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A/npov : After few days y/n went to her regular check-up and came back to their house then lia came near y/n .
Lia : y/n I will take care of you these few months .
y/n : No mam i will mannage , why trouble for you .
Lia : I won't feel it as trouble , I am just treeting you as my sister then how could i feel it as trouble . so don't say no .
y/n : But mam ..
Lia : Don't say me anything i am going take care of you upto your baby can see this world .
y/n : ok!
y/n pov : I can't say no she is asking me very convincingly .
A/n pov : Lia planned many ways to kill y/n and her baby . One day she changed her tablets and in few hours y/n got a seviour stomach pain Tae took y/n immediately to hospital, Lia also went with them . Doctor came out by cheaking y/n .
Doctor : we need to do operation , and can't garenty that they both will come back safely . we can save either mother or child but in some cases both will come out save .
(Tae heart was broken into pieces bylistening that )

........................TIME SKIP .........................


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A/npov : operation was done , doctor cane out

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A/npov : operation was done , doctor cane out . Tae was sat in a sofa present near the operation theatre thinking deeply .
Doctor : , I am really sorry , we tried our level best but we can't save your baby . You can see your wife after shifting her to room .
A/npov : After listening to that lia face has a smile on her face, She changed her expression after she knew that tae was seeing her .Tae saw that but he ignore it for that minute and he went near y/n. She slept on bed and crying a lott . He can't see y/n in that situation but he can't do anything so he went near y/n and started conceal her . then a nurse came near them .
Nurse : Are you .
Tae : ya !
Nurse : Sir doctor is calling you .
Tae : ok ! i will go . I will be back in few minutes y/niee . ( she nooded and he started to walk towars doctor's cabin )
Tae : (know the door ) doctor did u called me .
Doctor : yes ,Mr .kim i called you to say a thing .
Tae : What's that doctor ?
Doctor : Actually your baby was dead when it is in stomatch and so i said it i can't save both mother and child to prepare you for the thing which you are going to liston ,andthe thing why i am saying you this cause your baby did die by a natural reason when i tested her then i found a dangours drug in her body i this cause of that your child was dead . I think your rivels did this wantedly to kill your wife and baby but you brought her in time so that i am abel to save her . As a your family doctor and well wisher i am saying you this take it serious and know who did this orlese they will try again and again to kill y/n.
Tae : Thank you doctor . I will take care of her and i will know about this matter soon as possible .
A/n pov : He bought her to house and placed her on a bed and slept beside her upto she fallen a sleep . But he was just thinking about the situations.
............. Tae pov .............
Lia : Sir ! its a common thing now a days .Accidents are going common there is nothing much to think .
lia : sir ! its y/n mam .
Tae : Oh then give me i will talk with her .
Lia : she said its no a important matter
y/n : Lia mam lifted the call , and i said everything to her by thinking that's you .
Tae : When i mixed up the things she diverted me a lotvwhen ever i take anything serious about y/n . Did she done anything for our baby . If i got to know she is the reason for our baby death i am sure that she can't a live a single second after that . ( In serious voice )
A/npov : when he was thinking seriously about this ; then suddenly he got a call from jimin .
Jimin : Hello ! sir
Tae : ya jimin its me .
jimin : sir i wana say you a thing about y/n kidnap matter .
Tae : ok ; say me .
Jimin : actually on that we thought its done by some of your rivels right but we are wrong its done by Lia she took help from the person who you have been shooted on that day . he is just a part of that kidnap the main guy who planned that kidnap was lia .
Tae : what ?
Jimin : Yes sir ! actually on that day we joined them in a hospital as you said . then doctor said he went to coma due to that gunshort . Today he came out from coma and i came here cause i may get a clue from him but doctor said me that due that gunshort he lost his past memoires . But his people who were there said me about lia .
Tae : Thanks for the information jimin .
jimin : No need of that sir . It's my pleasure to help you .

( hanged up the call )

Tae pov : So the reason for all the disturbances in our life was lia . i won't leave her so easily .

.................... TIME SKIP .......................

A/n.pov : Lia came to tae'shouse and she started to move near y/n .
Tae : Lia stop there ( In a loud cod voice ,y/n ran into hall by his voice ).
y/n : What happened tae ? What did she did ?
Tae : Tell the things what ou have done she is asking right .
Lia : Sir ! what i have done ?
Tae : you bitch don't you know what have you done . Don't try to act in front of me i know ever thing what you have done .
y/n : What's going on here . what are you talking about tae ?
Tae : she kill our baby she tryed to kill you and......( he said everything thing what she has done ).
y/n : You said feel me as your sister and even i truted you and feel you as my own sister but how did you did this for me does any sister do these things ? I didn't expect you will do this to me . ( crying)
A/n pov : Tae bought a gun and pointed it to lia . Then y/n stopped him .
y/n : Leave her tae .
Tae : y/n are you out of your mind . can you understand what she did for our baby .
y/n : yes tae ,lets give her a chance to change .
Tae : But ..
Lia : sorry mam ,sorry for all the things which i have done . I won't do anything from now thanks for saving me mam .

......................TIME SKIP .......................


A/npov : lia got married with kai ,Cause she felt that it all happened cuz of her and he lost his memory . After few months she lia was conceived .

After few months ;

Tae : Baby do you know this news ?
y/n : What's that baby ?
Tae : Lia lost her pregnancy .
y/n : I know and the reason fro that was me . I know you were shocked by this , I said you one thing before did you remember that . If anyone done anything to my loved once's i will give the same thing back to them . If you killed her on that day now she won't experience the pain the sadness which i have experienced . If i say her about this she don't know my feeling by now she will experience that . So i have done this to her .


.......................THE END .....................

Thanks for the guys who are suppoting me . love you all

Sorry if there is any mistake :)


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