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Clarke didn't believe her own ears. "What?"

Lexa didn't say anything. So Clarke had heard right. Holy shit. "You want me to- sleep with you?"

Lexa nodded.

"You aren't serious."

No answer.

Yep, apparently Lexa was serious.

Clarke sighed. "See Lexa I want you to be happy and if that Coseta girl makes you happy I guess you should go for it but- well I don't think she does and I don't want anything to force you into sleeping with me. I'm not trying to hurt you but that girl is probably fucking someone right now and it's not you. I'm not sure she likes you that much."

"She does, Clarke, she told me. Really, if I was able to not embarrass myself it would work out. Obviously only do this if you're comfy with it, but I know you have frequent one night stands and it won't change anything in out friendship. Promised. One time and never again."

Clarke thought. She could be selfish and say yes. Having the woman in her bed that Clarke had tried to distract herself from so desperately... well, what did she need to say? But caring about Lexa and their friendship she should probably say no. And on top of that, it most likely would hurt her worse to sleep with Lexa for another girl and never have her again than not to have her at all.

But God it was so tempting.

One time. She would manage to get over it after. It wouldn't hurt their friendship.

"You have to promise me several things," said Clarke after a while and Lexa breathed out in relief.


"First, I need you to tell me if you're just the slightest bit uncomfortable when we do it. I will not question you and it's totally okay to stop anytime. Second, we won't act all shy and avoid each other after. Not happening. We're best friends and we can fuck once without it affecting anything. I don't want us to be weird after. One time, no one thinks of more or less. And third," Clarke finished up, hesitating shortly if she should really make that a point or if it would be too selfish. She shook her head. "And third, you will not think about her or imagine it's her. Because if you ask me to sleep with you then you're asking me to sleep with you and not replace some Cosita."

"Her name is Costia," muttered Lexa with red cheeks. "I promise all three."


And then they both look at the TV awkwardly. The question of when hung in the room as heavy as the scent of Clarke's aunt's perfume when the woman visited.

"I feel kind of weird making an appointment but when would you uh- have time?"

"Tomorrow?" Lexa asked and Clarke nodded.

"Sounds good."


The next day went over too quickly for both of them. Lexa stiffened a bit when she heard the door close behind what had to be Clarke in the evening. The blonde entered the living room with a soft smile and fell on the couch next to Lexa.

"Are you sure?" she asked after a while and Lexa nodded. Clarke nodded too.

And then they were quiet. Not at all awkward.

In the end, it was Clarke who carefully took Lexa's jaw in her hand and turned the brunette's head. "Really sure?" she whispered and Lexa nodded again, lips parted in anticipation about what was to come.

Clarke leaned in, and Lexa almost melted into the kiss in a literal way. She'd never known how soft lips could feel. Costia's ofte-

No thinking of Costia, Lexa reminded herself. God, to be honest she didn't even want to think of her.

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