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Clarke had made a decision the moment she'd heard Lexa get off to her. And she was enjoying it already without having done anything.

Clarke had quietly slipped into her room after the Gallery opening and the next morning, woken up extra early to plan the little game she had in mind. She didn't even know where she was going with it, but she just couldn't not plan on teasing Lexa. Or maybe seducing her was the proper term.

After she had made breakfast- maybe her clothes had been a little tight compared to her usual morning clothes- she asked Lexa to go to the gym with her. No particular reason. They had gone together before, after all.

So Lexa packed her gym bag, she had been planning on going that day anyway, and followed Clarke down to her car. The thing she hadn't considered was that her newfound (aka long buried and of course again risen) attraction towards her best friend didn't help her concentration to work out.

Clarke simply lifting her weights, running her time on the treadmill and doing various other workouts was- it was manageable. Lexa just swallowed it down and focused on herself, on her music and her workout.

When they were done after two hours and Lexa thought that she was managing quite greatly not to stare at Clarke's sweaty neck and chest, of course it wasn't the end of the day.

"Hey Lex, you mind going for a fight?" Clarke asked, nodding to the trainings floor to any martial arts.

"You fight?" she asked incredulous and Clarke shrugged.

"Had a few courses here and there."

Lexa laughed. "How didn't I know this? You knew I was fighting too."

"Well let's see who's better," Clarke grinned.

"Definitely me."

"Oh, you're bold to speak. Just because I don't have these abs of yours-" Clarke let her hand run over her stomach, "- doesn't mean they're gonna beat me." And then the next thing Lexa wanted to say got stuck in her throat when Clarke let her hand run over Lexa's stomach as well, tracing over the outlines of the muscles through the shirt, warm through the thin material and stopping just above the waistband of Lexa's shorts.

Then Clarke pulled away. "Well, let's see."

Lexa nodded dumbly and followed the woman. Clarke had just simply touched her stomach to prove her point. No reason to react to it.

So she got ready across Clarke, taking her stance and nodding shortly. Clarke smirked and the entire picture might've been one of the hottest Lexa had ever seen. That was a lie. There were other memories in her head much better.

She took the first punch for letting her mind wander. Then, she was focused again, making an attack which succeeded only poorly. She ended up with her back pressed tightly against Clarke's hot, sweaty body and needed a second longer to get her composure back after fighting herself out. Clarke was at her again, swiftly and easily hooking her leg around Lexa's in a way that had the brunette stumble over too quickly.

She got back up again, using the strength of her arms to pick Clarke up in an attempt to throw her on the floor. The only result she got were Clarke's legs wrapped right around her head and then, before she knew it, she was on the ground and Clarke fell with her.

Clarke had originally meant to get Lexa to the ground to simply straddle her, but the way she then ended up sitting right on Lexa's face by accident made it even better. Lexa's hands had automatically gone to grip her hips and on the way of giving Lexa air again, Clarke made a little unnecessary movement to buck them first. She was being a little cruel and she loved the way Lexa looked at her when she was then straddling the woman's stomach. Hunger reflected in her eyes, the want to drag Clarke out of there and put her right back on her face without the layer of clothing.

"You okay?" Clarke asked after a while to make sure the fall hadn't hurt and Lexa's pride took over her arousal.

"I'm not done with you," she said and then her hands were reaching for Clarke again to turn them around, but Clarke had Lexa's hands held too quickly.

She tsked and pinned them over Lexa's head to ensure them staying in place. Not that Lexa's focus was on that at all. Clarke's boobs were so close, they were practically touching her face.

"What'd you say?" Clarke asked and Lexa didn't know if she imagined it but the rasp in her friend's voice did things to her.

"Nothing," Lexa croaked and Clarke leaned back contently.

"Well, then... Thought I heard something."

Lexa shook her head, not really having heard what Clarke had said. The girl was still straddling her, the weight of her body on Lexa's in the best possible way and still not helping the throbbing between her legs.

"Come on. Let's go home," Clarke said then, casual as ever, and got up. She helped Lexa too, who nodded gratefully, not sure she would've made it herself.

On the way back, Clarke decided to ask Lexa how things with Costia were going. If just to tease the girl.

"Um- well...."

"Have you met up with her? How was it?"

"I haven't," Lexa blurted.

"Oh?" Clarke acted to be surprised. "How's that?"

"I um- I didn't have time when she did and vice versa."

"Aha. You didn't want to have time?"



"I don't know but I promise I didn't use you, it wasn't for nothing that you made me that favor Clarke," Lexa reassured, not sure how to explain something she couldn't.

For you to have masturbating material, Clarke thought silently and grinned internally.

"I'm not feeling used. But for what was it then if you don't meet up with her?"

She could see the bitten back fed up groan on Lexa's face, turning slightly red. "Well- just, you know, experience. I think having my first time with a person I trust and that won't fuck me up in some way later is just um- it means a lot. Thank you for that."

"Don't worry Lex. It's not like virginity is nothing but a society-made term anyway. Just another thing to make men feel great about their dicks when they 'own' a woman's virginity. Fucked up shit."

"You're not a man though. And you don't have a dick," Lexa mentioned with a little grin that died off the second Clarke's next statement registered in her mind.

"Have you looked in my bedroom though?" she asked with her voice pitched deeper than before.

Clarke looked over to Lexa's cheeks heating up at the imagination of toys Clarke might've had anywhere. Why had she been expecting Clarke hadn't had hidden drawers? She was a grown-up woman who liked women on top of that. It shouldn't do what it did to her.

Clarke continued with a shrug.

"Yeah, crazy stuff. My ex boyfriend was such a freak he cut it off as a present when I once said I liked his dick. It's framed in my nightstand now."

"Clarke," Lexa complained.

"What?" she grinned. "You didn't think anything else, right?" she added, pulling the last word longer.

"Of course not."

"I painted his dick pink after it turned an ugly shade of decomposing white. Do you want to see it when we're back?"

"Sometimes I hate you."


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