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A/n pov : Tae took y/n to their house he called lia and if any important meeting to be held then connect conference call for me . Lia said ok and he hanged up the call .
Lia pov : What the fu*k! How is she alive . How she is escaping from all my plans . (In angry way )

   ...................TIME SKIP ........................

A/n pov : y/n was perfectly alright now , their fathers desided to fix marriage for them again . This time tae desided to arrange high security and he said this marriage will be held here (in his mansion ) . He called his some people and said them to arrange some people who are most trustful for decorating mansion for marriage,and one more thing the decorations should be wonderful and it should done before marriage day (In cold way) . Then they nooded and went from there . The day has came .

Lia pov : How should I stop yhis marriage . Last time by my luck plan was succeeded and i divered tae from that matter ,But how should I stop this today . I think this time i should take risk to kill her .
A/npov : Then lia got an idea she gave an evil smirk and went to kitchen and took some food for y/n and came ear her by mixing high amount of sleeping pills power in it .
Lia : (knock the door ) y/n , Can i get in. ( smiling )
y/n : Ya mam ! (smiling )
Lia : y/n i bought some food for you to eat it , again once the wedding started you can't eat anything upto evening .
y/n : No thanks mam ,I am not hungry .
Lia : I am treating you as my sister y/n ,won't you listen to your sister's words . okwait i will feed you .
y/n : But mam .......
Lia : No but nothing ,Just eat it ok .
A/n pov : Then she just started to feed y/n then tanny ram towards y/n and jumpped on her then it unexpectedly dashed to the plate and the rice fell on the floor .
Lia : Who 's this bloody dog ?!!
y/n : Mam , calmdown its my dog
Lia : oh ok! is it yours . ok i am leaving now . (smile )
y/n : mam if you don't mind can you plz call a person to clean this.
Lia : oh ,sure !
Lia pov : Why this bloody dog just came now ,My plan was totally distubed by that bloody dog . shit ( kick a wall with her hand )

   .................... TIME SKIP ......................

A/npov : y/n sat in her room

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A/npov : y/n sat in her room . Tae came near her by keeping his hands back and hiding somethibg from him .
y/n : Tae what's that ?
Tae : Try to guss it baby .
y/n : Mmm... i don't know !
Tae : Ok close your eyes .
A/npov : y/n closed her eyes and then tae kept a neck set on her neck . Then she opened her eyes . saw the neckless and she was soo happy that even she wana buy these two but she didn't buy two .
y/n : wow tae do you know i really wana buy this but i am happy that you bought this to me .
Tae : Your happyness is important to me baby .
y/n : I am really lucky to have you my  hubbyy .
Tae : Even me my princess .

    ...................TIME SKIP .....................

A/n : y/n went near her father in bridel out fit then her father holded her hand and took her near tae .

By the way ,

By the way ,

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y/n outfit .

tae outfit ,don't mind his expression

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tae outfit ,don't mind his expression .

y/fn : I am giving my sweet heart . never made her sad and don't be cold towards her in any situation . Shower your total love on her.
Tae : ok uncle ! i promise you , she will be always happy with me .I will show her the love 10 times more than you showed her .
A/n pov : Tae took y/n's hand and from her father he holded her hand and moved towards the prist .
Prist : Do you accept kim taehyung as your life patner ?
y/n : Yes !
prist : Do you like to accept jeon y/n as your life patner ?
Tae : yes !
Prist : Now you both exchange the rings .

Prist : Do you accept kim taehyung as your life patner ? y/n : Yes !prist : Do you like to accept jeon y/n as your life patner ? Tae : yes ! Prist : Now you both exchange the rings

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A/npov : Tae took wedding ring and placed it on y/n's ring finger ,y/n did the same they both smiled by looking at eachother .
Prist : Now you both kiss each other . This part mean that to exchange of soles between bride and broom .
A/npov : He explained and tae kept his hand on y/n's waist and pulled her closeto him and said your looking freaking beautiful today my love ,And he looked into her eyes with purest sole Their eyes were locked then tae kissed her lips gently and she kissed him back . They pulled out the kiss cause lack of air . By seeing this lia breaked out into tears ,But she mainted a fake smile on her face .
Lia pov : If she get marriaged ,Why will i leave her , He is mine . I will show her the hell before she die .
A/npov : y/n and tae were married but lia didn't moved on by that she wana kill y/n after their marriage also she tried many plans to kill her , But they didn't effect y/n and they back faced to lia .

   ...................... TIME SKIP ........................


A/npov : y/n was pregnant now and she is waiting for tae but she decided to call and say him about this news . She called him .
y/n : Hello ! Baby your going to become father !
Lia : Hello ! mam , Congrats actually sir was in a important meeting .
y/n : Ok ! mam say him that i called thank you mam !( hanged up the call )
Tae : Lia ! Whose that on call ?
Lia : its y/n mam , sir .
Tae : Oh then give it i will talk to her ,Is it any important .
Lia : No sir , It's not important ,She said that she just called normally to talk with you , and you have very important meeting with our clints .
Tae : ok!
Lia pov : I won't like to see you beside tae . Then how will i like to see your baby .
A/n.pov : Tae went really late than every day .
Y/n : Baby why are you soo late today ?
Tae : Sorry baby , I have a lot of work .
y/n: I am trying to say you a thing since morning ,I called you many times but you haven't lift the call once lia mam lifted the call then i said the thing to her i thought its you then she said me you are in a important meeting and i said say him to call me whenever he is free . But you didn't call me (pout ) .
Tae : really ! What my baby wana say me ?
y/n : Don't you know ?
Tae : No!
y/n : jinja ?
Tae : Jinja !
y/n : ok ! listen my baby is going to have a baby . (smile )
Tae : oh ! that's it , Wait what ?!!
y/n : You dump can't you understand , your going to become father !!
Tae : Really ! I am soo happy (His face lighted as 1000 moon's )

.................TO BE CONTINUED .................

Sorry if there is any mistake :)
hope u guys will enjoy  it 😊

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