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The entire following week went like the first day after they'd had sex. Lexa would have to be anywhere and Clarke would cry at Raven's that she'd fucked it up.

The Friday when they usually had movie night, none of them wanted to make it weird and officially say no to it.

"So uhm- how was your week?" asked Clarke as they sat on the couch. "You've been away a lot."

Lexa burned up a bit. "Yeah. It was okay. How was yours?"

"Okay? I expected a bit more if you slept with Costia."

"Oh no, no, I didn't um- I didn't see her," Lexa said with even redder cheeks. Luckily it was dark.

"What do you mean you didn't see her?"

"I kind of... didn't have time."

"And now the truth?"

Lexa sighed. "Maybe I also didn't want to have time."

Clarke frowned. "Look Lexa I get it if you regret what we did, but you shouldn't- you shouldn't let it affect your and Costia's relationship. And you shouldn't let it affect ours either. Don't even think I believed you that you had to be there and there and there all the time."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I just- was thinking a lot."

"I shouldn't have said yes."

"No! No, I shouldn't have asked. And I promised you not to let it make our friendship weird. I'm sorry for ignoring you. Let's just make the next week better. You said it, we're best friends and we can handle something like that."

Clarke nodded. "Right. So you wanna do something tomorrow?"

Lexa smiled. "I'd love that."


That night, Lexa laid awake in her bed and stared at the ceiling.

Exactly seven days she'd had the probably best night of her entire life, and it scared the fuck out of her. Because everytime she had seen Clarke that week, she hadn't been able to stop thinking about how her skin had felt and tasted, how her moans had sounded, how her tongue had felt.

It was like a switch had turned the day they had slept together and it took away all possible attraction Lexa could feel towards others and put it on her best friend.

She'd never had that much of a problem with Clarke making breakfast as an example. In her barely covering sleep tank top without a bra and those shorts that barely covered her ass. She knew it was so wrong, but she just couldn't help the thoughts about how the girl had looked without all those clothes on.

Lexa hated how dry her mouth went at the image that unwillingly came to her mind. She forced it down, tried to concentrate on something else, Costia, but she didn't manage.

Seriously why the fuck was she getting aroused by those memories? She shouldn't. She knew how wrong it was.

Before the movie in her head could continue, Lexa peeled herself out of bed and decided a cold shower wouldn't do her any harm.

In the hallway, she almost ran into Clarke.

This short pj Clarke. That definitely helped.

"What are you up to so late?" she asked.

"Just wanted to take a shower, you?"

"Oh, same, you go," Lexa said and made a little gesture to the bathroom. Clarke shook her head.

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