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Lexa couldn't concentrate on cooking lunch when they were back home. Clarke had left again claiming she had found herself to have grown and was going to throw her ex's dick away. She was probably getting gummy bears at the store right at the corner of their block.

When Clarke came back, a bag of gummy bears in her hands indeed, Lexa felt bad for wanting to fuck her against the counter right there. She was being gross.

It had been one time, why wouldn't her mind register that and move on?

Clarke put the gummy bears on the counter and let her arms wrap around Lexa's torso from behind. She did that. That wasn't anything Lexa could use to freak out.

"What're you cooking?"

"Just- oh," Lexa breathed when Clarke pressed into her further, probably searching for more comfort, and Lexa's hips were pressed against the counter with Clarke's body fully pressed against her.

Lexa nervously reached for the pot to act like she was doing anything productive.

"Hm?" Clarke hummed close enough by then that Lexa felt her breath tickling her ear.

"Just spaghetti," Lexa got out.

Clarke's hands were on her stomach again, rubbing over it, if it was meant for comfort or to feel Lexa's muscles tense under Clarke's palm, neither of them knew. Lexa didn't think she would get bothered so much by simple physical contact like that.


Clarke didn't leave. She just stayed with her breasts pressed up against Lexa's back and her hips pushed against Lexa's ass, that hot breath against Lexa's neck and the brunette wanted her friend's lips on the skin so badly, she almost pushed Clarke back herself to resist the temptation of turning them around and doing inappropriate things to her. God. When the fuck had she turned so horny?

"Okay," Lexa repeated, feeling stupid not to say anything in return.

"Do you have plans today?"

Were they going to have small talk in that position now? Come on. Clarke was making it hard on purpose.

Just get your shit together and don't focus on- yeah, don't focus on it.

"I have to work later. You?"

"My classes are cancelled for today, so no. I might go out tonight."

"Oh. With who?"

"Finn texted me again," Clarke said and Lexa froze. No.

No, no, no.

"Finn?" she croaked and felt Clarke nodding.

She remembered her heartbreak after she had been about to confess her crush on Clarke in senior year of highschool and Clarke had told her that very day that she had a new boyfriend. They'd been together for two years until they had broken up several months back. Shortly before said break up, Lexa had found Costia. She just really, really hadn't been able to see Finn anymore.

"Didn't he cheat?"

"He said he was sorry. It was a misunderstanding."

Clarke wasn't that stupid, right? Right?


"We can work it out. I love him."




It shouldn't bother Lexa so much but oh boy, it did. It did so much.

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