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A/n pov : Tae took y/n phone and lifted the call . It was lisa , she was in some hurry and she just said what she wana say and cut the call .
lisa : Helo y/n , Iam sorry that i came out and forgot to keep key there the is with me . Please adjust this night in some hotel . I am really sorry y/nieee , And i am not comming to office tomorrow . I will call you later y/n .once again i am sorry byee!!.
Tae pov : I lifed the call and its lisa she talked so fast and cuted the call ,But i don't know what to do now . I can't leave her somewhere else ,So its better to take her to my house .

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Taehyng's house

A/n pov : The car was stopped at taehyung's house , But y/n was still sleeping .He sawed at her chuckled.
Tae pov : why my girl is so cute ,ofcourse sge is cute everytime . But now she is more beautiful . How should i say love you so much but don't had that courage to say you baby .

 How should i say love you so much but don't had that courage to say you baby

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A/n pov : Then suddenly y/n moved moved a littel but but didn't wake .
Tae : o god ! i thought she got up from her sleep .
A/n pov : After sometime he thought her into the the house . so he get out of the car and he lifted her in a bridel style and take walked into the house ,and he kept her on a bed kissed her on her forehead and cameout of the room and sent a maid for her and he went down stairs ,and walked towards the kitchen and said the cheif to cook some iteams for y/n ,In between this y/n got up from her dream world and sawed around to know where is she .
y/n pov : I don't where , when i opened my eyes .I turned around to know where i am .I just remember that i sat in the car of and i slept there it selp . Then suddenly I heared a voice which made me out of my thoughts .
Maid : Oh ! Mam have you waked . Do you want anything mam .
Y/n : No !But where i am now ?!!
Maid : mam your in taehyung house mam.
Y/n : What ?!!!
Maid : ya mam! actually your friend called you .....................
A/n pov : The maid said everything what has happened ,and went to call tae . she said to him he went near the room and stooped by lisining y/n's words .
y/n : Oh Tae do you care for me this much . Actyally I fell for you when i sawed you at our first meet , I wana live life long with but i think i don't have that luck and fait to be with you ,and i don't had that right to call you as tae cuz your in love with lia , and i know you won't love me back but i love you till my last breath .

_________ TO BE CONTINUED _________

I will upload the next part as soon as possible :)

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