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A/n pov : They moved from the spot , jimin said he will drop lisa

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A/n pov : They moved from the spot , jimin said he will drop lisa . Lisa and jimin went in jimin's car . Tae started to his mansion with y/n . y/n sat silently beside tae and thinking about the things said by kai . There is silence between them then tae broke the silence by talking with y/n .
Tae : y/niee why are you so silent talk with me . Don't think about that kidnap comeout of that honey .
y/n : I will ask you a thing !
Tae : what's that honey .
y/n : Who is Ryujin ?
A/npov : He was shocked by listening ryujin's name from y/n . He was shocked and stopped the car suddenly .
Tae : y..y/n !
Tae : ok ! ok y/n stop crying i will explain you every thing but after going to our house .
y/n : so,you really had a girl friend named ryujin . I am such a fool when that kai said to me i didn't belive him even upto now i didn't belive it but ..but why you cheated me without saying me about this before .
Tae : y/n don't cry . i said i will explain you everything right , I am not cheating you dear .
A/npov : He start the car and move towards his mansion . He atopped the car at the house . y/n get out of the car and ran inside by crying and sat on the sofa . Tae came inside near y/n he said to all workers to take leave for today and come tomorrow from afternoon .
Tae : y/n..
y/n : Now say me about ryujin .

y/n : Now say me about ryujin

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Tae : She is my wife . few years back i am bigest mafia king and i know her since my childhood .My appa is mafia king when i am a child i lost my mom when i was small . Then she came into my life from then she is my life ,Days were passed we both became close one day my appa fallen sick so i took his place as king of mafia . I was too  cold in my childhood except to ryujin .After somedays my appa was ok then i said about us to my appa that we wana marry. Even my appa know ryujin since her as a child ,He knows everything about her he accepted for our marriage . we were so happy that my appa accepted for our marriage ,I am so happy on that day in 3 day our marriage will be done and she will be mine forever . In short span the days were completed and its our marriage day I thought it will be the memorabil day in my life but it became the worse one in my life ,Our marriage was completed then i had a small work so i send ryujin in a car to our mansion then the car meet with an accident she was spot dead there . I can't get out of that depression nearly for year . My appa was very sad about me . so i desided to distract my mind from her ,But i can't do it .So i just mafia work a side for fewdays and i came as ceo to my company at that time i saw you ,Aftrr seeing you i just felt like i am seeing ryujin .your way of looks ,heart, thinking about others everything i think so that i love you this much .
y/n : But why didn't you say said me about this before .

y/n : But why didn't you say said me about this before

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Tae : Be ...Because if i say you about it before i thought that you won't accept me . so i didn't said you .
y/n : If i brokeup with you now ,What will you do .
Tae : I won't say anything y/n . it's your life i don't have any rigth to stop you . But i can say just one thing the love on you won't die till my last breath . I wish you should be happy whereever you are .
A/npov : y/n hugged tae from back .
y/n : That's ok if you had another girl in your past than me but you are the only person in my life and anyone can't replace you ,you are my world . I love you forever tae .How can i leave you . Don't cry honey ,I am really sorry .
A/n pov : Tae turned to y/n and
Tae : That's ok honey you stop crying . I promise you that i never hide anything from you . love you love you a lot . But y/n how o you know got to know about ryujin .
y/n : kai said me about her .
Tae : Kai! who is he ?
A/npov : y/n said everything to him about her past and they both hugged eachother tightly its too late night so they slept ,Tae slept my taking y/n into his embrace and y/n slept as a baby doll in his embrace .
sorry if there is any mistake ,
hope you like it :)

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