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They both were very sure it would stay at the one time. Never again after that night.

Clarke had been embarrassed to the bone when she had woken up the next day. Lexa of course had to be amazing and just shrug it off.

Their relationship was just that slightly more awkward after that. On Tuesday, they went out to get Chinese food, because they did that quite often and Clarke wanted to take the opportunity to make up for her stupid actions the other night. It wasn't too awkward, they talked and they laughed a bit and both were positive that it would maybe become like it had always been.

Friends. Those that just met for movie nights like they had done, those that would maybe cook together again, have simple sleepovers. They would go back to all platonic friends.

The next day, Wednesday, Clarke had to attend to a party for the opening of an art gallery, where there was a small collection just with her pieces. She should have known when inviting Lexa that the woman all dressed up would not benefit her. She should've known that physically holding back from Lexa was so much harder then it had been before their first time sleeping together and wouldn't change again afterwards.

Raven patting her on the shoulder, giving her the advice to just imagine everybody naked wasn't so helpful anymore when she stood on the stage, having all the men in the first row gross and ew in her imagination and okay to talk to, but then, in the middle of said row, Lexa sitting in such a gorgeous dress Clarke just got redder with her naked in mind. Spreading her toned, tan thighs apart, sweat running down the valley between her breasts onto her stomach, abs visible. That mouth now smiling encouragingly dropped in o-shape, eyes dark and the prettiest moans escaping her friend's throat.

Yep, that was not helpful, as mentioned. She should stop imagining everybody naked.

She shook her head as she heard the woman introducing her finish and instead tried the advice to imagine everybody dressed like a clown. Still, as she went on about her art, she couldn't unthink the image of Lexa naked anymore.

Most of her art showed clear objects or people in her personal perspective, often things she hadn't actually seen like that but portrayed it like something else, or personifications. One of them though was clearly different than the others.

It wasn't like Clarke had no paintings and drawings of Lexa. She did. A lot. But she didn't sell them, or let them be shown publicly, even if they didn't show her face or were just a feeling about Lexa she tried to put into a drawing. That one different painting was the only exception.

Between two bright, colorful paintings stood the canvas that showed Lexa's naked body, but just from Clarke's memory. The woman wasn't standing but on her knees, a pale golden shimmer adorning the edges of her skin while it all looked realistic still. Her legs were spread and there was something else under her, but while the rest of the painting was very clear, that part wasn't. It could have been a thing she was straddling or a person, or even just sitting like that on her bed or the floor.

She hadn't been able not to paint it. She had been going for something else to complete her collection, but her mind had been going back to Lexa and the brush had started moving itself to paint the brunette's body on the canvas.

Clarke's eyes flickered to Lexa as she answered questions about the picture, since it was the only one clearly showing a person with all skin tones and muscles and shadows and details but was yet not fully realism.

The girl looked back at her with raised eyebrows. Lexa's head wasn't shown on the canvas and her body wasn't fully accurate, but did the girl know she had secretly been the muse? Clarke would be fucked if she did.


Lexa would've said the girl was her if it hadn't been such a highly inappropriate piece. If it had shown someone laughing, somehow clothed, or something that Clarke and Lexa could do that would mean something to Clarke - not some specific night-  then she might've believed the way the girl's body was toned was like hers. But that way she didn't, felt a weird pang of jealousy at the painting of another girl in a sexual position instead, especially because it was one of Clarke's more recent ones.

Clarke had buried herself in her room, finishing some pieces and never leaving the apartment. Maybe she had buried herself in her room to avoid seeing Lexa too, who knew. At least that meant she hadn't had hooked up with anyone after Friday. Which also meant Lexa had been on the edge since Clarke fucking Griffin had gotten off on her thigh in the middle of the night and she had nothing to do against it.

Costia had called her two times. Lexa had only taken one call, and declined the invitation for a party almost instantly. She couldn't go out with Costia when all it took was Clarke in front of her on a stage and she wasn't able to tear her eyes away anymore.

Which, admittingly, was because she was sexually frustrated as shit and Clarke looked so damn good in that dress. Exposing her thighs, hugging her waist tightly and showed not exactly little cleavage. She wasn't proud at all for staring and she was even less proud that she had at some point during the speech considered to take her best friend and fuck her in a bathroom.

So for the next ten minutes, she just tried to focus on Clarke's amazing art and not let any thoughts at all get to her.


Lexa had left earlier, Clarke noticed with a bit of disappointment. She had talked to her before and they had some sparkling wine but after that and congratulations, Lexa was gone and didn't come back. With the people slowly leaving, she took the chance to get away from the rather boring opening party and check up on Lexa.

They would have gone together normally, so maybe something had been wrong. Maybe Lexa needed help or something.

Which wasn't exactly the case.

When Clarke turned the keys in the lock to their apartment, the first thing she heard was a moaned 'fuck'. Lexa's voice. From Lexa's bedroom. Another moan and a whimper, leaving Clarke completely frozen.

She had gone to meet Costia and have the apartment for herself. Because Clarke had stayed inside for the last few days and Lexa hadn't had the chance to.

The first thing Clarke felt was betrayal, which didn't make sense, but Lexa could've told her she was meeting Costia and especially didn't need to leave Clarke at her opening party for some other girl. Maybe it also sucked that Lexa had made true of her promise and Clarke had just imagined the lingering gazes and the thoughts about mutual attraction at points.

"Oh fuck yes!" Lexa called out and Clarke wondered if Costia was better than her because Lexa hadn't been so vocal when Clarke had been with her.

Clarke felt sick about the image of Costia doing whatever to her friend, making her scream like that, and she slowly stumbled back out of the apartment. Her ears blocked out the noises coming from Lexa's bedroom and she fumbled with the keys to lock the door again when she heard another moan that her brain let in.



hi guys
I'm not at all sure abt this one but rn I'm just glad to have a chapter done and I think I checked this over about 10 times in the past and was never happy with it. This has been in my drafts forever and now I'm so fed up with it that I'm just putting it out here. I might take it down and replace it or make adjustments, please tell me what you thought and if there's any mistake because I didn't beta read this version. I'm so sorry for the long wait, life was being an ass and my mind's been messing with me a bit but I hope to write more soon :) leave a vote if you enjoyed reading, otherwise don't forget you're awesome and stay safe!

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