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The blonde reached for the other girl's body as Lexa crawled up to her and the first thing she felt was wetness slowly trickling down Lexa's thigh. "Did you get that wet only by fucking me?"

Lexa nodded, her mind blank at the raspy voice her best friend had.

"Hm, do me a favor and ride my face. I wanna taste you again and get you off too."

Lexa's eyes widened at the demand. She waited for Clarke to tell her she didn't mean it, but the woman just stared right back at her. "Are- are you sure?"

"Are you okay with it?"

Lexa nodded again and swung her leg over Clarke to straddle her. Then she crawled up slowly, settling back on the blonde's face. Her hands almost automatically gripped the headboard as Clarke's hands wrapped around her ass.

Carefully, she moved, feeling herself drag over Clarke's waiting tongue. She wasn't able to hold back the moan, moving her hips again and again, her grip around the headboard getting tighter by the second. Lexa could feel Clarke's warm mouth under her, drinking up all her wetness, moaning by the occasion and sending a jolt through Lexa's entire body. "Clarke," she panted. "Fuck. Your mouth feels so good."

Clarke's fingers dug into Lexa's hips at the almost moaned words and she hummed in the pleasure of tasting Lexa. God, what had she done to deserve heaven?

When Lexa felt the vibration of that hum going through her, her hips bucked harder and she felt herself getting closer to the edge. She tripped over it when Clarke slipped her tongue inside of her, moaning again and Lexa's eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Clarke," was the only word she could think of when she was sent into that state of pleasure and satisfaction again.

Once she had come back to her senses, she carefully moved from Clarke's face, seeing the other girl with blown eyes and her skin glistening in Lexa's wetness. "Fuck," the blonde rasped. "That was hot."

Lexa couldn't help but laugh a bit and leaned down to press the softest kiss on Clarke's lips. The other girl hummed satisfied.

"Let's get us cleaned up, huh?"

"Mhm," agreed Clarke sleepily and moved to get up. Even after washing her face and body with cool water, she wasn't out of her post orgasm haze. Lexa wasn't either, so the two girls just stumbled into Lexa's bedroom naked, since Clarke's bed definitely needed new sheets, and fell asleep with their limbs somehow entangled.

They both slept like a stone.


Lexa was the first one to wake up the next morning. She looked around herself, and her eyes found Clarke next to her. Sound asleep, softly snoring and mainly, completely naked. She groaned.


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Well, she had the practice then, didn't she? She could just go to Costia and fuck her.


It totally didn't feel bad.

She left her bedroom to get her clothes from Clarke's. She took Clarke's as well and threw them all in the laundry, together with the sheets. Then she made Clarke's bed, went into her bedroom quietly again and got on some shorts and a sports bra.

Leaving a note saying where she was, Lexa left for a run to get her mind free. She ran an hour and her mind was still as full of Clarke as it had been before. Fuck.

The apartment smelled like scrambled eggs when Lexa came back. She hopped into the shower and got on fresh clothes before entering the kitchen.

Clarke turned around with a slight smile. Not as big as usual. "Morning. How are you?"

"I'm fine, you?"

Clarke nodded and hummed. "Mhm, me too. You want to eat something? You look like you're starving."

"That's nice of you but actually I have to go to work, my co worker is ill and I have to take his early shift."

Clarke nodded again. "Sure. Have fun."

"Yeah, you too. Love you!"

And with that, Lexa had left the apartment again. She actually didn't have to work. She just really wasn't in the mood for an awkward conversation with her best friend and roommate she had fucked the previous night.

She decided to go visit her cousin Octavia instead. And tried to get Clarke out of her head.


Clarke knew Lexa didn't have to work. She saw it in those green eyes she had fallen so bad for. Which made her feel even worse about the entire situation. Lexa had promised not to make anything weird, but Clarke could feel her slipping out of that promise already.

Or maybe she was just heading to Costia's. Probably that was it.

She sighed, ate her breakfast and called Raven.

"Clarke! You haven't called in a while!" the woman greeted her excited.

"Yeah, sorry," replied Clarke quickly. "I um- can I come over maybe?"

"Sure, is everything alright?"

"That's not exactly how you could call it I guess."

"Aw man that sounds a horrible lot like Lexa problems."

"Yeah, you got it."

"Alright, come over."


Clarke hurried to Raven's apartment and was already greeted with a glass of wine. She gratefully took it and entered. Once they sat on Raven's couch, her sister turned towards Clarke.

"So, what is it today? Did she talk about Costia again?"

Clarke shook her head. She took another sip of the wine. "I slept with her," she blurted after a while, eyes on the floor.

Raven looked at her like she was stupid. "Costia? I thought you didn't li-"

"Lexa. I slept with Lexa."

Clarke didn't think Raven had ever shut up that quickly.

"I...Y-you- slept with Lexa?"

Clarke nodded. "Yeah."

"I- what? How?"

The blonde inhaled. "You know, she was insecure about sleeping with Costia. She thought that girl would like her if they sleep together but she didn't know how to, dunno."

"Don't tell me she asked you to- show her."

Clarke pursed her lips and stared at the turned off TV.

"Are you serious?" asked Raven as if Clarke was out of her mind.

"I wanted her to be happy!"

"That doesn't go on your account!"

"Maybe I wanted to say yes!" yelled Clarke and drunk out the entire wine she had in her glass. "Maybe I wanted to say yes," she admitted a bit quieter.

"Oh damnit Clarke not like that," muttered Raven while scooting closer and put her arms around her friend. "Last night?"

Clarke nodded.

"Where is she now?"

"Said she needed to go to work."

"You don't believe her?"


Raven nodded, her head on Clarke's shoulder. "Man I hope you know that's fucked up."

"I love her Raven," Clarke sobbed and turned her head to bury it in Raven's dark hair.

"I know," replied her friend and stroked her back. Then she grinned a little. "So was it good?"

She received a slap on the arm.

"What? I really wanna know!"


hi guys,
thanks so much for reading, would be amazing if you told me what you're thinking or left a vote <33 thanks to everyone supporting this story, stay safe and gorgeous!

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