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The next day, Clarke- who had actually planned to well, play her game- turned up in the kitchen with soft pink cheeks and her head held low beneath the mess that was her hair.

Lexa was already standing at the counter with shorts and a sports-bra on and Clarke couldn't help but think back to being at the gym. She wanted to take Lexa again, but she supposed that was not the creative spirit that had made her so excited about seducing Lexa a bit. She should have the self-control to do something else without the thought of Lexa on top of her, grinding and- yeah, without that thought.

When the brunette started telling non-chalant stories Octavia had told her on the phone that day, Clarke decided that she did indeed need to try again and that time, keep the upper hand. The competetive side of her just couldn't stand that very slight smirk on Lexa's face.

Nodding towards what Lexa was telling her, she made herself some breakfast and paid little attention to Lexa's words.

"You okay with that?" Lexa asked then and Clarke jerked her head up a little, her ears growing hot again as she nodded anyway.

"Okay. Are you inviting Raven or should I do that?"

"Do you mind doing it?" Clarke asked, not knowing to what she was supposed to invite her friend to in the first place and Lexa shrugged, taking out her phone and texting probably Raven.

It was late already, two in the afternoon and Clarke was glad her classes had been cancelled. Lexa somewhen left to a second shift of work and luckily, Raven texted her something along 'what movie are we gonna watch?' so Clarke suspected they were planning a movie night together that evening.

I don't know, she replied. Didn't even know we were gonna watch movies.

Lexa said you were okay with hanging out tonight.

I wasn't paying attention and had to say something to her question, but of course I'm okay with it. When are you coming over?

Somewhen around 8 I think.

Is O with you?

Yeah, she's here rn. What have you and Lexa been up to?

Idk Raven, she's hot and I can't unthink thoughts, Clarke texted and could picture Raven shaking her head.

Well are you planning to talk to her?

No, but I'm planning to do very different things to her. The blonde added the smirking emoji just to mock her best friend, who send her a raised eyebrow back.

Ah, I see. Any plans in particular on how to get her in your bed?

She kind of fucked my memory up about it.
I'll find something.

Hold up O is in the kitchen screaming.

Oh, I better be leaving you two to your activities then, Clarke wrote with another smirking emoji.

Fuck off Griffin the house is about to burn down.

Yeah, yeah, have fun.

So that was that. Raven and Octavia were going to stop by that night and they were going to watch a movie. That sounded like a fun opportunity to tease Lexa a bit without her being able to just turn the game that obviously.


Lexa came back from work at 7 to the apartment smelling like good food and Taylor Swift blasting. Dropping her back in the hallway and taking off her jacket first, she then carefully went into the living area, seeing Clarke behind the kitchen counter swaying her hips and singing along while throwing an egg into a pan.

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