.

And then she'd remembered that she was the one that brought them into their situation, and she would pretty much be an asshole to leave. She didn't regret a bit of it.

Her lips caught Clarke's gently, like an angel had temporarily lifted them up to a golden cloud and they could fall from it any time. What they had, the feeling cursing through Lexa's veins and leaving her heart beating too quickly, it was such a fragile thing, something so breakable.

She wanted to ask herself why, or how, or what even was happening, but she couldn't find herself to care much when Clarke gave her hand another tug- oh God, Clarke Griffin was holding her hand- and she caught herself on top of Clarke, blowing out a surprised puff of breath. Clarke laughed and so did Lexa, stealing herself another chaste kiss from Clarke's lips, feeling warm hands travel up and down her spine in caresses and she might have never felt so in love.

Which was stupid, or might have been, if she'd been in the right mind. But she wasn't, so everything just completely went past her but Clarke.


"Lexa," Clarke panted, her hips bucking and squirming and her pupils wide dilated. Lexa shot her a smirk and then, her fingers disappeared back into Clarke harder. She moved them painfully slowly though, and Clarke was getting impatient.

She wasn't done with complaining, Lexa's lips were already around her clit, and her fingers moved the quickest they had that morning. Clarke came with a scream of Lexa's name and a silent praise for her fingers, and she mentally noted to leave a note to the neighbors, apologizing or something.

"Lexa, baby, c'me up here," she mumbled and Lexa finished off cleaning the blonde up before slumping down on the bed next to Clarke.

"I like that."


Lexa's mouth opened, and she swore she wanted to say 'the nickname', which was brave enough itself, but Clarke had turned to her and Lexa's mind was suddenly far, far away from where it should've been.

"You," Lexa breathed and after a few seconds, Clarke closed her eyes.

"Don't say that Lex."

"Why not?"

"Because I can't deal with those kind of lies at the moment."


"Just- no, Lexa. Leave it."


"Lexa, did you hear me or not?" Clarke asked, her tone too harsh for such a morning.

Lexa swallowed and turned away, shutting her mouth and soon leaving the room too. To change her sheets, she said.


so yeah, bit short this one plus it's been quite a while and I'm not sure I like the chapter, but leave a vote or comment if you did :) they help real much
stay safe and don't forget you're amazing!

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