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Clarke's forehead was resting against Lexa's shoulder as she came down from her high. She was panting and her hands were still clutching the other girl's hips. Fuck, she had known from the start that those thighs would be the end of her.

She moved back a bit so she could look Lexa in the eyes.

Then, the blonde pressed the softest kiss on Lexa's lips. It was out of instinct really, she usually kissed women after she'd slept with them if she wanted to, but once her lips actually touched Lexa's, she almost flinched.

She'd kissed so many people after hooking up imagining it was Lexa, it was crazy to think she actually just had those gorgeous plump lips on hers. She lingered, and she knew it was a mistake before she had even made it.

Because Lexa snaked an arm around her naked waist, and leaned into the kiss in the most innocent way possible, and Clarke was damned then already to never stop thinking about her best friend ever again. She would give so fucking much to just keep those kisses that made her feel so at home a regularity.

But they couldn't be, and Clarke should move away before she would make herself miss Lexa's lips even more. The brunette had a small but satisfied smile on her lips, and Clarke couldn't help but mirror the expression. "Are you okay?" she asked, voice back to normal, making clear that there was an endline drawn with that last kiss.

Lexa nodded and hummed. Her hand moved from Clarke's waist to her ass, resting there shortly before squeezing it gently. Okay so possibly it wasn't such a clear endline then.

Lexa didn't miss out on Clarke's surprised look, but she moved her other hand on the blonde's ass as well and leaned forward so her lips were barely grazing Clarke's ear. "You know it doesn't count as fucking you if you get yourself off on my thigh, right?" she asked in a low whisper and felt a shiver running down the other girl's spine.

Clarke could merely manage a nod. She started to get aroused all over again, and Lexa could feel it.

"Oh, such a good girl getting wet for me again," rasped Lexa in a blind hope that Clarke was somewhat into getting praised. 'Somewhat' didn't really explain the wetness coating her thigh that moment. She latched her lips around Clarke's earlobe, sucking it only shortly before leaving it for an untouched neck. She had kissed some girls that way in the past, but mostly when drunk, so she rather moved on instinct as she left a trail of hickeys down Clarke's neck. Clarke was starting to pant again above her, shoving her hands into Lexa's braided hair and hoping the brunette would pass her pulsepoint.

After a while, she moved her own neck so Lexa would be at the right spot without any searching. "Please, there," she pleaded and was instantly rewarded with teeth softly sinking into her skin and a warm tongue soothing over the bite. Clarke whined, her hips bucking up against Lexa's thigh another time. She definitely wouldn't mind getting off on it again and again and again. Though the imagination of having that tongue currently swirling around the skin of her neck or those fingers trying to wrap around her ass somewhere else wasn't the worst either.

In fact, she was sure she'd die if that wouldn't happen. "Touch me Lexa, please," Clarke breathed. It didn't really need any more for Lexa to flip them around. It did have benefits to train martial arts sometimes.

She continued her work on Clarke's neck while her hands travelled up Clarke's sides until they reached her tits. With careful movements, Lexa rolled the other girl's nipples between her fingers while her teeth nipped at a clear collarbone.

Her fingers soon made place for her mouth as Lexa left hickeys on pale skin, her hands making their way back down painfully slow. Soft pants filled the air, and when Lexa's lips wrapped around Clarke's stiff nipple, the blonde moaned in a way that had Lexa uncomfortable between her legs again.

"Please baby," Clarke whined when Lexa's hands teasingly rubbed her inner thighs, the nickname just slipping from her lips.

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me Lexa, I need you so bad."

Hearing Clarke begging in that raspy voice did it for Lexa. She abandoned the girl's thighs and stopped only to collect some of Clarke's wetness before smoothly sliding two fingers into Clarke. The blonde's body froze for a moment at being filled so suddenly and then she bucked her hips into Lexa's fingers, trying desperately to get some kind of pleasure. Lexa smirked and moved her fingers.

"Good girl taking me like that," she husked and felt a new flood of wetness coating her fingers. Her smirk grew a bit. She didn't even know where the words came from, they just fell from her lips without permission. "You like that? Being called the good girl you are?"

Clarke nodded frantically, still trying to move so Lexa's fingers would go deeper. "Please, harder," she pleaded and Lexa moved her fingers faster.

She curled them after a short while, just trying if it would be any different, but wasn't prepared for the high-pitched moan Clarke let out at it and the way her hips bucked into the air even harder. "Lexa!" she almost screamed and Lexa unwillingly clenched around nothing. How was she getting so aroused by only hearing her name?

So Lexa did it again and again and again, repeatedly hitting that spot that drove Clarke crazy.

"I'm not going to last baby, fuck, I'm gonna cum- fuck!"

Clarke's back lifted from the bed and Lexa could feel the blonde's juices running down her hand before dripping onto the sheets. The girl clenched around her fingers and Lexa was sure she'd come just from the godly moan Clarke let out and the way her almost black eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Lexa tried to do it like Clarke had, moving her fingers through Clarke's orgasm to let her ride out her high. When Clarke felt those fingers still inside her though, her head just fell back again and she felt the waves of pleasure ripple through her again, going straight into a second orgasm.

Her body slumped to the bed exhausted after.


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